"It's time for you to say something!" East endless angry Chong Fu Zhichen said.

Fu Zhichen said: "I hope endless immortals can help you not to be dazzled by anger. At present, xuanzhenghao is our ally."

"So, do you think the girl's disappearance has nothing to do with Xuan Zhenghao?" East endless asked Fu Zhichen.

"I didn't say that. We didn't see what happened at that time," Fu said

Dong endless is also lazy to continue to argue with Fu Zhichen, he said: "in a word, with my intuition, the girl's disappearance and Xuan Zhenghao should have a great relationship. At this time, we should send someone to lingzun to find out. "

Tanlao is very calm up there, and he must be calm. Because he can't panic. Once he panics, he will be confused below. In the face of East endless opinion, Tan old said: "or, endless you go to investigate?"

East endless startled, he immediately said: "that how line?"

Tan Lao lightly said: "in this group of people, your cultivation is only under me. You can't do it. Do you want me to go and find out in person? "

"Not even that!" East endless said.

Tan Lao said: "in your opinion, who should be sent to investigate?"

East endless suddenly speechless.

Many people put forward their opinions purely for the sake of raising them, but they don't care how to implement them.

East endless said: "that Tan old what do you mean?"

So they all looked at Tan Lao.

Tan said: "I don't want to make any guess before I get the truth. Now, I need to report this to fairyland. "

At this time, the real person in the mausoleum in the taishangzunlou opened his mouth and said, "at present, Chen Yang is not dead, and the grain state tree still exists. Xuan Zhenghao and Chen Yang are one, he must protect Chen Yang. This makes it more and more difficult for us to take action. So, Mr. Tan, do you think we should send some experts down from above? "

Tanlao said, "it's so easy. A total of ten Fu Zhao, these Fu Zhao bear limited power. The distance between the fairyland and the earth is too far. We can't take any other than magic weapons and pills. Once you bring it, it will affect the balance. If the celestial kingdom edict explodes in the middle, we will be lost in the chaos of the universe forever and never live beyond ourselves. Now, there are cracks in the Fu Zhao. We all have a crisis when we go back, let alone send someone for us. Fu Zhao can only bear the power of going back, not the power of coming. From the fairyland, Fu Zhao has to bear a heavier load. Going back from here, the main pressure is in fairyland, so it can support us to go back. So, before the fairyland passage is repaired, don't think fairyland will send someone to come. "

Tan Lao continued: "you don't have to be too pessimistic. At present, it's more difficult for lingzun to get the grain, the country and the divine tree. Because xuanzhenghao's strength is very strong, and there is our threat. Plus the strongest of them is dead. What we need most at the moment is to find out the whereabouts of the girl and the banners of Pan Gu. "

"Will lingzun continue to send experts down?" Fu Zhichen said suddenly.

Tan Lao immediately said: "there is no such possibility. Before we came down, our ancestors had already judged the method of lingzun's lower world. They couldn't send experts down. However, they can't come down, but some experts can continue to come. Of course, this will take time. It will take a year at the fastest. "

Fu Zhichen sighed and said: "it seems that the trouble of the earth will never be less."

Tanlao said: "after all, this time, the earth is in trouble. Fairyland can't help. The earth has its destiny. I hope you can hold on then. "

Located in the south of the three thousand world!

There are wild, South, north, East and West in the three thousand world!

There are millions of mountains, rare animals and endless sea in the southern wilderness It's like an alien planet that hasn't been developed much.

At this time, several figures in the air flicker and fly, coming and going like electricity.

Then, these people came to a volcano.

The volcano is on a high mountain, with a red color all around.

The volcano erupted thousands of years ago. At this time, it was silent.

It was sunset, and the setting sun was like blood.

These figures are standing in front of the volcano. There are five of them.

All of them are Destiny. One of them is the king of heaven's destiny who belongs to the kingdom of God's tomb.

The cultivation of the king of heaven's destiny is the duality of creation, which is called Fang Nan!

Fang Nan looks like he's only in his thirties. He's a gentle looking man with a square scarf on his head.

The others were the fatalists who formed an alliance with Fong Nam.

"Brother Nan!" Gu Ying is a middle-aged man in his forties. He has great respect for Fang Nan. Gu Ying's cultivation was in the middle of the heaven position. He said, "is this the place we are looking for?"Fang Nan nodded and said, "the record of treasure map is really here. It is said that there is the God of fire, which has existed for more than 8000 years. It has not been willing to leave this place, is guarding the sword of destruction. This time, I invite you to come here to fight against the God of fire. As long as I get the sword of destruction, we will have a transcendent position among all the destiny in the future. "

Gu Ying and others nodded and said, "brother Nan, you have found ten star stones for us. You are very kind to us. We are at your command in everything

Fang Nan laughed, and then he said, "let's go!"

The party immediately fled into the volcano.

Inside the volcano, thousands of meters deep, and soon they got to the bottom of the volcano. Near the bottom, endless fire is burning and quickly envelops the crowd.

Fang Nan gave a sneer, but with one hand he split the endless fire evil into pieces.

Then the crowd came to the bottom.

That bottom is a sea of magma, hundreds of square kilometers, at a glance, endless general.

In the earth, fire evil and earth evil are very serious. If all accumulated in a world, then the earth will soon become a sea of fire. In this southern wilderness, there are countless volcanoes. In this world, the main storage is huosha.

On the surface of the magma, it seems very calm.

But this place is controlled by the God of destruction, so there is no volcanic eruption.

Soon, in the depths of the magma came the voice of the God of destruction: "who, so bold, dare to intrude into our territory!"

The God of destruction speaks with his mind, and people soon understand the language of the God of destruction.

Fang Nan's black gown is outstanding. He falsely stood on the magma and said in a deep voice, "are you the God of destruction?"

"That's right!" The voice of the God of destruction sounds very moderate and dignified.

With an unspeakable pressure!

Fang Nan said: "I heard that there is a legendary sword of destruction here. So I came here to use the sword! "

"Borrow it?" The God of destruction sneered and said, "why don't you just say you want to rob it?"

Fang Nan laughed and said, "well, it seems that you are not willing to cross swords?"

The fire god of destruction said, "you little evil animal, even if you have little accomplishments, dare to come to the idea of destruction. I'm tired of living. I'll leave quickly before I get angry. Otherwise, this seat will blow you up. "

"Ha ha!" Fang Nan laughed and said: "it's said that you are cruel and irritable to destroy Vulcan. If you are sure to kill me, you have already started. You're clearly guilty! "

"To die!" The destruction volcano is furious.

In an instant, the calm magma ocean was no longer calm, and suddenly it was surging, like the collapse of the earth.

Countless oceans of magma swarmed upward, filling the whole space in an instant.

Fang Nan and others were quickly surrounded by magma.

In that scene, the red and hot magma bubbled like a wild devil.

Magma is the ashram of destroying the God of fire, which contains the spirit of destroying the God of fire, profound meaning, and endless particles of fire evil. At this time, the essence of huosha became furious and burst.

It's a picture of the end of the world!

The force of the explosion was enough to shatter the whole wilderness.

However, the destruction of the God of fire stabilizes the whole space with the ashram, so that nothing will happen.

Endless particles of fire evil, endless destruction, aoyi crazy cut to Fangnan five people. Fang Nan drank softly: "set up the battle!"

Five people directly sacrificed five blood colored beads, these beads are fire eyes beads!

The five beads form the five pointed star beads.

And Fang Nan's beads as the home, immediately played a bloody light.

Suddenly, all the fire evil spirits were absorbed by the five pointed star beads.

In a flash, the magma ocean lost its strength, all fell down, and finally returned to a calm magma ocean.

"Destroy the God of fire, since I dare to come, I am ready. If you are wise, hand over the sword of destruction at once. Otherwise, you will die! " Fang Nan gave a cold drink.

"Is it?" The God of destruction said darkly.

Then, in the magma, part of the magma began to condense, and finally formed a burning flame around the old man came out. The old man's hair is also a burning flame, and his clothes and so on are all flames.

The old man was obviously the God of destruction. The fire leaping on the God of destruction gives people a kind of prestige of destruction.

He looked at Fang Nan five people indifferently.

"Little evil animal, do you really think you can be arrogant in front of me?" The eyes of the God of destruction blazed with terror.

Facing the eyes of the God of fire, Fang Nan said coldly, "today is coming, either you or I will die. I've been through countless crises. I'm the king of destiny. Heaven's destiny is in me, not in you, so today, you will die! ""The destiny of the king?" The God of destruction said, "I don't care what kind of bullshit you are. No one comes here alive. Today, you are going to be buried here! "

Later, the God of destruction said no more. His eyes suddenly shot out directly, followed by the explosion in the air, forming an endless world of fire!

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