"You don't have to fight any more." At this time, Tang Yin suddenly said leisurely.

"Well?" All lingzun and human experts looked at Tang Yin.

With a sneer, Tang Yin stood up and said, "I have my own plan!" After he finished, he left the conference room.

This guy's attitude is arrogant enough. But now Tang Yin is also a triple cultivation of creation, and his skill is eccentric. Such a helper, that is, God without dirt also need more respect. In addition, Tang Yin will have to fight against Chen Yang tomorrow, so the spirit of God without dirt is very tolerant of Tang Yin.

After Tang Yin left the conference room, the atmosphere of the conference room was once awkward. Shenwugou solved the embarrassment and said: "Tang Yin is a genius of Tianzong. Since he said that he has arrangements, we believe in his arrangements."

Should not forget to sigh, said: "it can only be so. It's just

Shenwugou said, "just say what Mr. Ying wants to say."

Should not forget to say: "now, God is no longer innocent elders.". In my opinion, Tang Yin's chances of winning tomorrow are not very good. In the future, it will be difficult for us to take away the grain, the country and the divine tree again! "

Shen Wugou's face sank down and said, "it's really not easy."

The crowd fell into a kind of silence.

At this time, Nabo 3000 said: "elder Wugui, the time is rare. We miss today, and the power of mankind will grow in the future. At that time, it will be even more difficult for us to capture the grain, the country and the divine tree. The imperial Tianzhou side is too far away from us. It will take three years to take the shortcut. We will try to get in touch with Tianzhou in the future, so that they can send experts as soon as possible. However, elder Wugui, do you think you can discuss with the fairyland and the elders to send some experts who are comparable to or even superior to the innocent elders

The gods in the fairyland have absolute power of terror. Otherwise, it's not enough for the fairyland experts to fear. At the beginning, the elders of lingzun who went to the fairyland were all the elites in the imperial Tianzhou. After thousands of years of development, the elders of the spirit have already had their own power in the fairyland. Their strength is beyond the imagination of imperial Tianzhou.

There is not much time left for imperial Tianzhou

After so many years of development, the imperial heavenly boat gave birth to everything of the spiritual masters. Of course, the transcendent masters in the spirit Zun can leave the Tianzhou, and the Tianzhou will be destroyed. They can also exist. However, most of the spirit statues in Tianzhou are doomed. Tianzhou is their home, and they can never give up their home.

In the imperial sky boat, there are also masters with the power of the world. But these experts are afraid of Yuanjue and dare not come here. So before, I have been sending those experts who have no power of the world to act secretly.

At present, Yuanjue is no longer available.

Then, of course, there will be actions on the side of imperial Tianzhou.

But it takes time for action.

The speed of the imperial skyboat was limited because it was too large. Even if we use high technology to take the shortcut, we can only bring a small number of people. We should not forget these killer troops. It took them three years to get here.

And it will take a year for the world power masters to come.

The high-tech spaceship can bring people to the shortcut. But Tianzhou will not send someone to die like this.

They have to find a way to make it.

Therefore, at present, there is far water on the other side of imperial Tianzhou, which can't save near fire.

Don't forget to hope that the elders in the fairyland will send down the experts again.

Shenwugou said, "it's extremely difficult for us to come down this time. We take advantage of the tide of time and space which is opened once every ten thousand years in the fairyland to roll up, and then refine the time secret talisman of a thousand years to come smoothly. Now, the tide of time and space has been closed, and a total of 12 time symbols have been carried by us. When we came here, the time secret had been broken. At most, it can support us to go back. It's impossible to send someone over again. "

"The tide of time and space is closed, can you go back?" Don't forget to doubt.

Shenwugou said: "the time talisman and the tide of time and space have been linked, which is equivalent to forming a channel. You can go back! "

Should not forget to sigh, said: "so, to send someone over again, that is impossible?"

Shenwugou said: "it's impossible, only hateful Hateful, we don't know that Yuanjue is no longer available. If we had known that his majesty ZuLong had such a move, we would have directly sent down the Tianzun level elder who has the power of the world, then everything would be done now. "

"Oh dear!" Don't forget to wait and pinch your thighs.

We all think it's such a pity!

Shenwugou said: "now, there is no communication between fairyland and Tianzhou and the earth. This is a big problem. We know that the grain, the country and the divine tree are all news from the heavenly king of the fairyland. "

There is another lingzun master who belongs to the killer army. He said: "there is still a big problem. Fairyland can send people down. If they continue to send experts down, we will have no place to live or die. ""Should It's not that easy He can't help but lose his color.

"Even if we don't send the master down, we can't cope with the immortal emissary holding Pan Gu's banner." Don't forget to say.

On lingzun's side, the situation is gloomy now. It's really tossing and turning.

Shen Wugou said in a deep voice: "we still have the Jue Hun banner. Although the Jue Hun banner is damaged, it also has the power to fight. I can't. I'll sacrifice again. Also, after the battle between Tang Yin and Chen Yang is over tomorrow, we will break up into parts and stop staying in the chalk world. As for today, the immortal emissary is seriously injured. He should not launch an attack for the time being! "

In Yuqing world, in Yunding palace.

Now, the life and death of qianzichen is unknown. Sandalwood's deputy is in the home position.

Up and down a cloud of sorrow.

After these battles, both lingzun and Xianshi suffered heavy losses. And the only profit is Xuan Zhenghao. It should have been xuanzhenghao's terrible crisis, but under xuanzhenghao's strategy, he saved all the danger and seized huge benefits.

In the field, the three immortals in the creation environment suddenly made Dongwu furious and said, "I think all this is the emperor's conspiracy. First, we need to remove the control of the three sects. And then Now the girl's life and death are unknown, and the whereabouts of Pan Gu fan are unknown. "

East endless anger filled the hall.

Not only is Dong endless angry, others also feel aggrieved.

Maybe among all the people, only yazhenyuan doesn't matter. But she is also a smart person, this time will never be in the limelight, not a word. If you talk too much, you will catch fire.

Fu Zhichen coughed and said, "endless immortal envoy, I understand your anger. However, the girl and pan Gufan are equal to one. Of course, they will be missing together. "

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