God nodded innocently. He no longer spoke.

The war between the two sides is triggered instantly.

God is not guilty. He just puts out a palm. The power of this palm contains the power of Prajna wisdom. It doesn't look fast, but Xuan Zhenghao's cultivation can not escape. But it happened that he had explored the past with this palm, but it was empty.

God is not guilty, Xuan Zhenghao in front of him looks ethereal.

"This is the interior of the boat of one yuan. Here, I am the Creator!" Xuan Zheng Hao light says.

God sneered and said, "is that right? Today, even if you are the creator, I will let you be doomed! " With a big wave of his hand, he sacrificed the Jue Hun banner!

The Jue Hun banner is red and black, full of evil spirit.

Jue Hun banner instantly enveloped the bright sky, with black evil spirit all over it.

And all the lingzun masters and the human masters they brought, including Tang Yin, also integrated into the jueshun banner. This jueshun banner will be wrapped up and down, forming a small world!

"The array in the array!" Xuan Zhenghao is still standing on the bridge of one yuan, and his surroundings have been replaced by black evil spirit. He was just slightly stunned.

God's innocence and others all disappeared. In the dark void, the voice of God's innocence appeared in the sky of xuanzhenghao.

"Xuan Zhenghao, I know you have many skills. I also know the power of your one yuan boat, but this Jue Hun banner is no less than Pan Gu banner. But the difference is that the Jue Hun banner is my magic weapon. I know it like the palm of my hand, but you may not be able to give full play to the power of ancient banners. Now, I've gathered all the power of the gods in one furnace. In half a column of incense, everything here will be assimilated by the jueshun banner! At that time, no one can reverse your defeat! " God is not guilty.

"You said too much!" Xuan Zheng Hao light says.

On the one yuan bridge, xuanzhenghao is still calm.

He is like a lonely warrior in the dark, no matter in front of the abyss or beyond redemption, he will never look back.

At this time, Xuan Zhenghao drank softly: "then, break it!"


As his voice fell, the darkness around him began to shatter. In the depths of the darkness, the golden light flickered.

The darkness is like the ocean, the golden light is like the waves, the waves roll, suddenly, all the darkness and evil spirit are broken.

Xuanzhenghao mobilized everyone's mana, but he didn't let qianzichen display Pangu banner. Then in one move, he broke the cover of Jue Hun banner.

Just because it's a one dollar boat. The jueshun banner covers the small world, but it's still a boat of one yuan. The powerful array of the boat of one yuan is launched and strangled together with the interior to break the dark evil spirit.

God's innocence was still, and the flag changed several times in the air. Finally, it turned into a black robe and was put on God's innocent body.

All the masters have already attached themselves to Jue Hun fan.

God is sinless and stands in the air in a black robe.

His face is dignified and solemn, and he has no wind!

Xuan Zhenghao also stares at God's innocence in the void. He doesn't speak, but feels.

At this time, the sign of God's sinlessness is forming the seal of Dharma, and the mana is flowing.

The flow of mana and the flag of the dead soul began to merge, and the sound of flowing water began to be heard. Later, it turned out to be the sound of shaking the sky and the sea.

"Sacrifice your soul and mana!" Xuanzhenghao immediately understood, and he didn't speak much. He immediately issued orders to qianzichen.

"Pan Gu fan, attack at once, don't let him succeed. Once it's successful, it's very troublesome! " Xuanzheng Hao said in a deep voice.

Thousand purple dust has already been ready, after smell speech, that many pills quickly burn. Including Xuan Zhenghao, everyone's mana is extracted.

The pure Yang pill burns up and forms a fierce divine flame. The divine flame soars to the sky. All of it turns into energy and melts into the body of qianzichen. Thousand purple dust's own mana is like the sea and prison, endless. At the moment, with the blessing of the boat of one yuan and others, she is even more powerful.

The Pan Gu banner boomed out, making a sound of hunting.

Kaitian blade, Shengli

Holy power rolling, smashing the sky!

"Just kill!" Xuanzheng roared: "Pangu banner already has the power of my one yuan boat, and Tang Yin, the evil star, is dead when he comes up!"

In fact, Xuan Zhenghao is not sure whether his blessing power can kill Tang Yin. After all, Tang Yin had holy power in his body.

However, Xuan Zhenghao is not afraid at all. Because he believed that Tang Yin did not dare to pick up Pan Gu's banner at all.

God is innocent, naturally believe Xuan Zhenghao's words, there will let Tang Yin to die.

The power of Pangu banner is sent out quickly, the holy power forms purple, the purple air is strong, and finally forms a huge axe!

This big purple axe came out of the sky and killed the innocent head of God.

This purple giant axe is the power of the God's axe.At the beginning, the God axe could not really open the sky, after all, the earth is not like the myth, it needs to be divided into two.

But when the five elements reopen, the earth is full of endless poisonous gas and chaotic gas. At that time, it was Pangu, the great God, who split the chaotic Qi with an axe, and restored the world's purity. In this way, everything can be revived.

The holy power in the axe smashes the power of space and time. At this time, he cut the head of God's innocence. God's innocence did not dodge, and the ax immediately split his whole man in two. Then, Kaitian God's axe fell into God's sinless body.

But God's innocence did not disappear.

He soon It's recovered.

Another one can't be killed.

No, it can't be said that God is not guilty and can't be killed. But God is not guilty, now it is the flag of the dead soul.

God will have a time to burn incense!

In this time of burning incense, God's innocence can completely control the jueshun banner. After burning incense, God's sinless self-consciousness will disappear. He will blend into the jueshun banner and become the soul of the jueshun banner. From then on, he is only a part of a magic weapon.

This is why the jueshun banner is so terrible.

Because there are many outstanding spirits in the jueshun banner!

God's sinless and absolute soul flag completely devoured the power of the God's axe, and God's sinless eyes burst out the essence of terror.

"The power of your axe is far from that of Pangu." God said sinlessly. Then, God's innocent body flashed, and he rushed to xuanzhenghao. Haozhou and his figure can be integrated there.

He is everywhere, or everywhere.

But God is not guilty of this catch, but is directly locked Xuan Zhenghao's real body. Xuan Zhenghao can't help but be shocked. He feels that his surrounding time and space has been fixed, and he even loses his mind.

He should not have felt the passage of time, but because he was in the boat of one yuan, he still felt that he was settled.

God's innocence shows the soul power of dominating the universe in the Jue soul banner, and instantly freezes Xuan Zhenghao. This is more powerful than Chen Yang's tactics.

Xuan Zhenghao's cultivation also created a dual environment. He relied on the boat of one yuan, and was unable to return to heaven at this time.

God is innocent. He knows that the source of everything is xuanzhenghao. Kill xuanzhenghao. These people are all local people!

Thousand purple dust also know Xuan Zheng Hao is the key, so, she also follow hand.

Pangu banner launched again, just a wave of the flag!

A holy force cuts over and smashes the space-time around Xuan Zhenghao. Xuan Zhenghao instantly regained his freedom, so he shuttled directly.

The God was not guilty, and then he caught nothing.

God is innocent, cold hum a, way: "thousand purple dust, I then first broke you this Pan Gu fan!" He once again shuttled through the great battle of death.

The location of qianzichen in the big array is very secret, but God is innocent, but he also finds qianzichen accurately.

God is innocent and sneers, but he doesn't attack qianzichen first. Instead, he goes to find other people who hide in the array and deliver mana to qianzichen. The first master he found was yuntianyuan, the first master of yuntianzong.

Although yuntianyuan is the triple cultivation of the creation environment, he didn't even hum. He was covered by the jueshun banner, which turned into a pool of blood and was collected into the jueshun banner.

The rest of them were shocked and wanted to run away immediately.

"Don't panic!" Xuan Zheng Hao roared: "now, no one can live. Thousand purple dust, can't Pangu banner even kill soul banner? Aren't you on yet? "

"But, left array position, your strength?" Thousand purple dust said.

"I'll hold your position for you. I'll deliver all the mana to you!" Xuan is Hao a flash between, came to thousand purple dust original position. Thousands of purple dust immediately flashed out, stopped in front of God's innocence. Thousands of purple dust will be a display of the ancient banners, also turned into a yellow robe, draped in her body.

The boat of one yuan is mighty, and many mana, such as thunder and fury, are all transported to the Pan Gu banner.

Thousands of purple dust on the Pangu banner, thunder Zizi.

God's innocence roared, and the Jue Hun banner turned into a dark god, as huge as a mountain!

In this dark god, hundreds of millions of ghosts howl together, and the wind is piercing. The devil opens his big mouth and devours the thousand purple dust.

Thousand purple dust was surprised, she knew that once swallowed, Jue Hun flag could play a greater power. Moreover, xuanzhenghao's power is difficult to transport in again.

Thousand purple dust changes faster, the demon God devours, thousand purple dust's body shape changes, together with Pangu banner into a golden God of war.

The golden God of war is thousands of feet higher than the dark god.

The Pan Gu banner was draped on the female god of war, and the holy power rolled in the banner was like a tsunami. The golden God of war is just a punch in the face of the devouring of the dark god.

The power of that fist was wrapped by the holy power of Pangu banner, smashed the time and space again, and shot out towards the head of the demon God.The dark god devours the fist power directly, and then turns into a dark python. The dark Python is winding towards the female god of war, and still wants to break the connection between qianzichen and xuanzhenghao.

Thousand purple dust and where can give God the chance of innocence.

She roared, and suddenly the holy power and mana merged in her body, exploding endless holy thunder!

Thunder and lightning rolling, holy power explosion, is to let the dark Python can't get close.

"Roar!" The dark Python roars

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