Shen Mo Nong's cultivation has reached the peak of ten Heaven.

Every day, Chen Yang would extract pure Yang Qi and refine it into pure Yang pill. Now he can directly refine one million pure Yang pills every day. These pure Yang pills are just like saving money, not to be used now, but for a rainy day. But the speed is still too slow to be extravagant. After all, Chen Yang's body is just like a big enterprise. Once it wants to operate, it will consume countless pills. And Chen Yang's speed of accumulating pure Yang pills at the moment can't meet the needs of the war.

Fortunately, Chen Yang can also absorb cosmic aura in the universe, and even absorb the power of each other.

Fu Qingzhu also saved some pills.

This morning, Chen Yang's peaceful life was finally broken.

In his meditation, Chen Yang feels the danger of Lin Qingxue, a little sister far away by the sea. Chen Yang has been waiting for them since the last time they were attacked by the destiny. Yanjing has its own town, but the enemy dare not fight. Then, Lin Qingxue will be a soft rib!

Therefore, Chen Yang has been enveloping Lin Qingxue with the idea of Yuanshen. He did not tell Lin Qingxue about it, but at this moment, Chen Yang immediately moved, shuttled through the void, and directly arrived at the seaside.

Fu Qingzhu also got Chen Yang's signal. He was about to rush there, and Chen Yang said, "brother Fu, you are in Yanjing, in case the enemy pulls away."

Fu Qingzhu Yilin, then said: "good!"

Chen Yang is really angry this time. These people dare to do it again and again.

Between a move, Chen Yang came to the seaside, and went directly to Lin Qingxue's bedroom. This morning is the weekend.

Lin Qingxue and her husband Bian Hao have a rest today. Husband and wife, it is newly married, very sweet.

The air conditioner is on in the bedroom. Lin Qingxue has just finished breakfast and is still wearing pajamas. There is also a vacuum inside. Lin Qingxue calls Bian Hao on the bed to get up for breakfast. Bian Hao wears a pair of boxer pants. He pulls Lin Qingxue to his arms and says, "I want to eat you first!"

Lin Qingxue has been trained by Bian Hao is a best young woman, smell speech also offer kiss. The two of them are burning fire at a little bit. At this time, Chen Yang appeared directly in the bedroom.

"Ah..." Lin Qingxue screamed.

Although the heart respect big brother!

But Chen Yang, the elder brother, still couldn't accept it. Bian Hao was also startled. He got up and saw Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is coming like a ghost!

Bian Hao knows that Chen Yang has magical power. He got Chen Yang's jade pendant and heard Lin Qingxue say something about it.

"Brother, you..." Lin Qingxue blushes like blood and hides in the quilt immediately. Bian Hao is also embarrassed

Chen Yang also feels embarrassed

He quickly turned around and said, "cough, little sister, brother-in-law, don't get me wrong. I'm here for an emergency. Someone's going to use you to deal with me. "

"Well?" Just then, Chen Yang's face changed: "do you want to go?" He felt that the comer wanted to leave

In order to avoid being transferred, he simply turned back

Lin Qingxue is preparing to put on her bra in the quilt, and Bian Hao is also in a hurry to put on his pants At this time, Chen Yang's big hand, a force will cover them, and Chen Yang caught inside the Prajna bell.

Then, Chen Yang flashed again and came directly into the void.

This is an instant out of the world, into space.

Chen Yang added enough energy to the Prajna bell so that Lin Qingxue and Bian Hao would not have an accident.

In space, Chen Yang was wearing a black T-shirt and black trousers. Because it is in the world, Chen Yang's dress is changed according to the environment.

His hair and clothes are changing with his heart. Wherever you go, it's in line with the environment.

At this time, the black T-shirt and black trousers instantly turned into a black hole world, which enveloped all the escaped people.

But Chen Yang was still dressed in black. This is also a black hole!

In the world of black holes, Chen Yang also saw the people who fled. There were three people who escaped. Chen Yang recognized them in an instant.

They are the people who followed Fang nan to capture Shen monong.

In this month, Chen Yang and Shen monong practiced spirituality countless times, and saw them clearly in Shen monong's memory.

"It's you. You're big enough!" Chen Yang is furious. He was as great as a God, and appeared in front of the ancient eagle, Wang Zhun and Changkong.

Gu Ying's face turned white.

Of course, they knew Chen Yang. At the beginning, Chen Yang was a man of the hour in the hall of stars. At this time, they are in the black hole world, but life and death are controlled by Chen Yang. Gu Ying immediately said, "Chen Yang, don't get me wrong. We have no malice."

"No malice?" Chen Yang said: "first, I followed Fang Nan's wife and children who wanted to kidnap. Now I'm looking for my sister's trouble. Now you tell me that you have no malice? It's just right. I've been looking for you. Now that you've offered to come, there's nothing to say. "Gu Ying three people immediately knelt down. Gu Ying cried and said, "Chen Yang, we really have no malice. We are very sorry about last time. I've been afraid to come to you. I'm looking for Miss Lin Qingxue this time. I hope she can help us talk to you. We are all destiny, and we are all an important part of the way of heaven. At present, the crisis of lingzun is just around the corner. We will spend it hand in hand

Wang Zhun and Changkong echoed and kept kowtowing.

Chen Yangmei frowned. Then he shook his head and said, "you are really humiliating to the identity of destiny. You are not worthy of destiny. I didn't want to do anything wrong, but you trampled on my bottom line! "

Chen Yang sighed slightly.

Today, he can never go back to the past.

From then on, he can't do as he pleases, he can't be too kind.

He used to be like a mole ant in front of the heaven level masters.

Today, these three fatalists are all the cultivation of heaven position. However, in front of him, it was just a mole ant.

In the black hole world, black hole particles and lightning particles began to stir, just like the whirlpool of Taiji yin yang fish, just like the meat grinder began to strangle the three ancient eagles.

Originally, Chen Yang did not necessarily have to do everything. But now, not only have they trampled on Chen Yang's bottom line, but Chen Yang knows that it is a terrible thing that they are so servile in front of themselves. This is their disgrace. Once they are released, this disgrace will be magnified in their hearts. What's more, they are still destiny. What they will do in the future is something Chen Yang can't imagine.

Therefore, Chen Yang must kill them to prevent future trouble!

This is the real world!

The universe of killing people!

However, at this time, the accident happened again.

A sneering voice came: "the world says that Chen Yang, the king of heaven's destiny, is as crafty as a ghost and has many tricks. Now, that's all! A little trick and he's taken in. "

It sounds like a young man.

At the same time, Chen Yang felt a terrible sword light coming in from the outside, and actually directly broke his black hole crystal.

That sword light is really a sword vertical and horizontal, cold air penetrates nine heavy sky!

The three of them were free immediately, and then they escaped from Chen Yang. Chen Yang didn't pursue. He took over the black hole world directly. The black hole crystal turned back into clothes and returned to him.

All this happened in the eyes of Lin Qingxue and Bian Hao. Lin Qingxue and Bian Hao are brought by Chen Yang, but they are still in shock. But soon they calmed down, and then they saw the changes in the outside world.

Prajna bell is not shielded, unless it is shielded by Chen Yang.

But Chen Yang didn't think of this layer at the moment.

So, for Bian Hao, what happened in front of his eyes is really to reshape his world outlook. Lin Qingxue is better.

Chen Yang was not in a hurry to kill Gu Ying, but he realized that he had fallen into the enemy's tricks.

The figure in front is flashing!

The first one to come was a young man in white. The young man in white is handsome and elegant, but he is also a man of extraordinary cultivation. He is actually a man of double cultivation in the realm of creation.

Along with the young man in white came an acquaintance.

That's the fairy emissary, tanlao!

Tan Lao's side also has the creation environment triple East endless, as well as the mausoleum real person in the taishangzunlou. The real person in the cemetery is also the triple cultivation of the creation environment.

Not only that, but also Fu Zhichen.

In addition, there are two immortal envoys in the triple realm of creation!

There are six people in this line. Fu Zhichen and the youth in white are the weakest in cultivation.

There are three realms of creation, four realms of creation, one!

This is a real Siege!

This is a plan!

Chen Yang hasn't started to deal with the immortal envoys, but they did it first.

At this time, Chen Yang's face was very ugly. Because he can't blow himself up now, Lin Qingxue and Bian Hao are on himself. In the event of an explosion, they will die. Chen Yang can restore objects and magic weapons, but not living people! You can't even restore the spirit!

Lin Qingxue and Bian Hao look pale when they see the situation outside. Bian Hao also has the courage, hugged Lin Qingxue tightly, said: "wife, don't be afraid, today we will die together!"

Lin Qingxue comfort way: "won't, my elder brother his ability is very strong, certainly will be OK."

Chen Yang looked at the head of Tan Lao, he said in a deep voice: "Tan Lao, what do you mean? We're together. It's immoral of you to do something to me, isn't it

"Morality?" Tan Lao's eyes were cold. He said coldly, "what's the matter with us girls? You should know. Xuan Zhenghao is a shameless villain, so are you! If you dare to kill girls and invade Pangu banners, xuanzhenghao will regret what he did today. And you, you have to pay today! "Although Chen Yang was in danger, he was still calm. He said: "Tan Lao, this meal can be eaten indiscriminately. Don't talk nonsense

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