Xuan Zhenghao didn't tell Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu what to do next. In fact, he had many words to warn them, but in the end he put up with them.

Xuan Zhenghao also said privately to Emperor Xuan that respecting the original development of things is the best way to deal with them. You see, although we rely on the compass of death now, the boat of one dollar seems to be able to see something clearly. But in fact, it's one-sided. We think that we can stand on it and guide the country. But the butterfly effect can make things worse.

Emperor Xuan said: "what is the butterfly effect?"

Xuan is Hao Leng a Leng, then just reaction come over, Emperor Xuan and didn't live in the world. It's normal not to understand the butterfly effect. He said, "it's like we see where a man should have been killed by an enemy tomorrow. We told him to hide, so maybe he won't die tomorrow. More likely, the enemy will cause more damage in other ways, and so on. Now let's remind Chen Yang what they should pay attention to. If they pay attention, they may fall into a bigger crisis. What's more, the future is changing. We are not sure what we say. "

Emperor Xuan is thoughtful.

After Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu left the imperial city of Dakang, they first came to the void. It belongs to the special void of Tianzhou. Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu verify each other's magic, so that they can integrate and connect with each other. Chen Yang also taught Fu Qingzhu the great reincarnation. This makes Fu Qingzhu very grateful!

True love in need!

When Fu Qingzhu was in trouble, Chen Yang's behavior made Fu Qingzhu recognize Chen Yang as his brother.

Fu Qingzhu's magic power is powerful. Even if Chen Yang tries his best, he can only fight with Fu Qingzhu. Of course, if the stalemate goes on for a long time, Fu Qingzhu is not an opponent. Because Chen Yang is really immortal, and he can absorb Fu Qingzhu's power infinitely. This is not a fair fight at all.

Of course, Fu Qingzhu will not be jealous of Chen Yang. He is naturally happy for Chen Yang's ability. Now he feels that everything is like a dream. He always feels that it is not true.

Later, Chen Yang also helped Fu Qingzhu arrange the bronze immortal hall. In the bronze immortal hall, with the power of reincarnation, great reincarnation, reincarnation magic eye and the body of the bronze immortal hall, six paths of reincarnation and even infernal hell are created.

The bronze immortal hall itself is a great magic weapon. With the improvement of Fu Qingzhu's ability, this magic weapon comparable to an immortal weapon will also be promoted and play a greater role.

Chen Yang helped Fu Qingzhu set up for about three days, and injected a lot of pills. After the battle, Chen Yang's hands were almost empty, with only three star stones and some magic weapons.

From before to now, Chen Yang has never used any other magic weapon. His magic weapon is the black hole crystal. Now there are more seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. As for that day's Taoist brush, it's really useless because it has no spirit.

Since this time, Chen Yang has been too busy to digest the memory of Linghui monk.

Then, Chen Yang decided to return to the world for a period of time, which can be regarded as watching the change.

Fu Qingzhu knows that Chen Yang is still in a whirlpool. He also decides to go back to the world with Chen Yang for the time being.

Before returning to the world, Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu also went to Jialan hall.

In the Jialan hall, Xiao Fan and Honglang return respectively.

Hong Lang Jun was very unconvinced with Chen Yang, so he had another competition with Chen Yang. On the spot, red Lang Jun was slapped by Chen Yang, so he was shocked and shut up.

All the people in Jialan hall have been convinced of Chen Yang, the king of Jialan.

The fire scarlet is also in the Jialan hall. Chen Yang patiently teaches the fire scarlet and lets it stay in the Jialan hall to guard the Jialan hall.

Huohongjin wants to follow Chen Yang, but Chen Yang says he wants to go back to the world. That place, however, is not a place that huohongjin can go if she wants to.

So fire scarlet helpless, can only stay in Jialan hall.

Three days later, Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu finally returned to the world.

Between heaven and earth, a calm. But in this seemingly calm, the undercurrent continues to surge.

Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu stayed in the world for about a month. During this month, all parties were calm. Chen Yang and Xuan Zhenghao also started a conversation, relying on mysterious array to realize telephone communication from the boat of one yuan.

Chen Yang is concerned about the dynamics of the immortal envoys and the spiritual masters.

Xuan Zhenghao said that he didn't find the whereabouts of lingzun, and the envoys were calm all the time. These envoys have no plans to return to the fairyland.

Xuan Zhenghao told Chen Yang: "before that thousand purple dust is very anxious to return to the fairyland, now Tan old they did not mention to go back. I guess they already know that qianzichen is dead. They want to take back the pangufan and deal with you. They will not give up until the grain, the state and the divine tree are destroyed. "

Chen Yang said: "simply, one does not do, two endlessly. Let's go and kill these immortals. " He is also a little hairy in his heart. He is always being missed and waiting for others to make moves. It's not very pleasant.

"That's a good idea," he saidChen Yang touched his nose and said, "I don't think the emperor is praising me."

Xuanzhenghao said with a smile, "you just understand. Fairy envoys are not so simple. There must be a card left. There are many experts in Yuqing sect. If we attack in this way, we are afraid of more bad luck. My strength lies in the imperial city of Dakang, the eight tribes of Tianlong and the boat of one yuan. If you cross the border, it's hard. Besides, the boundary between Tianzhou and Yuqing has been reestablished. The bridge of one yuan can't be crossed. If it is crossed, its power will be greatly reduced. Therefore, the initiative attack certainly cannot. Maybe it's OK to lead the snake out of the hole. "

Chen Yang said, "I have to make a long-term plan."

Xuan Zhenghao said: "well, if there is anything I can do for you, just ask."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "then I won't be polite to you."

Then, Chen Yang ended his fairy tale with Xuan Zhenghao.

In this month, Chen Yang finally calmed down and realized some memories of monk Linghui. And the memory of some treasures of Linghui monk. Many of Chen Yang's principles have also been greatly improved. At the same time, Chen Yang has also told Fu Qingzhu and Shen monong about these feelings, and has carried out the mana verification with them.

But this month, in addition to Shen's cultivation, he improved. Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu didn't improve in any way, because they both understood one thing from monk Linghui's memory. That is, haste makes waste. They have been running too fast. What they need to do now is not to speed up, but to stabilize the foundation. Only in this way can we be invincible.

Chen Yang wants to go to Chonghuang star. It is the most important treasure of Linghui monk, no less than Xiao Ling's treasure. But the road is too far. Chen Yang dares to go there! Now the earth is in turmoil, and so many people are still thinking about it. If we don't solve these internal and external problems first, we dare not leave the earth!

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