Fu Qingzhu said: "it's very dangerous. One of them is the king of heaven's destiny in the world of divine tombs. His name is Fang Nan. His cultivation has reached the double realm of creation. Even if I have mana in my body, I am definitely not his opponent. "

Shen Mo Nong said: "the intentions of the people who came here were very vicious. They caught Yadan's sister and bao'er. And want to capture me, Nianci, Mo language and magic code. "

"It's going to catch me all!" Chen Yang can't help feeling terrified.

I'm really careless, too careless.

If the other side succeeds, what's his current situation?

Can't imagine, absolutely can't imagine!

"Well What happened then? " Chen Yang asked immediately. He knew that they must have saved the day. "Is it the emperor who did it?"

"No!" Fu Qingzhu said: "the God Emperor has now taken over the position of Dharma God. How can he do something for such things. When Tang Yin asks Fang Nan for help, he takes a fancy to Fang Nan's identity. "

"What happened then?" Chen Yang asked.

Fu Qingzhu pondered for a moment, then said: "Lan Tingyu saved us."

"Is that him?" Chen Yang was surprised. Then he was silent.

Knowing Chen Yang's mood, Shen monong said, "I know that you can't completely let go of Luoning's death. Only this time, LAN Tingyu did show us too much kindness! "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I see. Mo Nong, you don't have to worry. I can tell the difference between kindness and resentment. I owe LAN Tingyu too much for this love. In the future, I will try to return it. I don't need to talk about anything else until the end of the kindness. "

Shen Molong knew that Chen Yang always had a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. When he heard the words, he put down his heart slightly.

Chen Yang said: "I have always ignored the loophole of destiny. Now, I have to think about it in the long run. However, the children have to go to school, and they are not used to the environment of other places. Leaving Yanjing, there is no guarantee. It seems that for the time being, I still have to rely more on LAN Tingyu. "

Shen did not speak. She gazed at Chen Yang and felt that there was no better way. It would be unrealistic to let everyone leave Yanjing. We have to think about the children, and Shen is in an important position and can't just leave.

Chen Yang then said to Fu Qingzhu, "brother Fu, I have good news and bad news for you."

Fu Qingzhu was slightly stunned, and then said, "Oh?"

Chen Yang immediately talked about his decisive battle with Tang Yin. He once again told Fu Qingzhu about Tang Yin's situation and Xuan Zhenghao's judgment.

"The good news is that it's possible for you to recover and go further. The bad news is, you could die. You need to make your own choice! " Chen Yang finally said to Fu Qingzhu.

"Of course, I choose to devour the fragments of Tang Yin!" Fu Qingzhu said almost without hesitation.

If there is no stimulation from Fang Nan before, Fu Qingzhu may still have some consideration and hesitation. But now, he would rather die than live.

Although Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu often feel that life is too busy, too hard and too dangerous. And want to live a quiet life, but if they really get rid of the world and live a clean life, I'm afraid they can't get used to it.

It's because of busyness and hardship that I feel that the short-term peace is very good.

If the quiet time is long, it will make them feel that life lacks passion.

Fu Qingzhu feels too calm now. He is eager to recover his strength.

"Do you want to discuss with Xiao AI?" Chen Yang can't help asking.

Fu Qingzhu took a look at Chen Yang and said, "our world, Xiao AI doesn't understand. She can't make our decision. It's my own business. I'll take care of it myself! "

Chen Yang has nothing to say when he hears the speech. If he comes to discuss many things and decisions with Shen Molong or Nianci, he may not be able to get support.

Because they lick blood on the edge of the knife after all.

"That's good!" Chen Yang said, "brother Fu, take me here for a while. I'll go out to see LAN Tingyu. After that, we will go to central yuan together. "

Fu Qingzhu is very excited, he nodded.

Chen Yang then gently hugged Shen Mo Nong. He gave her a kiss on the lip and said, "I've been very busy recently. I don't have time to come back with you and my son. Let me finish this part! "

Shen Mo Nong expressed her understanding and said, "I'm at home. Don't worry. Everything else, you have to be careful and be safe. "

Chen Yang said, "well, don't worry!"

After that, Chen Yang's figure flashed and he had already escaped into the void. He began to think, in the end, where should ling'er and magic Scripture be put?

Is xuanzhenghao in the boat of one yuan?

But is it absolutely safe there?

"Ling'er needs nourishment to practice. It's not good to keep it here. Magic Book Magic code is xuanzhenghao's originally, this rashly put in the past, I'm afraid big brother will not rest assured. Let's put it in Yanjing. "Chen Yang has a lot of uneasiness in his heart now.

Fang Nan's trouble made him feel that there was no absolutely safe place in the world.

Chen Yang and LAN Tingyu have imprinted contact, he soon came to the vast depths of the North Sea, and met with LAN Tingyu.

The sun is like blood.

In the depth of the sea, where the waves are calm, a golden dragon flies from a distance and finally comes to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang stands on the sea and looks at LAN Tingyu.

LAN Tingyu also looked at Chen Yang. He said first: "it seems that you have won Tang Yin!"

Chen Yang said, "that's right." Then he bowed to LAN Tingyu deeply and said, "thank you for your kindness."

LAN Tingyu was slightly stunned. He was silent for a moment and said, "no, you don't have to worry about it. Our account should be calculated in the future, or in the future. "

Chen Yang said: "such kind of kindness, if it is created again, can't be ignored. I'm glad you didn't die. "

LAN Tingyu said, "but Luoning will never live again."

Chen Yang can't help but feel sad.

He is not willing to face LAN Tingyu, just as LAN Tingyu is not willing to face Chen Yang. As long as they meet, they will think of Luoning.

That's the source of their pain!

Chen Yang then said, "I still have some things to do. Will you stay in the world all the time?"

LAN Tingyu said: "yes, Yanjing side, I will always look after."

"Thank you very much!" Chen Yang said.

LAN Tingyu said, "no!"

Chen Yang wants to say something, but he doesn't know what to say.

Then they parted ways.

Chen Yang first returned to Yanjing and took the black crystal stone for storing ling'er. After that, he left with Fu Qingzhu.

Chen Yang first went to Tianzhou, the imperial city of Dakang. He and Fu Qingzhu met Xuan Zhenghao. Chen Yang asks Xuan Zhenghao to take care of ling'er and provide nutrition and pills. Xuan Zhenghao agreed without saying a word.

Chen Yang felt that he owed Xuan Zhenghao too much, but he didn't say much. Kindness, pay back slowly.

Then, Chen Yang also told Xuan Zhenghao, that is Fang Nan those people to commit a crime in the world.

After hearing this, Xuan Zhenghao was also surprised and said, "it's not that I didn't think about this problem, but I didn't think of a proper way. There are loopholes in the world. However, I am not absolutely safe here! "

Chen Yang sighed and said, "the earth is still in danger. There can be absolutely safe places."

"In fact, there are ways!" Xuan Zheng Hao said suddenly.

"What can I do?" Chen Yang was overjoyed.

"Control and kill the destiny," he said. If you take control of them, they will be safe. "

Chen Yang was shocked.

"This I can't help it. " Chen Yang murmured.

Xuan Zhenghao said: "at least, none of those who participated in this event will stay. There must be a deterrent

Chen Yang's eyes suddenly flashed a cold light, said: "I will not let them go."

Everyone has rebellious scale, these people to invade his family, this is absolutely moved his Chen Yang's rebellious scale.

After that, Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu rushed to the central world.

Fu Qingxuan just tells us the importance of his will. Meaning like stars, indestructible!

By the time we reached the central world, it was dark.

Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu went to find the central yuan fetus. Chen Yang didn't know the location of the central yuan fetus. But Fu Qingzhu knew that Fu Qingzhu and Chen Yang soon arrived at the central Yuantai position in the void.

Chen Yang had been tempered in the universe Yuantai, so the central Yuantai in front of him was just a little witch.

There are clouds around the central Yuantai, which are not the clouds in the sky. These clouds protect the central yuan.

Chen Yang grabs Fu Qingzhu, and his mind flashes through the clouds. Then he sees the Yuantai, and even feels the amniotic fluid and fog in the Yuantai.

The internal structure of the Yuantai is similar to that of the universe Yuantai Chen Yang encountered in the universe.

But the real difference, it has to go into the experience to know.

Chen Yang's mind search soon found the transmission array inside the central yuan tire. There is an array left by Tang Yin in Yuan Dynasty. At the beginning, Tang Yin went in by mistake when the central yuan tire opened and closed. Later, for the convenience of going in and out, they made an array in it.

Chen Yang took Fu Qingzhu through the transmission array and soon entered the inner part of Yuantai.

The inner part of the yuan fetus is like a vast ocean, with amniotic fluid everywhere!

This amniotic fluid, with countless rich material and memory, experience, and so on!

At this time, Chen Yang is also quite nervous. He was afraid that this would kill Fu Qingzhu and revive Tang Yin. Tang Yin himself wanted to come to this place to recover."It was here that Tang Yin had immortal body. Now, brother Fu, I'll break you to pieces first. And then let the yuan fetus slowly give birth to you, so that you can reshape your body. When you're ready, I'll absorb the fragments of Tang Yin! "

Fu Qingzhu nodded and said, "good!"

Chen Yang said no more.

Fu Qingzhu suddenly said: "wait..."

"Well?" Chen Yang thinks that Fu Qingzhu has come back.

He hoped that Fu Qingzhu would repent, so that he would not have to be so worried.

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