Chen Yang's mind strafed and found that there were six people in his party. These six people are all just the cultivation of Taixu shichongtian. Of course, on the Dragon planet, their cultivation is regarded as the holy kingdom!

There are also the realms of God King, true emperor and so on. If the emperor is not Yan, the realm of God and king of creation is already the top of cultivation.

Chen Yang's hands are very fast. He immediately envelops the six people, and then he brightens them with a big thunder sound. Today, Chen Yang's cultivation is regarded by these people as the realm of the God King of creation and the ancestral level at the top of the absolute biological chain. So it's no problem to capture them.

While accepting these people, Chen Yang has penetrated into the black hole crystal. Then, the black hole crystal enters its belly from its mouth.

These six people return to the ghost King clan without any stay. Chen Yang borrowed their bodies to enter the ghost King clan, and even a ripple did not stir up.

Then Chen Yang asked the other five people to walk normally. He controls a man called a Gu Da!

Aguda, these people are members of dizong. Chen Yang learned from a Gu that in dizong, only the Deacon ghost envoy was qualified to enter Tianzong.

The cultivation of Deacon's ghost envoys is generally the realm of heaven!

It's called true Huangjing on Dragon planet!

Chen Yang's Da Lei Yin Pu Du method can't transform the heaven realm master. But it doesn't matter. Chen Yang asks a Gu Da to find a deacon ghost emissary.

On the ground, the palace is brilliant, and there are lush woods everywhere. It is really beautiful scenery and elegant.

Ah Guda and others had a mission. They were going to see the Deacon ghost envoy now!

When he saw the Deacon's ghost envoy, Chen Yang rushed out of a Gu's mouth. His black hole crystal shrouded the Deacon's ghost envoy, and then grabbed him.

This day, the master of the universe was in front of Chen Yang, but it was out of reach. Now, Chen Yang's grasp is as simple as a little hen's.

The Deacon ghost envoy did not even have the qualification to struggle, so he fell into Chen Yang's hands.

"Master? Who are you The Deacon's ghost emissary is called Wudao. No way to be scared!

Chen Yang sneers, and then goes into Wu Dao's belly. If it is wrapped with black hole crystal, it can also be regarded as wrapping all the breath. At the same time, his thoughts are transmitted to Wu Dao.

"I'm not here to kill people. Take me to Tianzong to meet a person. If you meet her, you will be free when you finish the work! " Chen Yang said coldly.

Wu Dao did not dare to disobey. He trembled and said: "as long as the elder is willing to let me go, I can do anything!"

"Don't expose my whereabouts. If my whereabouts are found by the experts of guiwangzong, I will kill you at the first time!" Chen Yang then said.

"I dare not!" Wudao said quickly.

"Well, to see mengqingchen!" Chen Yang said coldly.

No way smell speech, Leng for a while, but didn't say much.

That day in the sky, is still lush forests, beautiful scenery.

The palace is more magnificent, and the waterfall penetrates the sky, and the hot springs and exotic flowers and trees complement each other!

The world is a fairyland!

That dream light dust has a separate courtyard and a small palace to live in, her cultivation is profound, in this guiwangzong also received great respect.

The place where she lives is called Wen Xiang Yuan.

In front of the fragrant garden, the flowers are brilliant, competing with each other.

At this time, the cold moon shines, the night wind blows, and the fragrance of flowers overflows!

Outside the fragrant garden, a Gu hugged for a meeting.

Inside, there are maids to wait on, and Meng Qingchen, who has a peerless beauty, is sitting on his knees.

After escaping from Danube, mengqingchen went all the way She didn't go to Xiao Ling's treasure house. Because she knew that the treasure had been exposed, and if she went again, she would only fall into the trap. This lady of heaven was once the overlord of the planet. What a sad thing it is to run away in a hurry.

She devoured Wannian Dan!

Take advantage of the efficacy did not disappear through countless wormholes, keep fleeing, for fear of being overtaken.

Later, when the medicine disappeared, she found a planet to hide.

After a year's cultivation, mengqingchen's cultivation returned to its peak.

And reached the four peaks of creation. It's only one step away from the quintessence of creation.

Dream light dust in this year, too much insight. Her mood changes too much!

But mengqingchen still didn't want to go back to Danube. She didn't know the situation on Danube. But she knew that her strength was not enough for revenge. She lives for revenge!

So she continued to roam the universe.

Just three months ago, mengqingchen met Yinghong, the young leader of guiwangzong, while fighting with a French king in the universe.

After that, mengqingchen was invited to the Dragon planet.

In the guiwangzong, mengqingchen was received by the guiwangzong master Yingzhen in person.

In the guiwangzong, mengqingchen became a noble guest of honor.Yinghong, the young master, also showed great respect and hospitality to mengqingchen. In fact, Yinghong has a lot of ideas about mengqingchen. He hopes mengqingchen can be his wife

Although mengqingchen feels that he still needs help and resources. However, he has a habit of being clean and unwilling to accept Yinghong. I've always been indifferent to Yinghong

Yinghong doesn't want to dream of light dust!

Of course, the most important thing is the strength of mengqingchen. For other women, Ying Hong is too lazy to look.

At this time, a Guda said that he had something important to see mengqingchen.

Dream light dust opened beautiful eyes, her purple hair and waist, beautiful face. When she opened her eyes, it was like all the smart things in the world gathered in her eyes. As if all the flowers in the world were nothing compared with her.

"Who are you?" Dream light dust asked directly.

"Little man, Gu Da, deacon, ghost emissary! I got an important message from dizong, which was related to the girl. So I came here to see you A Gu Da said according to Chen Yang's instructions.

"It's about me?" Dream light dust can not help but feel strange. She came here, far from home unimaginable, she has no contacts. How can there be something about yourself?

At this moment, mengqingchen felt curious.

She did not think much, said: "then you come in!"

"Miss Xie!" A Guda then went into the fragrance garden and came to the bed of mengqingchen.

But she didn't shy away from it.

It doesn't matter if we meet in the boudoir.

Dream light dust light swept a bone to hit one eye, light said: "what's the matter, straight to the point.". I don't like beating around the Bush! "

Ah Gu said in a deep voice, "but girl, it's not convenient to talk about it here."

A wisp of cold light flashed in mengqingchen's eyes: "what's inconvenient? Don't play the devil. "

A Gu Da said: "it's really inconvenient to talk here. The villain went out this time and got a piece of news by chance. I'm quite surprised to hear that you are mentioned in the population. I want to tell you

"If you don't speak well, don't blame me for taking you down and handing you over to the young master." Dream light dust dismissive, said.

"Girl, absolutely not!" A Gu was startled, and then he wrote two words in the air.

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