For Xuan Zhenghao's worry, Chen Yang and Emperor Xuan don't know how to help. Hao Xuan can only obey their orders. Chen Yang still likes to cooperate with Xuan Zhenghao against the enemy. He will feel relaxed and secure. It's not like at other times, in other places, if there is no Xuan Zhenghao, then Chen Yang is the backbone.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't expect Chen Yang and Emperor Xuan to give any ideas. At last, he just murmured: "die and live!"

No one understood the meaning of his words, and no one knew his specific plan.

Chen Yang is all listen to Xuan Zhenghao's arrangement anyway. Although Chen Yang doesn't like the envoys, he won't have any hesitation in the face of right and wrong.

Afterwards, Chen Yang and Emperor Xuan are also waved by Xuan Zhenghao to let them have a rest first.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't tell Chen Yang about ya Luo. Since he agreed to ya Zhenyuan's request, he would help ya Zhenyuan keep the secret.

He still has this character.

At dawn that day, the grand array of xuanzheng had been laid out. He hid Chen Yang in the center of the big formation, which was something that no one knew except Emperor Xuan and Xuan Zhenghao.

Chen yangzang is in the center of the great array, which means to tell elder lingzun that the grain state tree is here. Come and grab it.

Thousand purple dust they think Xuan Zhenghao under is false bait, but don't know, Xuan Zhenghao to spirit elder people put is absolutely true bait.

Xuan Zhenghao put all the people into the array.

The vast array, like a star checkerboard, seems simple but complex. Among them, there is the magic of peerless space, and the power of all things of the thousand purple dust. Xuan Zhenghao also inspired some mysterious equations of the boat of one yuan, and so on.

Through the array, gather all the strength of the people together, controlled by Xuan Zhenghao. And thousands of purple dust beside!

Everyone stands in their own position.

It seems that the sky is vast. In fact, as an outsider, it is a circle.

The core of the array is in the middle of the circle. Chen Yang is hiding in the round spot. He will absorb a lot of strength at that time. At the same time, Dazhen will be integrated with him to help him store his strength. Originally, this big array will automatically absorb power, and then used by Xuan Zhenghao. But Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao discuss it and decide to let Chen Yang absorb and secretly control the array.

As for qianzichen and Pangu banners, they are also places where people want to gather their strength. This big array is called one yuan death array! Cycle to life, endless!

After all these arrangements, Xuan Zhenghao's next task is to wait.

It's morning.

It's near June, sunny and sunny.

This kind of sunshine gives people peace and hope.

Xuan Zhenghao is standing on the bridge of one yuan, and the rest of the people have entered the battle.

Chen Yang is at the core of the array, and only Xuan Zhenghao can communicate with him.

Chen Yang can also see every master in the array through the array. He can also feel the pure Yang pill around the core of the array.

Chen Yang, wearing black armor, is very brave. This black armor is the black hole crystal, which is now changeable. It can be turned into black robes, armor, black holes, huge swords, warships and so on. It is more powerful and magical than the Ruyi golden cudgel in myth and legend.

Chen Yang saw the sun shining in, and there was a breeze blowing in on the one yuan bridge. Xuan Zhenghao wore a bright yellow robe and a purple gold crown. His face was handsome and steady, like the calm atmosphere of Yuanyue.

"The emperor!" Chen Yang's idea is transmitted to Xuan Zhenghao's ears.

"Are you nervous?" Chen Yang asked.

Xuan Zhenghao was slightly stunned, and then said: "when I faced the Hunyuan Taiji painting of yuqingmen, my pressure was no less than today. But in the end, I have the power of the world. Yuqingmen also has the power of the world Today, no one has the power of the world, but the other is the strong one of the six aspects of creation. I can't figure out what cards they have when they dare to come. "

"Why are you sure they will come?" "After all, they haven't come yet," Chen said

"Intuition," he said

"Intuition?" "It's hard to imagine that you are relying on intuition," Chen said

"Judgment is wrong, but intuition is not," Xuan said

"So, are you nervous?" Chen Yang asked.

Xuan Zhenghao nodded and said, "that's right!"

"But I can't see it at all." Chen Yang said.

"I'm used to it," he said

Chen Yang immediately understood what his habit meant. Xuan Zhenghao is used to covering up all his emotions.

At this time, Chen Yang's heart also gave birth to a kind of unspeakable sense of depression.

He understood it immediately.

"Here it is Xuanzheng Hao said in a deep voice.

Chen Yang was ready to fight.At this time, the inner space of the pagoda and the boat suddenly changed, like everything around, and seemed to be transparent. Look up, is the sky, the ground is the imperial city.

But it's just a fake!

The imperial city is shrouded in the boat of one yuan. As long as the boat of one yuan exists, no one can move the imperial city.

The bridge of one yuan stands in the sky, like the bridge of the sky.

The rest of them are hiding in the Yiyuan death array.

So, the scene is like xuanzhenghao standing alone on the bridge of the sky to meet the enemy.

Then, God's sinless line of experts, yingyingchuo, all killed.

After that, they fell on the bridge of Jiyuan.

God's innocence is still in the first place. God has no dirt, so we should not forget it. The rest of the gods and even human experts are behind. Tang Yin is on the right side of God's innocence!

"It seems that we have nothing to say." God innocent gaze Xuan Zheng Hao, a word says.

Xuan Zheng Hao nodded, also light said: "really nothing to say."

"Our goal is not you. Why do you want to be our enemy?" God said in a deep voice.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "no matter whether your target is me or not, lingzun is the enemy of mankind."

"Maybe, you don't know, it was the emperor of the universe who expelled US innocently. When we come back now, we are just returning to our home. " God said without sin.

"I can't control so much right and wrong in the past. I only know that since the history of mankind, the earth has been our home. We will not allow any alien invasion! " Xuan Zhenghao said.

"It seems that you are full of confidence!" God said without sin.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "we shouldn't have said such nonsense. You've already sensed the grain country tree, which is in the core of the array. If you want to take it, it depends on your ability to wait. "

His innocent dialogue with God was heard by everyone present, including qianzichen and others.

Thousand purple dust and others have no doubt, just think this is Xuan Zhenghao's plan. They know that Xuan Zhenghao really put the grain country tree in the middle of the core of the array.

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