Although Chen Yang was besieged, he was talking about it. He continued: "tanlao, do you think we killed qianzichen girl and captured Pangu banner? If there is no evidence, it's no use adding crime. So, what Tan Lao means is that we don't have to talk about the truth, we just talk about fists, right? "

"The evidence?" Tan Lao said darkly: "when I catch you, there will be evidence naturally!"

Chen Yang nodded, then he said with a smile: "it seems that you have a plan today."

Nadong sneered and said, "Chen Yang, I know you have a lot of skills. But after all, you are only one of the skills to create the environment. Today, we have given you enough face. I really don't believe it. You still have the ability to escape today. "

Chen Yang laughed and said, "is that right?"

At this moment, the young man in white, a strange creation, spoke. This young man is handsome and vigorous. If he is put in any film, TV or novel works, he is the material to be the absolute protagonist.

The young man in white stood out from the crowd, looked at Chen Yang and said, "Chen Yang, do you know me?"

Chen Yang took a look at the young man in white and said, "my eyes are so clumsy that I can't recognize you!"

"I am the king of heaven in the Western kingdom. My surname is Ouyang, and my single name is Yu." The young man in White said word by word.

"Ouyang Yu?" Chen Yang said, "I have never heard of it in my heart."

Ouyang Yu said: "hum, at the beginning, the star master sent someone to capture the destiny, the king of destiny. You all got caught, but I didn't. I went to outer space. Later, I used the method of changing my life against the sky to deceive the future master of the star Lord. "

"So it is," Chen Yang said In fact, he knew that there was also the king of destiny in the Greek world who was not found by the star master. In addition, Shennong world has special reasons. Up to now, we are not sure whether there is a king of destiny in Shennong world.

"I have nothing against you. Are you not afraid of setting yourself on fire when you come here today?" Chen Yang stares at Ouyang Yu and says.

Ouyang Yu laughed and said, "maybe there are some things you don't know about Chen Yang. It's all my idea to lead you here today. It seems like a very simple strategy, but this is the plan I made after studying your character thoroughly. Sure enough, you've been cheated. Today, you will have no way to go to heaven and no way to go to earth. After you die, no one can figure out what Ouyang Yu has done. And you will never have another chance to say it. "

"You do have a thorough study of my character, but you don't have a thorough understanding of my own abilities!" Chen Yang laughs.

"Come on, heroes, let me see what you can do today to win me Chen Yang!" Chen Yang then gave a big drink.

"Hun yuan Jin Dou!" Tan is the first to do it.

I saw a side of the black tripod in the hands of Tan Lao, such as electricity, such as light, will cover the sky! This Hunyuan gold fight is changing endlessly. All of them cast their magic together. However, seeing the surging and fluctuating power, they directly sealed Chen Yang into the Hunyuan gold fight.

Chen Yang didn't use the soul crystal to confuse each other.

Soul crystal is very powerful, even in the face of Tan Lao, can also reach the point of false to true. The point is, right now, there are too many eyes. Chen Yang couldn't blow himself up, so he had to be careful.

When it is not absolutely sure, this card can not be easily offered.

In the golden struggle of Hunyuan, Chen Yang feels the chaos around him, which is like the amniotic fluid in the womb, or in the filthy lake water.

All around, no longer clear, all the divine consciousness can not communicate with the outside world.

Even the outside mana has been unable to communicate, this is the absolute field!

Chen Yang can only use his own mana.

"Hunyuan Jindou, the power of four elephants, suppression!" Tan Laokou recites the formula and pinches the seal.

His Hunyuan Jindou is the existence of the immortal level. Before there was Pangu banner, he always hid in the dark and did not display it. This is another card!

Before thousands of purple dust Pangu banners fight Jue hunhunhun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun hun. But he Xuan is Hao shielding him, he later is helpless.

Chaos is like endless ocean, endless!

In this vast ocean, four gods suddenly appeared around Chen Yang!

Four ancient gods and elephants, each of which is as powerful and terrifying as a mountain peak, and exudes the ancient atmosphere of extinction.

Tan Lao yelled at the same time: "this guy is very strange. You should try your best to transport the mana to the gold bucket. You must use up his mana!"

"Good!" All the people answered at the same time.

Inexhaustible mana is sent to Hunyuan Jindou crazily. The four gods are like the help of heaven. They stretch out their long noses and attack Chen Yang crazily.

Chen Yang knows that even if he deals with Tan Lao alone, he has a chance. But it's impossible to cope with the encirclement and killing of so many people.

He immediately sacrificed the black hole spar!The black hole crystal forms the black hole world and envelops him and the four elephants.

However, the four gods had been able to detect the false, so they found Chen Yang smoothly. Four elephant trunks surround Chen Yang instantly and bind him up and down firmly.

Chen Yang began to struggle and absorbed the power of the four gods.

The more he absorbs, the more violent the power in his body will be!

Tan Lao also felt that Chen Yang was absorbing power, but Tan Lao had no choice but to say in a cold voice: "don't panic, he can't bear too much power. Be careful of his sword bombing later. As long as you seal him up completely, he will not be able to do it! "

Tan Lao knows Chen Yang very well.

I know that although Chen Yang can absorb power, every time he breaks out, he will still lose energy and spirit. As long as Chen Yang is trapped, no matter what means he has, he is not afraid.

Chen Yang also knows that he has only one chance. Once a sword comes from the East, the opponent will not give him a chance to absorb it again.

Chen Yang feels the power of the universe, which is transmitted to his body through his trunk. He absorbs this power, and then he finally roars and uses his sword to the East!

I can't help it. All the experts I met recently are extremely abnormal. I can't do without my unique skills!

When the sword came to the East, Chen Yang exerted eight tenths of his strength. His eight points of power are from the four gods, and his own power is preserved.

This sword, immediately in front of a god like cut into ashes.

But at the same time, the trunk strength of the three gods strengthened, and Chen Yang's body became ashes with a bang.

At this moment, Chen Yang finally exerted the power of soul crystal.

His black hole world has been expanding, at this time, the whole person hiding in one of the black hole particles. And the heart stone burst out like he was feigning death.

Then Chen Yang contracted the black hole world. The world of black holes turned into infinite particles and began to fall to the depths of the Hun yuan Jindou.

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