At this time, Chen Yang did not dare to use the black hole world to absorb the solar fire, because the black hole world has been burned for one third. That black hole world is the land he has worked hard to build!

Shenhuo instantly envelops Chen Yang, which is extremely fierce. It rushes into Chen Yang's body and burns every cell. From inside to outside, from outside to inside, burn thoroughly!

Chen Yang's magic power can't stop this kind of magic fire!

In a moment, Chen Yang's body was burned to ashes, and there was no more Chen Yang at the scene.

Ouyang Yu sneered and said: "the world says that you Chen Yang are crafty and have nine lives. If you have good luck, you can't be killed. Now, that's all. No matter how many means you have, as long as you sacrifice the sun, the moon and the God, you will be destroyed

After a pause, he said: "Chen Yang, Chen Yang, even if you still have a trick, I won't give you a chance. At this moment, I will take you to the singularity of the sun, combine with the sun moon god furnace and I, and then refine the God furnace on July 7, 49. Let your spirit carry you to the master's furnace

Later, Ouyang Yu left the earth directly.

Ouyang Yu first met Tan Lao and others.

"Gentlemen, Chen Yang has been killed by me." Ouyang Yu said directly.

"Are you sure?" Tan and his party are numb to hear that Chen Yang is dead. Anyway, Chen Yang didn't die every time.

Ouyang Yu sneered and said: "I know you doubt it, but he has been tempered into the sun moon god furnace by me. He could not resist the fire of the sun. "

Tan said in a deep voice: "Mr. Ouyang, I doubt you. But Chen Yang is really scheming! Before, our girl created five times of the realm, and Pangu fan was in hand. She also said that she had killed Chen Yang. But Chen Yang is still alive in the end! "

Ouyang Yu was a little annoyed. He said, "don't forget that all the calculations today are all the plans put forward by my son. But you did not win, and let Chen Yang escape. What was said at that time to be on the safe side? Was the result on the safe side? It's not as good as me. In a word, the transaction between us has been completed. What you promised to me, I can't do without anything

Tan said immediately, "don't worry, young master Ouyang. Promise you the conditions, when not less. However, we need to see people alive and corpses dead! "

"It's all burnt to ashes by my son, the corpses from there!" Ouyang Yu was very angry.

Tan Lao said: "this..."

"It's all up to you. How can we believe it?" East endless said.

"Don't make a mistake. I promise you to lead Chen Yang into your encirclement. The condition is not to kill Chen Yang You've lost him yourself. I'll kill him. You don't believe it. " Ouyang Yu said, "you want bodies. I don't have them. If you don't believe it, I'll kill you to see if you can find the body. "

Ouyang Yu is very arrogant. Tan Lao and his party had to look down in front of him. At the beginning, they deliberately made friends with Ouyang Yu, and made a lot of benefits and gave a lot of treasures. And promised to give it to the baby after the event, some of which are needed for Ouyang Yu to refine the sun moon god furnace. Therefore, Ouyang Yu agreed to this matter.

At present, Tan Lao is not just making friends with Ouyang Yu, but really afraid of Ouyang Yu's ability.

"Young master Ouyang, don't be angry! In the future, when we come to the fairyland, we will have to be ministers in the same hall. The sun stone and the sun Yao armor you want are all here! " Tan took out what he had promised.

Ouyang Yu said, "it's almost the same." As soon as he reached out his hand, he caught the armor and the Tianyang stone.

Tan Lao then said: "but Chen Yang, this person, really can't be careless!"

Ouyang feather see each other has given baby, the current tone also eased down. He said, "I have thought of your worries. Chen Yang was reduced to ashes by the sun fire of my son. Even if he doesn't die, it doesn't matter. I'll go to the singularity of the sun now, and then start the sun moon furnace again to fuse the Tianyang stone and refine him for 7749 days. I don't believe it. Is he still alive? At that time, I will be able to become the king of heaven's destiny. In the Western Kingdom, in the vast world, the destiny of both worlds will be in me. At that time, it will be certain that he is dead. "

Mr. Tan said, "Mr. Ouyang, do you mind if we go with you?"

Ouyang Yu looked at the crowd, but he didn't speak. After a while, he gave a cold smile and said, "OK, as long as you can stand it!"

Then Ouyang Yu left.

There was a chill in Tan Lao's eyes. They were all immortal envoys and dignified people. Being ridiculed by Ouyang Yu for several times, it's hard to hang on. They're in fairyland. They haven't met any big people!

Ouyang Yu, an upstart of the earth, is so stupid. What are you pulling!

Want to return to think, Tan old they still want urgent affirmation Chen Yang has died. So I followed right away.Although Tan Lao wanted to find out the whereabouts of Qian Zichen and pan Gufan. But if Chen Yang really died, they would have finished the task of their ancestors.

I'm afraid that when I get back to the fairyland, I will lose qianzichen and Pangu banners. After working for a long time, Chen Yang and Wugu sheji Shenshu are still alive. Then they lose too much face.

Ouyang Yu's body shape is very fast, and has turned into a divine light of the sun!

Tan Lao simply loaded the crowd with Hunyuan Jindou, and then followed him all the way.

It took a long time to go there, and there were wormholes in the middle. It took nearly three days to get to the place Ouyang Yu said.

The more you go forward, the closer you are to the sun. Later, you are facing the sun. Even tan Lao could not bear the fierce sunlight.

Especially after reaching the singularity position that Ouyang Yu said, the sunlight around was so strong that even tanlao could not open his eyes. All the time, tanlao had to use great magic to resist the sun. There was also a strong radiation in the sun's divine light, which was eroding tanlao. Tanlao finally couldn't stand it, and finally turned around and left.

Ouyang Yu laughed.

At this time, Ouyang Yu was bathed in the sun. The whiteness and brilliance of the sun could not be described in the world. No moving object can record such a scene.

Everything in front of us is dazzling sunlight!

Everything seems to be burning. Ouyang feather chose a singularity position, and formed a wonderful connection with the sun.

At the same time, Ouyang Yu began to sacrifice the sun and moon god furnace!

In that furnace, the inner core starts, and the solar fire absorbs the energy from the sun and stars at the same time

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