Fu Qingzhu was very dignified. He said to Chen Yang, "I know that I am the king of destiny in the central world. This time, the destiny should be on me. But there are exceptions to everything. Fang Nan said that if we die, we will die. Just because we're lucky doesn't mean we won't die. So, this time, I have a sense of martyrdom. But if I'm really martyred, Xiao AI... "

Chen Yang was slightly disappointed, but he said immediately: "Xiao AI, you don't have to worry. As long as I have a breath, I will protect her. She's your daughter, and she's my daughter. "

Fu Qingzhu said with a smile: "I'm sure I can rest assured of you. To tell you the truth, I'm not calm during this period of time. I even blame you, I know it should not, but, I am really worried. Now, my heart is very calm, whether I live or die, I should have a good time. It's better to die than to be half dead. " After a pause, he said, "I'll give you the bronze immortal hall to keep. There are six star stones in it. Two of them were given by you and two by your elder brother. The last two are from LAN Tingyu who killed Fang Nan. If I die, you take it all. I'm alive. You have to take at least one of LAN Tingyu's two! "

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "don't think so much. I'll keep it for you. I'll wait until you come out! "

Fu Qingzhu said, "good!"

Then Fu Qingzhu closed his eyes.

Chen Yang takes a deep breath, claps it with one hand, and instantly smashes Fu Qingzhu.

His power is mighty and ferocious. Fu Qingzhu disappears in the blink of an eye.

Then, Chen Yang left the central yuan.

Yuantai needs a pure environment.

In this process, Chen Yang just needs to wait outside.

This is an era of supremacy of interests. For Chen Yang, the bronze temple and the six star stones are all the most precious. What he should do most is to really kill Fu Qingzhu and get all this. What's more, he doesn't need to bear any names.

But it is strange that such an evil idea did not even flash in Chen Yang's mind.

He only hopes that Fu Qingzhu can come back successfully!

When he has made achievements, what he wants is not to make more achievements, but to hope that his brothers around him can also walk side by side with him. He may not have the heart to see his brothers better and happier than himself, but he absolutely has the heart to hope that his brothers will be as good as him!

Chen Yang has been waiting outside for a long time. It's about dawn At this time, Chen Yang finally received the signal from Fu Qingzhu. Chen Yang can't help but feel happy. He knows that Fu Qingzhu has really come to life.

Chen Yang then catapulted Tang Yin's fragment pill into the transmission array.

After that, all Chen Yang had to do was wait.

Chen Yang waited for three days and three nights.

During this period, he tried to rush in countless times.

He originally agreed with Xuan Zhenghao to kill lingzun together. But now he can't ignore Fu Qingzhu.

It is worth mentioning that Xuan Zhenghao and the immortal envoys, as well as the experts of yuqingmen, are out together.

Information brings asymmetry.

Lingzuns are afraid of xuanzhenghao, because they don't know qianzichen is dead. I don't know the whereabouts of Pan Gufan.

Therefore, when they learned of Tang Yin's accident, they broke up into parts and scattered around to avoid being caught all at once. In this case, Xuan Zhenghao got some reliable information by relying on the counter intelligence of yiyuanzhizhou and tianchige.

When we met at that time, Shen Wugou brought a triple master of creation and three single master of lingzun. There are also six masters of creation.

Tan Lao and Xuan Zhenghao exert their magic power together to create space and control shenwugou and others in the space. Tan Laohe and Xuan Zhenghao are thundering. They quickly separate the experts with their mana. They surrounded the rest of the masters. Xuan Zhenghao and Tan Lao and di Xuan face the God without dirt together. They are also afraid that God without dirt will use the flag.

Tan Lao first asked shenwugou where he got qianzichen and pangufan. Shenwugou has a confused face. Xuan Zhenghao didn't feel guilty. Anyway, he didn't talk. He still has this.

Shenwugou stayed for a long time, then asked: "qianzichen and Pangu banners are gone?"

"Don't pretend!" Tanlao was very angry.

"What do I pretend? If qianzichen and Pangu banners are in our hands, we will distribute our hands and give you a chance to besiege today? " Shenwugou felt something unusual.

The God has no scale of the counter question to tan old also make of stupefied.

It's really a bit illogical.

Xuanzhenghao and Emperor Xuan look at each other, xuanzhenghao immediately said: "Tan Lao, there must be something wrong with it. It's better to take them all back and torture them severely. By the way, I'll cross examine the whereabouts of the rest of lingzun, so that I can catch them all! "

Xuan Zhenghao is tripping in the dark.

Although he was afraid of death, he also had a sense of imperial honor. I know that if I'm caught, I'm afraid it will affect all the already hidden lingzun. In this instant, God Wugou knew that he could not live, so he immediately sacrificed the Jue Hun banner. Jue Hun fan is a false move. He quickly explodes the yuan Shen himself to give other lingzuns a chance to live.All this was expected by Xuan Zhenghao. Xuan Zhenghao and Emperor Xuan work together to sacrifice the dead compass and quickly devour the Jue Hun banner. Subsequently, a large number of space mazes were mobilized to suppress the explosion of immortals. So that other spaces don't collapse.

By their cultivation, they can master the space freely, and the killing power of Yuanshen explosion can basically control it.

The war soon ended, and the spirit Zun, who had created the triple realm, also died from the explosion of the original God. As for the three spirit zuns who are in the same state of creation, they have no chance to explode the spirit, so they are captured. As for the six human masters, after the death of Shen Wugou, they were free, so they immediately begged for mercy.

Tan asked them all to enter Yuqing gate and wait for them. They are just out of the wolf's nest and into the tiger's den.

But Xuan Zhenghao also does not work, requests these manpower, one person gets half.

Tan old also didn't insist, promised Xuan Zheng Hao. Thus, Xuan Zhenghao got three masters who created a heavy environment.

This war is a complete victory. Xuanzhenghao and Xianshi, yuqingmen side, no casualties.

Lingzun's strength has been greatly damaged. It can be said that he is not afraid. As for the whereabouts of other lingzuns, they are like a bullock entering the sea, and there is no whereabouts at all.

Among the human masters controlled by lingzun, shenwugou brought a group of them, and another group was controlled by yingwuji. We should not forget that this place is even more scattered and hidden all over the earth. They have a lot of bases on earth, so it's hard to find them in hiding right now. Xuanzhenghao is able to capture shenwugou because there are too many experts in shenwugou, and they don't separate. In addition, Tianchi Pavilion and lingzun infiltrated a lot, so they gave such an opportunity.

At present, lingzun is the only one who should not forget this quadruple master of creation

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