When God Wugou says the Jue Hun banner, all the gods are disgraced. For a moment, the eyes of the gods changed. Their eyes are full of solemn and stirring and reverence.

Because they all know that once the jueshun banner is used, it will never die. As a caster, God's power will be enhanced violently. But the end is that he will sacrifice his body to the jueshun banner. From then on, he will lose his free body and become a soul in the jueshun banner.

The jueshun banner is a magic weapon of the fairyland.

It was refined by the immortals. Every time the jueshun flag is really sacrificed, the caster, that is, the flag bearer, will die. This is the contract between the flag holder and jueshun banner.

No one is willing to display the Jue Hun banner when they have to!

God said in a deep voice, "if I die, and the enemy hasn't taken it. Then, I hope you can continue to hold the flag and sacrifice the jueshun banner. This time, we can only succeed, not fail. Be sure to take the Jue Hun banner and the grain state tree back to the fairyland in the end! "

God without dirt mourned and said: "brother, why do you have to be like this. We still have more opportunities! "

"No, no dirt, you don't understand! We don't have many opportunities at all. Humans can fail, but we cannot. If we lose, the fate of the whole race will come to an end. " God said without sin.

What else does God want to say? God is innocent and shouts: "no dirt, promise elder brother!"

Shenwugou said with tears: "OK, brother, I promise you

At this time, it should not forget to say: "if elder Wugui fails, I will follow the birth sacrifice!"

"And me!"

"And me!"

All of them stood up and declared their position. At this moment, they united as one

No matter in front of death or irreparable, they will go forward bravely and never look back!

This is the spirit of their race, the immortal spirit!

Wandering for tens of millions of years, wandering for tens of millions of years, depends on this spirit!

They are no longer afraid of any conspiracy.

Tianzhou, the imperial city of Dakang.

The palace, the Queen's bedroom, is also Yongle Palace.

It's late at night.

Xuan Zhenghao's son Xuan Zhiyu is 11 years old. He is good-looking and masculine. He should have lived in his own bedroom, but today, he suddenly missed his father Xuan Zhenghao. So I've been waiting in my mother's palace.

Xuanzhenghao has been refining xuanzhiyu with elixir and all kinds of Taoist Arts for a long time. Now, xuanzhiyu has reached the cultivation of Taixu yichongtian.

That's the starting line.

Like Chen Yang, they didn't come into contact with magic until they were in their twenties. Along the way, it's very difficult. I don't know how many difficulties and obstacles I have to go through. But xuanzhiyu was taught by his father xuanzhenghao since he was a child, and there are endless pills.

But in the end, whether xuanzhiyu can surpass his father in the end is not certain.

Although the parents started late and lack resources, since they can rise, they must have many opportunities and experiences.

The younger generation has enjoyed the benefits, but also less life and death.

Therefore, everything has its advantages and disadvantages.

Xuanzhiyu has to do a lot of homework every day. Xuanzhenghao has hired many famous teachers in the world. He teaches the 36 classics of Taoism, also studies the number of days of the week, and even studies the quantum equation and so on. At the same time, xuanzhenghao himself will take xuanzhiyu to the boat of one yuan to experience the magic of the boat of one yuan.

Xuanzhenghao will also teach xuanzhiyu magic in person.

At the same time, he also worshipped Emperor Xuan as his teacher.

For the sake of Xuan Yu, Xuan Zhenghao has exhausted his efforts.

Wearing a white brocade palace skirt, Queen Yongle looks graceful and luxurious.

Xuanzhenghao is the unparalleled emperor in the world, but today, xuanzhenghao is only the queen of Yongle. In the past, there were some concubines to cover up. But he never touched it. Nowadays, Xuan Zhenghao is in charge of the universe and has a lot to say, so many things are no longer covered up. He was kind to the former Dakang royal family and sent many concubines away.

These concubines, Yongle help to settle together, let them free to choose son-in-law. If you are wronged, you can also come to Queen Yongle for justice.

This is the benevolence of Xuan Zhenghao.

"Mother, when will father come back?" Xuan Zhiyu had finished his homework. He put his pen aside and became impatient.

Yongle looked at the child fondly, and she said, "don't let your father see you like this. Your father doesn't like you to be calm. Don't be so impetuous. You are also a monk now. "

"The Emperor Yu said:" stretched out a tongue to hurt, I don't like the most mischievous

Yongle is helpless.

Although xuanzhiyu has a lot of homework and is tired every day, his character is not gloomy. Because he grew up wrapped up in father's love and mother's love. Moreover, Xuan Zhiyu loves his mother and admires his father very much. He thinks his father is the greatest man in the world."Otherwise, let's go to the boat of one yuan to find our father." Later, xuanzhiyu proposed to Yongle.

Yongle was startled and said, "absolutely not!"

Xuanzhiyu was also startled. He was wronged and said, "why not?"

Yongle said: "your father has a lot of big things to do now, and the boat of one yuan is a mixture of good and bad. If you go to ruin your father's business, it's not good

"I will not." Xuanzhiyu said.

Just as he was talking, there were footsteps. The maid outside called respectfully: "see you, Emperor!"

"Well, let's all step back." Xuanzheng Hao said gently.

Later, xuanzhiyu sees xuanzhenghao walking into Yongle Palace.

Xuanzhiyu was overjoyed. He walked quickly and said, "father He directly rushed to embrace Xuan Zhenghao, but there was no courtier's gift.

Xuanzhenghao also holds xuanzhiyu in his arms and brings him to Yongle.

Yongle got up and said, "Xiaoyu, go and tell them to have imperial food."

"Good!" Xuanzhiyu slipped down from xuanzhenghao and went happily.

Xuan Zhenghao then went forward and gently hugged Xia Yongle, and gave her a kiss on her lips. "How are you today?" Xuan Zhenghao asked.

Yongle blushed a little. They had been married for many years. But their love never subsided. She said with a smile, "everything is OK up and down the court. Your son has been clamoring to see you, but I think he just wants to eat lion's head. "

Xuan Zhenghao laughs and says: "he is strict in daily life. You can satisfy him what he wants to eat."

Yongle said: "you don't understand. Everything should be enough. If he eats too much, he won't feel good. Then I can't feel the happiness at the moment. "

"You always make the most sense!" Xuan Zhenghao said with a smile.

After he sits down, Yongle finds clothes to change for xuanzhenghao.

"Xiaoyu is also a monk. I wonder that he is still addicted to the desire of eating." Yongle said suddenly.

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