Some of Chen Yang can't come back. Di Feiyan said: "I'm not a pedantic person. In that case, if it was me, I would like to cut that woman to pieces. You just want to humiliate her as much as possible and make her give in! "

Chen Yang smiles bitterly. "I don't want to talk about it any more," he said

Emperor Feiyan said: "good!" She paused and said, "but I don't think you need to feel guilty for this for a long time."

Chen Yang said, "OK, I'll try my best."

Emperor Feiyan said: "Qingyi is right. You are not free and easy enough. It's not good for your cultivation progress! "

Chen Yang said: "if people live, they will have responsibility. Being completely free and easy means being irresponsible. "

Emperor Feiyan was slightly stunned and said, "what you said is reasonable."

Chen Yang said, "OK, let's not talk about that. You have lost a lot of powerful men this time, including Qiankun Leizhu and thunder Shenzhou. If you go back to the temple of God, it will be more difficult. You should be more careful. "

Emperor Fei Yan frowned.

It's really a big problem. This time she came out, the loss was too great.

"I will!" Di Feiyan soon spread his eyebrows and gave Chen Yang a smile.

She doesn't want Chen Yang to leave. She knows that Chen Yang is not free and easy!

"Yes Chen Yang suddenly said: "since I'm going to leave, I'll show you three days in the future. Anyway, it's a waste not to use it! "

Emperor is not smoke a Leng, then also gladly agree!

Maybe, a lot of things should be doomed!

Di Feiyan didn't expect that the future changed her life path.

It was many years later that emperor Feiyan realized this.

The next day

The day after tomorrow

Di Feiyan saw in the crystal of time that she was besieged by the enemy, and finally she was captured and came to a miserable end.

Di Fei's whole body trembled.

When Di Fei took back her hand, she couldn't calm down for a long time. Chen Yang was surprised when he saw emperor Feiyan's face turned pale. "What's the matter with you?"

Di Feiyan said: "my elder brother found out my whereabouts and exposed my whereabouts to our old opponent, guiwangzong. The little master of the ghost King clan personally took me alive. I saw the young Lord Yinghong confining my mana and making me his concubine. His intention was to use me to humiliate my father. No, it's impossible! "

Di Feiyan can't accept it. What makes her sad is that her elder brother is so cruel.

"I always thought that my fight with my elder brother was a fight with the same family. No matter what, it's not about life and death. I had several chances to kill him, but I gave up. Unexpectedly, he caught this opportunity and wanted to make me doomed. There is no feeling between friars. I should have known for a long time, but I still have delusions. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous! " Di Feiyan is sad.

Chen Yang is guarding emperor Feiyan silently.

After a long time, di Feiyan finally recovered.

"Do you think the future can really be changed?" Emperor Feiyan first asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "you see, I'm still alive? Didn't you explain it last time? It's predicting the future, and it's part of the future. You know the future is what will happen in the future. So changing the future is something that will happen. It's a false future. It's the real future after you know the future and change it. "

"I need your help!" Di Feiyan said to Chen Yang seriously.

Without hesitation, Chen Yang said, "come on, what do you want me to do?"

Di Feiyan said: "once upon a time, I was naive. But from now on, I won't. I will personally take down the head of emperor huaixiu! At present, Yinghong, the young master of the ghost King clan, is about to set out to deal with me. His accomplishments are lower than mine, but his magic weapons are fierce, and there are many experts under him, so I am outnumbered. In his hands, there is a key woman, whose cultivation is very terrible. This is what I will see in the future. This woman is no weaker than me in relying on magic weapons. However, I learned one thing from Yinghong in the future. That is, that woman is not the lineage of guiwangzong, but the one that Yinghong collected from space. I want you to go to guiwangzong now, find this woman and persuade her to my camp. Whatever you do. As long as you can deal with her secretly, Yinghong will not even know how to die. "

"Some difficulties!" Chen Yang said.

"It's really difficult," said Di Feiyan

Chen Yang said with a smile, "but I've helped you. Can you give me more detailed information? "

Di Feiyan said: "I can tell you the location of guiwangzong and some characteristics of that woman."

Chen Yang said, "good!"

"Purple hair, blue eyes? The cultivation is terrible After hearing the description of emperor Feiyan, Chen Yang suddenly looks strange.

"Why, do you know him? It's impossible Di Feiyan said.Chen Yang said with a bitter smile: "it's really possible, because I once had a very strong opponent. It's purple hair and blue eyes. "

"You have a lot of opponents!" Di Feiyan said.

Chen Yang said: "I have so many enemies that I can't imagine. By the way, didn't you hear the woman's name? "

"It's like it's called dust..."

"Dream light dust!" Chen Yang said immediately.

"Yes Di Feiyan immediately said excitedly, "it's called light dust."

Chen Yang said, "I didn't run now."

Di Feiyan said, "what's your holiday with her?"

Chen Yang said, "I'll tell you this. Originally, she was the boss of a certain planet, dominating."

"No wonder it's so powerful!" Emperor Feiyan suddenly realized.

Chen Yang said: "later I went to her planet, and then I made her lose everything and escape. Do you think she hates me? "

"Why are you Emperor Feiyan doesn't understand.

Chen Yang said: "it's like this..." He said that he was looking for the spirit of the universe, and then came down to Danube by chance.

The cause and effect are clear.

Emperor Fei Yan said: "it's no wonder you say so!"

Chen Yang gave a ha ha and said, "do you know? I'm not good at it. But there's a strange attribute to it

"What attributes?" Emperor Feiyan asked.

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "where I have been, as long as I have become my enemy, I am basically miserable in the end. The end of mengqingchen's escape from the universe is that I arrived at Danube. "

Emperor Fei Yan Jiao said with a smile: "it seems that I am lucky to meet you."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I think so!"

Emperor Feiyan then went back to the point and said, "since you and mengqingchen are mortal enemies, I want you to win over mengqingchen. I'm afraid it's difficult. If you and I join hands, maybe we can compete with Yinghong. But it's hard to catch Yinghong. "

Chen Yang said: "now that we have the advantage of anticipating the enemy, we should make good use of it. Your whereabouts are exposed, but mine are hidden. So, you stay here and I'll surprise you. It doesn't matter whether they can get to Chengdu or not. They can't kill me anyway. "

"But if your body is blown to pieces, it's also very dangerous!" Di Feiyan is still worried.

Chen Yang said: "don't worry, I have my own discretion!"

Di Feiyan said, "please be careful!"

Chen Yang nodded.

It's only five hours from baron. Chen Yang set out first His goal is to go to guiwangzong.

Chen Yang also thought about the situation of Baron.

He knew from emperor Feiyan that Tan Lao, Fu Zhichen and the real person in the cemetery were not dead. It was taken to the temple of descent!

"Old Tan, they don't know about me now, but emperor huaixiu hasn't seen me from beginning to end. So, I'm a stranger to the whole planet. No one knows Chen Yang's secret way.

"However, six fingers are common on Ba long planet!" Chen Yang felt that this was not a problem, and soon let his hands grow six fingers naturally.

Five hours later, Chen Yang finally saw the planet.

By this time, it was already dark.

There is a round of moon like spheres, stars refract to the sphere, just like the moon shining on the Baron planet.

The Baron planet is shrouded in the atmosphere. It looks like the earth from a distance.

But the sphere area of Baron is much larger than that of the earth, which is ten times more than that of the earth!

Chen Yang remembered what Di Feiyan said and chose the southeast side of the Dragon planet to enter. On the planet of dragon, there are ghost King sect and descending temple, which are the two main immortal gates in the world.

The rest of them are all monks!

There are also countries in charge of the common people on balang planet, but in the final analysis, this planet is a monk's planet.

There are borders in many places.

The hall of God and the king of ghosts live in one east and one west, across the sea.

In the southeast, it is close to guiwangzong, but not within the boundary of guiwangzong. Chen Yang broke through the clouds, and then entered the Dragon planet.

Silver light shines on the sea, the sea is vast.

At this time, the sea was calm, and the slight waves made countless ripples. Chen Yang is standing on the sea!

At this moment, he breathed sweet fresh air. He almost thought that this was the earth.

Chen Yang wants to gallop around and have a look. But there is no choice, so we can not be arbitrary. His mind strafed and caught some information in the air. After that, the location of guiwangzong was locked.

Then Chen Yang came to the periphery of the ghost King clan.

Guiwangzong is on a huge island. Over the island is the palace of guiwangzong, which is shrouded in clouds and fog, like a heavenly palace. This ghost King clan gathered countless islands in the sky with great magic power.There is a place in the sky.

The island below is a branch of guiwangzong.

Guiwang sect is divided into heaven sect and earth sect.

As the name suggests, it is Tianzong who is in heaven.

In the vicinity of the ghost King clan, there is a border!

Any intruder will disturb the ghost King clan. Chen Yang didn't rush in. He didn't want to leave any clues.

At the same time, Chen Yang was on the periphery.

He didn't wait long before he saw that someone was going to enter the ghost King clan

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