Fu Qingzhu's self-esteem was greatly hurt. He has always been proud and the son of heaven, but today, in the face of the danger of his friends, he is powerless.

His cultivation is also far behind.

If it's always here, what opportunities will there be?

Although Fu Qingzhu was very uncomfortable, he didn't show it at all. Fu Qingzhu still has this bearing.

In the courtyard, the light was dim.

Shen monong has been suffering all the time. She doesn't know if she can survive the disaster. Under Wang Zhun's surveillance, she couldn't call for help.

She can only hope that LAN Tingyu can kill each other.

As for LAN Tingyu, Shen monong knows. She knew all the enmity and hatred, as well as Luoxue. So today, when LAN Tingyu comes to help, Shen monong's heart is also complicated.

Of course she is!

In such a desperate moment, she was very grateful.

And she also knew that Luo Ning's death was due to LAN Tingyu So, she can't just be grateful.

At this time, LAN Tingyu and Gu Ying came. LAN Tingyu's body has shrunk a lot. He has wrapped up the courtyard to prevent the outside world from noticing the changes here.

Wang Zhun still holds Xuanyuan Yadan and Qin Baoer, but at this time, he sees LAN Tingyu coming back, but he doesn't see Fang Nan. It immediately became clear what had happened.

"Not yet?" LAN Tingyu said coldly to Wang Zhun.

Wang Zhun felt LAN Tingyu's great dignity, and his heart trembled, and he immediately released others.

Shen Mo Nong reaches out his hand and catches Xuanyuan Yadan and Qin bao'er to take a rest. The Buddhist monk can breathe freely.

"Fang Nan has been killed by me!" LAN Tingyu continued.

Wang Zhun is disgraced.

Fu Qingzhu was slightly stunned, while Shen monong was relieved.

At the scene, when people heard that Fang Nan was dead, their mood was very different.

Shen is happy.

Wang Zhun is desperate!

But Fu Qingzhu couldn't come back. "Sure?" He can't help asking LAN Tingyu.

LAN Tingyu nodded and said, "I'm afraid he won't die. I'll continue to refine his fragments into nothingness."

Fu Qingzhu said with a bitter smile: "it seems that the king of destiny will also die."

Although some kings of destiny have died before, they belong to other worlds and do not belong to the seven kingdoms. Only the king of destiny in the seven realms is the real king of destiny. And the king of destiny in the world is the king of kings.

Fu Qingzhu is sad that these people originally said they would die.

LAN Tingyu understands Fu Qingzhu's mood, but he doesn't think much about it, and he won't be sentimental. He glanced at the three ancient eagles. "Come on, why did you come all of a sudden?"

There must be a reason for this.

Shen Molong and Fu Qingzhu are inspired by this and feel that this is really something that needs to be clarified.

Gu Ying said, "if I tell you the truth, you can let us go?"

LAN Tingyu said, "yes!"

Guying said, "I believe you are a good person." Now, he said all the reasons.

LAN Tingyu knew about the battle between Chen Yang and Tang Yin. For that battle, LAN Tingyu was not interested. So I went straight back to the world.

Chen Yang is a wise man. If you worry about everything, you will lose everything!

But LAN Tingyu thought, what if there is a destiny to deal with Chen Yang's family?

Therefore, he paid more attention to Yanjing.

As a result, it's just so coincidental that he has not paid more than three days' attention to such incidents.

It's really Chen Yang's luck.

Otherwise, if Shen Molong, magic Scripture and Nianci, they will be arrested. Then Chen Yang will be doomed!

Moreover, if Luo Feng knew that the magic code had been lost, he would go crazy. He was afraid that he didn't know what he would do.

After LAN Tingyu understood clearly, he also kept his word and let go the three ancient eagles. Gu Ying three people leave quickly.

The fate of the storm passed like this, but this incident also sounded an alarm for Shen monong. That is, the world is not solid.

From now on, Shen feels that life is beginning to be hard.

"Tomorrow, Chen Yang will fight against Tang Yin. Let's talk to Chen Yang after tomorrow." Fu Qingzhu said to Shen Moneng.

Shen monong nodded. When she wanted to thank LAN Tingyu, she had already left.

Before leaving, LAN Tingyu also lost two star stones to Fu Qingzhu. This is what he got after he killed fonnan. All the pills on Fang Nan's body were broken, but four star stones were left.

In this war, LAN Tingyu gained a lot of benefits. At the same time also has the sword of destruction!So he gave Fu Qingzhu two star stones!

In this way, Fu Qingzhu had six star stones in his hand.

And here, from beginning to end, Xuanyuan Yadan and Qin bao'er are not very clear what happened. Shen Molong didn't want Xuanyuan Yadan to be afraid, so he quickly sent them back home.

Tianzhou, it's noon.

It is also in the sky, in the void.

This void is similar to the cosmic void, but it is not the real cosmic void. This is the unique independent space in the three thousand world, which is produced by faking the universe

This space is inexhaustible. If the practitioners don't reach the Ninth level of the realm of creation, they can't break the illusion. Even if we fly for thousands of years, we will also be lost in it.

Chen Yang and Tang Yin are opposite.

They are neutral in the void, the golden sun shines over, the sun is particularly hot

But if you experience it in detail, you will find that the sunlight is slightly different from the sunlight in direct contact with the universe.

Chen Yang and Xuepao Tang Yin fought directly without a word of unnecessary nonsense.

In their battle, Xuan Zhenghao didn't send anyone here. Lingzun didn't send anyone to come.

The jueshun banner and the one yuan boat were also agreed before the war, and were not allowed to be used.

Tang Yin waited for a long time in the southern wilderness, but he didn't wait for the result. He realized that something might be wrong. No way, Tang Yin still wanted to participate in the decisive battle, so he went directly to Tianzhou.

Tang Yin hates Chen Yang to the bone. In the bright sunshine, Tang Yin's reincarnation magic eye unfolds.

Reincarnation of the world will be a black gown of Chen Yang shrouded.

The black gown is Chen Yang's black hole crystal.

Tang Yin is also a triple master of creation. He has powerful magic power, holy power and reincarnation.

As soon as the reincarnation world is shrouded, Chen Yang finds out Tang Yin's great changes.

In samsara, there are many water mist particles floating, like jellyfish.

A jellyfish, a reincarnation world.

Such as the world, such as the universe, such as heaven and earth, such as reincarnation, such as eternal life, people can not see through, can not break!

If it had been before, Chen Yang would have broken it with one sword!

But now, Chen Yang finds that the reincarnation entanglement is like the evil of all ages, which is extremely terrible!

Endless, no way back!

Tang Yin is going all out to deal with Chen Yang!

Although he was two levels higher than Chen Yang, he could have been as simple as killing an ant. But Chen Yang's identity as the king of destiny is here, and Tang Yin dare not underestimate it at all.

Over the years, Chen Yang's reputation has been enough to frighten countless heroes.

Tang Yin began to recite some words silently, and his hands tied the seal of Dharma. At this moment, his clothes swelled without wind, and his expression was solemn, which was the real solemnity of Dharma!

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