In Hunyuan Jindou, the air of chaos is rich. Tan is always in charge of Hunyuan Jindou, so he looks at everything in the most real way. The rest of them, however, only know how to deliver mana, but they can't really see what's going on inside.

That is to say, when Chen Yang's mind crystal starts, he only needs to confuse one person.

That's tanlao!

To confuse Tan Lao is success.

At this moment, Tan Lao finished his work.

Obviously, this result is not what tanlao wants. He wants to capture Chen Yang alive and find out all the secrets. After catching Chen Yang, he is not ready to return to earth. Because obviously, it is against the rules of the earth to capture the king of heaven and go through a thousand worlds. Then the emperor of God will definitely do it.

Tan Lao is ready to torture Chen Yang and make clear the whole story.

"Dead? impossible! It's not that simple! " Tanlao's secret way. Then, his eyes came to the black hole particles that fell to the depths of Hunyuan Jindou, and he wanted to reach for them.

At this time of Tan Lao, very cautious!

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly appeared, and put out a sword to the East, unexpectedly is to take advantage of the chaos and escape.

"Go there!" Elder Tan drinks and catches him.

The power of Hunyuan Jindou was also mobilized by Tan Lao, and the power of the god elephant was integrated with the power of Hunyuan, and all of them focused on Chen Yang.

But this one caught the air!

The arrested Chen Yang is a fake!

At this time, where is the real Chen Yang?

Chen Yang's real body condenses a sword to the East, and has found the life gate of Hunyuan Jindou. After only one third of his power was put into operation, Chen Yang broke through the door of life. With another flash of his body, he left the encirclement of Hunyuan Jindou.

Chen Yang is wrapped in a black hole crystal, turned into a black light to leave.

When people saw Chen Yang fleeing, they arrested him one after another. Chen Yang's speed is extremely fast. The next moment, he directly returns to the world.

Tan Lao and others can't help losing face.

After entering the world, Tan Lao and others dare to pursue Chen Yang!

"I'll go!" At this time, Ouyang Yu said directly.

"No!" Tanlao immediately stop!

Ouyang Yu sneered and said, "hum, the star master didn't catch me back then. I'll see how powerful he is today."

Ouyang Yu regardless of the people to stop, directly also broke into the world inside.

Tan and his party will never follow at this time, so as not to make it unclear.

Ouyang Yu entered the world in an instant.

As soon as he broke in, he headed for the seaside.

"That's ridiculous!" Chen YangZheng wants to go back to Yanjing. Today he is really depressed. There, Ouyang Yu rushed to the seaside again. Put clear is to find Su Qing's trouble!

With the participation of these destiny people, the world has already given Chen Yang a headache. It's like in a protracted war, the location of the home base has been exposed.

"Then kill it!" Chen Yang is really angry. He also got in touch with Fu Qingzhu and LAN Tingyu.

"Tingyu, you guard Yanjing. Qingzhu, help me to kill! " Chen Yang roared.

LAN Tingyu and Fu Qingzhu took action immediately. For those of their cultivation, in the same world, all communication is just a movement of ideas.

LAN Tingyu guards Yanjing quickly!

And Fu Qingzhu's body flashed and came to Chen Yang. Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu intercepted Ouyang Yu in the air together.

In the clouds, Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu stop Ouyang Yu. Then, Fu Qingzhu sacrificed to the bronze immortal hall!

The magnificent bronze palace is just like the old witch's palace in ancient times!

The bronze immortal hall covers Ouyang Yu. Ouyang Yu wants to escape. Chen Yang stands in front of Ouyang Yu and holds the black hole sword. With one sword, Ouyang Yu is forced back.

The next moment, the bronze immortal hall enveloped Ouyang Yu!

In the bronze immortal hall, the power of reincarnation is like sea water filling every corner. Chen Yang's black hole world, the black hole world with the power of reincarnation, including Chen Yang's soul power.

It's really seamless.

Ouyang Yu is just a double cultivation of creation. Either Chen Yang or Fu Qingzhu can maltreat Ouyang Yu. But Ouyang Yu at this time is not the slightest panic, and, he dares a person chase over, obviously is not no brain, but have no fear!

Ouyang Yu knows Chen Yang very well.

In the Prajna bell, Bian Hao saw the change of the situation, and he had relieved his breath from the shock. I think it's really out of danger now.

Chen Yang simply closed the Prajna bell.

After that, Chen Yangcai looked at Ouyang Yu with a cold face: "today is your death! We are born of the same root. But you came to hurt my family, regardless of morality. In that case, I don't have to worry about anything"Hum, Chen Yang, why do you want to kill me?" Ouyang Yu sneered.

"What a crazy tone!" Chen Yang gave a cold hum.

Afterwards, the two sides stopped talking to each other.

Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu fight together.

"Reincarnation sword!" Fu Qingzhu roared, his eyes burst out reincarnation holy power! In the process of refining, Fu Qingzhu got reincarnation eye, but reincarnation eye and holy power fused to become reincarnation eye.

At the same time, Chen Yang cut out the black hole sword!

Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu are fully mobilized. In the world of reincarnation, the power of reincarnation and the power of soul are integrated, forcing Ouyang Yu to a narrow space.

The two swords cut all over the sky. In an instant, they cut Ouyang Yu left and right. Ouyang Yu can't escape, can't hide, can only bear. Chen Yang's sword with all his strength is much more powerful than the creation of environment.

Fu Qingzhu is the unique force of creating the three realms of the world, and it is unimaginable to make a sword with all one's strength. In addition, the reincarnation sword is in the reincarnation world. It has the power of reincarnation, and it can get twice the result with half the effort!

In principle, Ouyang Yu will surely die.

But at this time, Ouyang Yu's eyebrows suddenly open, followed by a fire from inside. Later, the flame formed a cauldron around Ouyang Yu!

"The sun, the moon and the furnace!"

Ouyang Yu sacrificed his magic weapon, which has been integrated with Ouyang Yu!

At this time, the cauldron is a virtual shadow. With a roll, Chen Yang's black hole sword and reincarnation sword are involved in Ouyang Yu's eyebrows.

Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu feel their own strength encounter at the same time It was a feeling hard to say. It's like the center of the sun The power of Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu was directly reduced to ashes. There was no struggle or resistance for a moment.

Not at all!

Ouyang Yu then moves on. He merges the sun and moon god stove, practices the sun and moon scriptures, and devours the sun's essence fire and the water of God and moon. He can represent the rotation of the sun and the moon!

Ouyang Yu then sneered and his figure flashed!

At that moment, the sun was burning around his body!

The furnace of the sun and the moon had been activated, as if the interior of the sun had begun to move. The sun fire sent out a terrible heat. Fu Qingzhu gave a strange cry and immediately took away the bronze immortal hall. He felt that for another moment, the whole power of reincarnation would be burned to ashes.

Chen Yang's black hole world has also been directly burned one third, this moment, Chen Yang suffered a heavy loss!

He also took away the black hole crystal directly.

Ouyang Yu was full of fire. He stood there and said with a sneer, "why don't you play so soon?"

Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu are extremely afraid of Ouyang Yu. His sun god fire is more terrifying than many sun god awns Chen Yang has met.

Even compared with Ouyang Yu's sun fire, Chen Tianya's father's sun fire seems to be a child.

"His fire seems to be my nemesis!" Fu Qingzhu and Chen Yang exchange ideas.

Chen Yang said: "it's your nemesis. What goes into the sun is not directly burned to ashes. Neither can I! "

"What to do?" Asked Fu Qingzhu.

"Change LAN Tingyu!" Chen Yang said immediately.

Fu Qingzhu's eyes lit up and said, "Lan Tingyu is good at Shenhuo!"

Chen Yang and Fu Qingzhu exchange ideas very quickly, then, Chen Yang's body flashed and stopped in front of Fu Qingzhu. He gave the Prajna bell directly to Fu Qingzhu.

After all, Lin Qingxue and Bian Hao are in Chen Yang's hands, and Chen Yang has always been a taboo. Then Fu Qingzhu left.

He's going to change LAN Tingyu!

The speed of this change is extremely fast!

But at the moment when Fu Qingzhu disappeared, Ouyang Yu also flashed cold light in his eyes and launched an attack.

Fu Qingzhu went back to Yanjing and immediately asked LAN Tingyu to support him. LAN Tingyu was about to take action when he was stunned: "I can't find Chen Yang's whereabouts?"

"What's the matter?" Fu Qingzhu also lost contact with Chen Yang.

"This Ouyang Yu is too evil." Fu Qingzhu said.

LAN Tingyu said: "at this time, we can't mess. This side must be guarded, otherwise, it will be doomed. I'll go and look for it! "

Fu Qingzhu said, "good!"

LAN Tingyu then left.

LAN Tingyu went directly to the coastal air, but his mind swept countless times, but he did not find Chen Yang's trace.

This makes LAN Tingyu extremely helpless.

So, what happened when Fu Qingzhu left?

It turned out that at that moment, Ouyang Yu was suddenly in trouble. He was deliberately waiting for Fu Qingzhu to leave. This guy, extremely shrewd, instantly sacrificed the water of God moon in the sun moon god stove.

The water of the divine moon, like the Silver Ash of the moon, enveloped Chen Yang.

"Take it!" Before Chen Yang could react, the moonlight rolled Chen Yang up like a tunnel. Then, Chen Yang was in the sun moon furnace. The sun moon furnace is in Ouyang Yu's eyebrows."The sun, the fire, the refining!" Ouyang Yu sat cross knee.

Then, he enveloped himself with the water of the moon! In that instant, as like as two peas in the space, the space was just as clear as the space in the clouds.

Just like the art of hiding!

This is also the reason why LAN Tingyu's innumerable mental shooting failed to produce any results.

In the sun moon god furnace, Chen Yang felt as if he had been tempered into the eight trigrams furnace of the Supreme Lord Lao Jun.

There are fires all around, and the inner core of the divine stove starts. The power of these divine fires is beyond description.

Destroy heaven and earth!

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