Along with Tan Lao, Ya Zhenyuan left.

Xuan Zhenghao has returned Ya Luo to ya Zhenyuan, which happened in private. Anyway, in the boat of one yuan, Xuan Zhenghao can not let others know what he wants to do. Yazhenyuan also said thank you. She didn't ask or say anything more.

From the beginning to the end, Chen Yang came back from the dead and did not look at yazhenyuan. In his eyes, there is no place for yazhenyuan. But Yazhen yuan's eyes on Chen Yang are more complicated.

Love bitterness, life bitterness, infatuation is always heartless bitterness!

Although yazhenyuan has no love for Chen Yang, she knows in her heart that he is the father of the child. But Chen Yang did not know that he had another daughter.

If he knew, he would be ecstatic.

After Tan Lao and they all left, Emperor Xuan went to deal with his own affairs.

Chen Yang is facing Xuan Zhenghao.

Xuanzhenghao light said: "ask, I know you have a lot to ask me."

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "you lied to tan Lao."

"Obviously," he said He then said, "the reason why they lie is because they are useful. I'm going to depend on them to hang that group of lingzun. "

Chen Yang said: "when I left, qianzichen was still there. What happened to her? "

"I killed her and robbed Pangu banner." Xuan is Hao flat light said.

"What?" Chen Yang was shocked. There was a complicated look in his eyes: "emperor, I always respect you. Qianzichen is a friend now. We fight with each other. She trusts you. She trusts you all. How can you kill her at this time? Are you just for Pan Gu fan? "

"Not bad!" Xuanzhenghao said with a smile, "do you suddenly feel that I am mean?"

"Such behavior is really shameful!" Chen Yang was a little angry and said frankly. He then said, "I'm Chen Yang. I'm not compassionate, but at least I'm open and aboveboard."

When he said it was aboveboard, he suddenly felt a pain in his heart. He couldn't help thinking of the only thing he had done in his life. That can't be said, it's not fair enough. That is, he did something to yazhenyuan that he shouldn't have done.

Xuan Zhenghao didn't know the mess in Chen Yang's mind. He suddenly said, "I really envy you."

Chen Yang a Leng, say: "envy me?"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "you can be aboveboard, you can sail a thousand sails and come back as a teenager. It's so good that you can still criticize me so justly. " He took a deep breath and said, "but, Chen Yang, have you ever thought that not everything in the world can be clean. Dirty work needs to be done. "

"Kill qianzichen and get Pangu banner. It seems to have great benefits, but in the future, as long as things will come to light. I'll be in no small trouble then. But I don't care, because it's only after our eyes that we have a future. If I don't kill qianzichen, then qianzichen will continue to catch you after his injury recovers. She's got Pangu banners. It's hard to deal with. Of course, I didn't do it for you. After the event, qianzichen can pat his ass and leave with Pangu banner. And she'll leave us a lot of mess. But if you kill her, many things can be solved. With Pangu banner, I will be more solid in the future. One day, lingzun will attack and kill, and the earth will have a better chance of winning. "

Chen Yang is speechless.

"Perhaps you are right." Chen Yang thought about it and said. He then said, "but whether I like it or not. Now that you have done something, I will bear the blame of fairyland together with you in the future. "

Xuan Zhenghao laughed and said, "good, very good."

Chen Yang then said, "yes, I have an appointment tomorrow."

Xuan Zhenghao said, "hmm?"

Chen Yang immediately talked about his engagement with Tang Yin.

After hearing this, Xuan Zhenghao said, "I will abide by your agreement and never interfere. However, I would like to remind you that the gods also want to get back the seeds of the grain, state and divine tree. They will arrange for Tang Yin's backhand. You should be more careful. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Well!"

Xuan Zhenghao said: "tomorrow, Tang Yin is not allowed to use the jueshun banner. If you dare to use the jueshun banner, I will kill you immediately. Tell him that in advance! "

Chen Yang said, "that's right!" After thinking about it, he said, "but the Jue Hun banner is not afraid. It's afraid that there are other experts hiding in the Jue Hun banner."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "that's what I'm worried about. If he insists on using the jueshun banner, you say your magic weapon is the boat of one yuan. I'll kill them

Then Chen Yang laughed.

After that, Chen Yang invited huohongjin to live in his residence. Including Li tianruo and Jian Hongchen are invited by Chen Yang.

Others continued to practice in the boat of one yuan. Xuanzhenghao gave these people a lot of elixir and aura, and we are very happy to live here.Chen Yang also knows that we can't let people return to the standard. After all, the threat of lingzun has not been completely removed.

Xuan Zhenghao tells Chen Yang that if he can completely integrate Pangu banners into the one yuan boat, then he will be able to monitor the whole Tianzhou. When something goes wrong there, he can go to arrange the strength in time.

"Tianzhou and the world come down in one continuous line. If there is any danger in the world, then I hope Tianzhou can be on top of it. In the past, they wanted to replace the world with Tianzhou, which is impossible. But Tianzhou can be a candidate. " Xuan Zhenghao said so.

Chen Yang has to admire Xuan Zhenghao. He has come step by step from the weak Dakang. After decades, he has made Dakang the strongest in almost 3000 years of the world. This is really incredible!

Chen Yang and Huo Hongjin, litianruo, jianhongchen and others return to the residence of the Marquis of Zhenguo.

Nie Meiniang seems to have become the former housekeeper in the Marquis's house. However, there is no master in the Marquis's mansion, and there is really not much to worry about.

Nie Meiniang is under such circumstances, waiting for Chen Yang to return.

Chen Yang comes back with his friends.

Nie Meiniang is happy and relieved to see Chen Yang return safely. Nie Meiniang's mood is very complicated. She wants to leave, but she is afraid that she will bring trouble to Chen Yang again.

Meet again, after all Things are different from people!

Nie Meiniang has long been concerned and no longer has any emotional illusions about Chen Yang.

This evening, the guests and the host enjoyed themselves. Chen Yang also talks with Nie Meiniang a lot, and helps Nie Meiniang sort out her magic power, helping her to ascend to Taixu jiuchongtian.

After all, the master of creation is extraordinary. It's no problem to upgrade one level of skill.

Chen Yang also talked a lot with jianhongchen and about Mingyue xianzun and Qiao Ning.

For tomorrow's World War I, Chen Yang seems very calm.

This calm is not blind arrogance, but a kind of bearing and atmosphere.

At night, in the chalk world, it is not peaceful at this time.

In Tianlong temple, shenwugou became the leader. He has just mended the flag, but it will take a long time to mend it thoroughly.

In the meeting room of Tianlong hall, the meeting begins.

The atmosphere of the meeting was bitter and indignant.

They have sacrificed God's innocent elder in vain, and they have been fooled by Xuan Zhenghao.

At the same time, they also know about the engagement between Tang Yin and Chen Yang tomorrow.

"Not to mention that Chen Yang is extremely eccentric. Tang Yin, you may not be an opponent. Even if you beat him, I don't believe that Tianzhou will allow you to take Chen Yang away. These people are the most cunning and dishonest. This place of engagement should never be in Tianzhou! " Said a master of lingzun. This master of lingzun is the third level of creation. He belongs to the killer force sent by the emperor Tianguo boat. It's called Bo 3000!

Bo 3000 sighs.

"Hum!" Tang Yin was very dissatisfied with Bo 3000's words: "I'm going to kill him. It's as easy as killing him. This time, I won't give him another chance! "

A strong hatred flashed through his eyes.

"If it was so easy, would he make an engagement with you?" Another master of creating three kinds of environment said. This master is called Lai northwest. Lai northwest said: "Chen Yang is not a fool."

Tang Yin snorted, but did not speak.

He felt that he could not discuss anything with such a group of idiots after all.

Shenwugou also opened his mouth. He said, "no matter what, tomorrow Tang Yin and Chen Yang will have a decisive battle. Tang Yin devoted himself to our spiritual respect. We should thank him and try our best to help him

"Since Chen Yang dares to fight, he must rely on something!" Should not forget to say in one side: "Tang Yin still can't take it lightly! Tomorrow, you take the jueshun banner, we are all hidden in the jueshun banner, plundering the array for you! "

"That's a good idea!" God without dirt is also on the face of a joy, "Jue Hun fan is a magic weapon, against the war, there is no violation.". So you're sure to win! "

"How can that be?" There will be human experts speaking soon. "I don't think you think the question is too simple?"

This time, all the human experts attended the meeting.

This human master is a remake of the realm of creation. He comes from the realm of Donghuang in three thousand worlds.

His name is Zhao Ping!

Zhao Ping said: "Xuan Zhenghao is a man with many tricks. This time, you should also see that you want to hide in the jueshun banner. What if he just wants you to go there and then catch us all again? "

"That's true!" He was scared.

Their brain circuit is a little more simple.

Tang Yin is a brute who doesn't use his brain very much.

Zhao Ping said: "one step back, even if Xuan Zhenghao has no tricks. You adults say that master Tang can use the Jue Hun banner. Xuan Zhenghao says that the boat of one yuan is Chen Yang's magic weapon? In my opinion, in tomorrow's war, we have to make it clear that there is no need to use the magic weapon. Unless it is refined by itself, the magic weapon of integration with the body can be used. ""Mr. Zhao, your statement is quite correct!" Shenwugou immediately looked at Zhao Ping with new eyes.

In fact, Zhao Ping is not for the spiritual masters, but he doesn't want to die with him!

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