Luo Xue and LAN Tingyu are inseparable from Meng, Meng is inseparable from Jiao. However, when fighting or meeting with acquaintances, LAN Tingyu swallowed Luoxue. LAN Tingyu is well versed in the method of space, and now he is huge, so he can give Luoxue a comfortable space in his belly. Moreover, LAN Tingyu can also draw the power of snow and ice from Luoxue at any time.

Luoxue can provide a steady stream of ice cold force for LAN Tingyu!

LAN Tingyu and Fang Nan quickly left the earth and came to a dark universe.

Gu Ying left a destiny named Wang Zhun here. Wang Zhun was also the cultivation in the middle of Tianyu, so there was no problem for him to stay.

Then, Gu Ying and Fang Nan went into space together.

As for Xuanyuan Yadan and Qin bao'er, they stayed here, mainly because Gu Ying was afraid that Xuanyuan Yadan and Qin bao'er were ordinary people. Rashly into space, afraid of something wrong.

In the darkness of the void, LAN Tingyu no longer retained, his body suddenly expanded, as long as ten thousand li, a piece of gold scale is the size of a mountain. My eyes are shining like two suns!

All of the void is illuminated by LAN Tingyu's eyes.

His eyes, such as volcanic eruption, but in the middle of the volcano, but as if there is a millennium iceberg standing in general.

LAN Tingyu and Fang Nan didn't have a word of nonsense, so he started. His body twisted, endless golden scales into nine fire. The nine flaming fire turns into nine flaming swords. These nine flaming swords contain the meaning of dragon soul. At this moment, the heaven and the earth are vast, just like hundreds of millions of nine flaming dragons burst out to kill Fang Nan.

Fang Nandu is going to have a few words with LAN Tingyu. He didn't expect LAN Tingyu to be so direct.

At the same time, Fang Nan also realized the horror of LAN Tingyu's move.

"Lan Tingyu, you really deserve to be the king of destiny of Tianzhou. I admire you!" Fang Nan finished this sentence, then sacrificed the sword of destruction.

"Tianxuan magic power, the power of all things, the heart of destruction, heaven and earth, in my heart, break open!" Fang Nan's creation mana was just a sword!

The power of destruction in the sword of destruction was combined with the power of all things, and a sword light burst out immediately. Once the sword is cut, the void will cross thousands of miles. The sword of the endless nine flaming dragon originally burst out the flame of extinction in the sky, but in the fierce flame, it was cut open by the sword light.

The power of Jiuyan Shenhuo is extremely fierce, and it has the supreme lethality!

But under the power of destruction, it retreated like a tide.

Fang Nan followed his figure and killed LAN Tingyu's head with a sword. The sword of destruction contains Tianxuan magic power and the power of all things. The sword of destruction bursts out. The sword is dazzling, illuminating the void

The sword, like the power of destruction, went into LAN Tingyu's head.

Orchid court Jade also don't say much, the double eyes suddenly erupted nine inflammations divine fire!

Jiuyan fire wrapped the sword and burned it immediately!

The sword of destruction is so fierce that it is not controlled by the fire of Jiuyan. It is about to split the fire of Jiuyan. At this time, the ice crystal force inside the fire of Jiuyan burst the dike like the river of heaven and wrapped the sword of destruction in all directions!

First of all, heat expansion!

At this time, the sword of destruction is wrapped in the ice crystal force and shrinks instantly. Then the interior began to dislocate, and LAN Tingyu's huge tail swung slightly, and the destruction sword was smashed to pieces.

Fang Nan couldn't help looking pale and said, "do you have such freezing power?"

"You don't know, it's still behind!" LAN Tingyu continued to fight. His eyes burst out again, and he opened his mouth to spit out the essence of the nine inflammations. This fire forms the sword!

Before LAN Tingyu turned into a dragon, his nine burning sword was invincible. Now there is nothing more to say.

Jiuyan sword changes endlessly, lightning shot, instantly ran to kill Fang Nan's eyes.

Fang Nan didn't say much. He immediately turned the sword of destruction.

The sword of destruction, infused with the divine power of Tianxuan, has the power of all things and ice. Destruction and ice are together, just like the breath of the end of the world.

Although the nine burning sword was fierce, it was frozen by the sword of destruction in an instant!

LAN Tingyu and Fang Nan use their own mana, and their swords strangle secretly.

Fang Nan keeps LAN Tingyu in check. At the same time, Fang Nan feels that LAN Tingyu is really not simple. If he had not got the sword of destruction, he would not be LAN Tingyu's opponent today.

In fact, LAN Tingyu is as wise as a fool when he practices the Dharma. Everything is simple. He followed the principle of heat expansion and cold contraction. He burned everything first with the fire of nine inflammations. If he couldn't, he would shrink again.

It's a simple truth, but it's a supreme killing move.

It is as simple as two, two, three, three, but it contains the supreme principle of heaven and earth.

At present, LAN Tingyu can't burn the sword of destruction, which is the biggest problem.

LAN Tingyu and Fang Nan run sword light respectively. The sword light is fierce in the void, and each sword light runs thousands of miles.Between heaven and earth, ice and fire collide fiercely, just like a meteor shower, countless sword Qi crisscross out, leaving deep and indelible terrible sword marks on each planet.

"Lan Tingyu, it seems that today, we are hard to win." Fang Nan said in a deep voice.

LAN Tingyu snorted coldly and said, "who said that?" He then burst roar, body shape a turn, the whole body burst out nine flame.

Nine burning god fire will illuminate the sky, incinerate all the surrounding magnetic field, material.

Fang Nan will also be submerged in it.

"Destroy the world!" Fang Nan also showed his disillusionment of the world. The power of ice cold protected Fang Nan, and between them was another round of strangulation.

LAN Tingyu is more and more angry about the battle. His giant slams against the broken world. His whole body suddenly shrinks and comes to the broken world.

"To die!" Fang Nan was overjoyed, so he trapped LAN Tingyu with the space of destroying the world, and tried to kill LAN Tingyu with the cold force.

Nine Yan God sword and burst between still strangle, LAN Tingyu's oneself and Fang Nan are also inseparable.

At this time, LAN Tingyu's nine burning fire began to weaken.

Fang Nan was overjoyed.

Nine Yan sword was destroyed between the collision into a smash, LAN Tingyu mouth a suction, will be inhaled into the belly.

Then, the fire of Jiuyan went out.

LAN Tingyu's body gradually froze and soon became an ice sculpture.

A vivid dragon ice sculpture.

Fang Nan was puzzled. He thought that LAN Tingyu suddenly seemed to be easy to deal with?

Although he was puzzled, Fang Nan didn't think much about it. He killed it with one more sword.

The giant dragon ice sculpture was immediately smashed and turned into countless pieces, flying all over the sky.

Fang Nan was a little relieved. Then he gave a sneer. "Lan Tingyu, I thought you were so powerful. It turned out that you were just like that!"

"Is it?" At this time, LAN Tingyu's cold voice rang.

Then, in the disillusioned world, the flames burst into flames, which suddenly rose and danced all over the sky and could not be put out.

"What's the matter?" Fang Nan was shocked.

He suddenly understood the situation, LAN Tingyu is deliberately let himself kill into pieces, and then good smooth infiltration into his own shattered world.

He wanted to set fire. But because he and he have been fighting, he is not easy to start.

And now, he's the one who gives him the chance. It's like the fire was controlled by his ice cold, but now, the fire is all over the world.

"But why didn't you die? Immortality? Are you immortal? " Fang Nan was shocked and couldn't help himself.

He can't think too much. Although the sword of destruction is powerful, it can't put out all the flames. He can only suppress the flames with all his strength.

Fang Nan runs all his mana. In the cold power of destroying the world, the fire comes out

Ice cold is cold property, but under the burning of the flame, it begins to expand!

Hot expansion and cold contraction!

Cold shrinkage and hot expansion!

LAN Tingyu now wants to expand Fangnan's cold power, waiting for the loopholes in the cold power, and then it's time for him to fight back.

"Roar!" Fang Nan felt sick.

He roared in the air, but he couldn't escape the burning of LAN Tingyu.

At this moment, Luoxue is wrapped by a cell of LAN Tingyu. He made a granulocyte into a world. This granulocyte was covered up by LAN Tingyu in the process of crushing.

No matter when, where and at any time, Lanting Yu pays great attention to protecting Luoxue.

LAN Tingyu also finds that the more relaxed the relationship between him and Chen Yang is, the happier Luoxue is. Therefore, whether in public or in private, LAN Tingyu will come to save Chen Yang's family.

He also figured out that some things can't be changed, so forgive me!

"Death LAN Tingyu in Fang Nan the most uncomfortable time, finally spit out the nine Yan sword.

Nine Yan sword a sword cut out, Fang Nan's destruction of the sword can't resist. His mana is damaged, so the sword of destruction can't exert its maximum power.

Jiuyan sword blows the sword of destruction out and cuts Fang Nan's head out at the same time.

Let out the endless air of creation!

Fang Nan's body in the nine burning flame, quickly turned into ashes.

For people like LAN Tingyu who have experience of immortality, he did not let Fang Nan go, but continued to burn those fragments. It was not until Fang Nan's fragments were refined into nihilistic air that LAN Tingyu finally stopped.

The king of God's tomb was killed by LAN Tingyu.

It's so dead that there's no residue left.

Later, LAN Tingyu restored the body of the dragon.

Gu Ying three people have been watching, just now LAN Tingyu and Fang Nan this level of fighting, even if they want to help also can't help!

LAN Tingyu's figure flashed and appeared in front of the two ancient eagles.Gu Ying's face turned white, and they were terrified.

They knew that it was easier for LAN Tingyu to kill them than to crush the ants.

"Come with me, and after you've made things clear, I'll consider whether to kill you or not." LAN Tingyu said. At the same time, he moved his mind and rolled the sword of destruction in his hand.

The three of them did not dare to say no, so they nodded.

For Shen Moneng and Fu Qingzhu, their waiting is full of suffering. Moreover, Fu Qingzhu also felt very painful. He has been hypnotizing himself, and it's good to live an ordinary life. But all the camouflage and self hypnosis after meeting fonnan, everything is broken.

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