Xuanzhenghao said with a smile: "what's the matter? People have different desires. It's not about abandoning desire. Just like us, there are too many complicated things and too utilitarian. That's why I don't care about my appetite. Xiaoyu's path of cultivation is still a little smooth, which is not a good thing. Unfortunately, I have too many enemies, but I dare not let him out. "

Yongle said: "Xiaoyu is still small!"

"But I don't have much time," he said

"Don't say that again. I don't like it." Yongle is angry.

Xuan Zhenghao held her soft jade hand and said, "I hope Xiaoyu can take over the one yuan boat as soon as possible. I hope she can protect you then. Of course, I hope I can protect your mother all the time. "

"As long as you don't do those dangerous things, who can help you?" Yongle said.

"Doing dangerous things is for safety," he said. It's the most unsettled to seek stability. "

"I know that, but..." Yongle's eyes are red.

Xuan Zhenghao embraces Yongle and says, "I'll be fine. Don't worry."

They were warming up when the sound of footsteps came. They quickly separated because they knew that their son had come in.

Xuanzhiyu ran over quickly. He said to xuanzhenghao, "father, when will sister Bingyun come back here to play?"

His sister Bingyun is called xuanbingyun.

It was adopted by Xuan Zhenghao in order to exercise his emotional nerves. Xuan Bingyun is almost fifty years old now. But Xuan Zhenghao gives Xuan Bingyun some pills, so Xuan Bingyun doesn't look old.

Xuan Zhenghao once invited Xuan Bingyun to settle down in Dakang, but Xuan Bingyun didn't want to. She is used to the life of the world. Xuan Zhenghao arranged a rich life for her there. Now, Xuan Bingyun's children are almost grown up.

Nevertheless, xuanzhiyu can only call her sister.

Xuanzhiyu and xuanbingyun met a year ago. A year ago, xuanzhenghao invited xuanbingyun to play for a while.

Xuan Bingyun is grateful to Xuan Zhenghao and loves Xuan Zhiyu. Therefore, xuanzhiyu always remembers xuanbingyun.

"If you have a chance, when you have time, I'll take you to your sister Bingyun." Xuan Zhenghao said.

"Great!" The house of Xuan is joyful. He heard teachers say that many of the world's customs, the land is full of yearning. He also knew that the land was where his father grew up.

The imperial meal came up soon, and the dinner was very enjoyable. After that, xuanzhiyu was also brought back to the palace to have a rest.

"Well?" Just when Yongle is ready to wait on xuanzhenghao to go to bed, xuanzhenghao says.

Yongle asked, "how?"

"Someone wants to see me. It's from yuqingmen." Xuan Zhenghao said.

Yongle said, "do you want me to go with you?"

Xuanzhenghao smile, said: "no, you sleep first."

Yongle said, "all right."

Xuanzhenghao immediately flashed back to the one yuan bridge.

And the person who wants to see Xuan Zhenghao is Yazhen yuan. Yazhen yuan can't find the bridge of one yuan, and is sending out this idea. Xuan Zhenghao felt the idea and immediately found yazhenyuan.

Yazhenyuan was still searching in the empty starry sky. At this time, Xuan was coming with a bright yellow gown. The bridge of one yuan appeared in front of yazhenyuan.

Yazhenyuan stepped onto the bridge of one yuan.

"You want to see me?" Xuan Zhenghao asks yazhenyuan. He couldn't help looking at yazhenyuan more. He was not familiar with yazhenyuan. But I think this nun is good, and her beauty is very vulgar, but it's too cold.

Xuanzhenghao see used to beauty, nature also won't be ya Zhen Yuan confused, just light asked.

Yazhenyuan also feels the majesty of xuanzhenghao. Xuanzhenghao is not familiar with her, but she is familiar with xuanzhenghao. At the beginning, xuanzhenghao burned the prestige of Hunyuan Taiji, and everyone in yuqingmen would never forget it.

Yazhenyuan took a deep breath. For a moment, she didn't know how to speak.

Xuan Zheng Hao pours also not anxious, he looks at ya Zhen Yuan like this.

Yazhenyuan took a deep breath and said, "I have one thing to ask you."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Xuan Zhenghao didn't refuse people thousands of miles away.

Yazhenyuan said, "but first of all, I hope you can keep this secret for me forever."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "I don't know what it is."

Yazhenyuan said: "you must promise, I can say."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "if you don't say it, I can't promise first."

Yazhenyuan said, "I'm not sure." She gritted her teeth and said, "it's about Chen Yang, but I don't want Chen Yang to know."

"About him?" Xuan Zheng Hao is a tiny Zheng. He thought about it and said, "OK, I promise you!"Yazhen yuan hugged his fist and said, "thank you very much."

"Now you can say it," he said

Yazhenyuan said, "I Chen Yang and I were on the 18th floor of hell in Yuqing world, and something happened. After that We have a child. But Chen Yang didn't know about it before he died. Tomorrow's war, I'm afraid there will be some mistakes, I hope If anything happens to me, you can help me raise this child. If I can survive, we'll treat it as if nothing happened today, OK

Xuanzhenghao body shock, he was a little surprised, surprised at Chen Yang's romantic. What's more, I caught such women.

Xuan Zheng Hao took a deep breath and said, "there is no problem with your request. But I have some questions to ask. "

Yazhenyuan said, "ask."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "why didn't Chen Yang know?"

Yazhenyuan said, "it was an accident and a shame to me. Do you understand? But the child is innocent. I used to hate Chen Yang, but now I can't talk about hate, but I can't talk about love. But it's no use saying that now. He's dead, and I don't want to mention him any more. "

Xuan Zhenghao said: "it seems that there is a story in it. However, children have the right to know who their father is. I think Chen Yang will be very happy if he knows about the child. "

"I don't want him to know." Yazhenyuan said, "besides, he can't know."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "well, I respect what you mean."

"Do you need to verify the child's blood?" Yazhen yuan continued to ask.

"No, you don't lie," he said Yazhenyuan said, "thank you very much."

Xuanzhenghao said with a faint smile: "in fact, you can rest assured. Now that you have children, I will never let anything happen to you. Compared with your arrangement, what children need most is Mother

Yazhen yuan Jiao's body trembled slightly, and then she said, "thank you!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "however, you can put the child here first. After all, nothing is absolute. "

Yazhenyuan said, "good!"

Xuan Zhenghao then said: "I said if, if tomorrow, if I didn't protect you, you had an accident. I think that a child without a mother should know his father.... "

"Her father is dead. What do you mean? Are you... " Yazhen yuan was surprised. She's absolutely smart, too.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't hide it either. He said, "you have to keep this secret. Chen Yang is not dead. He's fine. It's in the boat of one dollar. "

"How is that possible?" Yazhen yuan can't believe it. Her mood is extremely complicated

She is happy for Yaluo, but she feels that if Chen Yang dies, it may be a relief for her and her children.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "Chen Yang is the chosen son of heaven, the king of destiny. He can't die like this. I hope you can keep it secret when I tell you this. Otherwise, those immortal envoys will never die for Chen Yang. Whether you have feelings for Chen Yang or not. But it's his father's child. If the child knows in the future that her mother has killed her father, how cruel it will be for her. "

"I understand!" Yazhen Yuan said.

After that, yazhenyuan gives Yaluo to xuanzhenghao, with the magic weapon. Therefore, Yaluo doesn't know what happened outside.

After all, the little guy is too small.

Xuan Zhenghao doesn't want to disturb Ya Luo for the time being. Everything will wait until tomorrow.

At the same time, xuanzhenghao also discusses with yazhenyuan. If there is anything wrong with her yazhenyuan, he will tell Chen Yang the truth afterwards.

Yazhenyuan finally agreed.

Xuan Zhenghao then said: "I will give the child to my wife to take care of after, this is not against our agreement?"

Yazhenyuan said, "no!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "that's good!"

Then yazhenyuan thanks again and leaves. After Yazhen yuan left, Emperor Xuan also appeared on the bridge of one yuan.

"You're eavesdropping again, you fellow!" Xuan Zheng Hao headache said.

Emperor Xuan laughed and said, "if you don't want me to eavesdrop, you will block me. If you don't have a screen, I'll take it as your permission. " After a pause, he continued, "how can you tell this woman all these important secrets. Are you not afraid of cheating? "

"Everyone thought Chen Yang was dead, so there was no need to cheat him," Xuan said

"Don't you doubt your own judgment every time?" Emperor Xuan said.

"Not at all!" Xuan Zhenghao said.

After that, Xuan Zhenghao went back to Yongle Palace. He simply told Yongle about it. Yongle was quite surprised. What surprised her even more was what was going to happen in the one yuan boat tomorrow.

Xuan Zhenghao is very determined and tells Yongle not to worry. Yongle still trusts Xuan Zhenghao. Besides, she is very confident in the boat of one yuan, so she doesn't worry too much.After that, Xuan Zhenghao didn't sleep, and then he went back to the boat of one yuan.

"I suddenly felt a little uneasy." Xuan Zhenghao meets Chen Yang and Emperor Xuan on the bridge of one yuan. He says, "my intuition is always accurate. I'm afraid that the battle tomorrow is not as simple as I think."

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