A Gu's mana condenses and writes two words in the air. That two words immediately let dream light dust Jiao body violently tremble!

Those two words soon disappeared after condensation. It's like it never happened!

Those two words are Chen Yang!

"What did you say?" Dream light dust can't believe it. Chen Yang's secret is deeply buried in her heart and never talked to anyone. Dream light dust know, in front of a bone hit absolutely did not lie. Because no one can tell this lie.

"What's going on?" Mengqingchen immediately stares at a Gu da.

"Chen Yang wants to see you. He's waiting for you outside the Dragon planet!" A Gu Da doesn't dare to see the dream light dust, he drops his eyes and says.

Dream light dust sneer, said: "see me? I'm afraid it's better to ambush the swordsman. No, how could he know I was here? " After a pause, she said, "no, I have to inform the young master!"

"No, girl, absolutely not!" Ah Gu was in a hurry.

"What does that have to do with you? Or have you been taken by him? " Dream light dust eyes twinkle with cunning light.

"Well, mengqingchen, you are not easy to cheat!" Just then, Chen Yang came out of a Gu's mouth. The moment he came out, the whole room was covered with black hole crystal. At the same time, a black gown, elegant Chen Yang appeared in front of mengqingchen.

At this moment, Meng Qingchen was very jealous when he saw that Chen Yang was definitely an enemy!

"Good, good, you are so bold!" Dream light dust anger extremely counter smile.

All of a sudden.

She could hardly react.

Later, Meng Qingchen laughed again and said, "Chen Yang, you really have a way in heaven. If you don't go, there is no way to enter hell. Since you dare to come to the ghost King's clan, you will never think of going out again. "

"Mengqingchen, don't get excited. I came to you for a reason! " Chen Yang was afraid that this crazy woman would be excited, so he immediately started a big fight to disturb the master of ghost King clan. Once he gets there, he'll have a hard time.

Dream light dust cold voice said: "what words, wait until you become a prisoner."

Chen Yang was scared out in a cold sweat and said: "mengqingchen, you have something to say, you have something to say! I came to see you at the risk of life and death. It's not that I'm stupid. I came here to die. Should you listen to me for a few words? "

Mengqingchen stares at Chen Yang for a long time, then sneers: "hum, you are always crafty. Trying to deceive me again? "

She was taken by Chen Yang, too many. So at the moment, it's extremely important to be wary!

Chen Yang said: "I've come here today to forget about life and death. If I didn't have any way, I would never come to you. We're two mortal enemies! "

"Is it?" Dream light dust said.

She was a little quieter at last.

Chen Yang said: "my beloved is di Feiyan, the eldest lady of the temple. Tomorrow, you will go to kill her with the young master of the ghost King clan. If there is no accident, she will be captured by Yinghong and become Yinghong's concubine. "

"What are you talking about?" Dream light dust feel inexplicable. She said, "you're pretending to be a ghost again. If you know it's difficult, just run away."

"You don't understand!" Chen Yang said: "Feiyan has a crystal called time crystal. In the crystal of time, we can see some clues of the future. She saw what happened tomorrow and was very worried. "

Dream light dust said: "I do not know the so-called!"

Chen Yang said: "we also see that you will be accepted by Yinghong as a concubine in the future. If you don't believe me, you can come with us to have a look at your future."

"Ha ha, you think I'll believe you?" Dream light dust sneer repeatedly.

Chen Yang said, "I know you don't believe it, but how can you believe me?"

Dream light dust said: "in any case, I will not believe you. Now that you have seen the future, do you see that your future will die here? Since you can see that you will die here, how can you come? "

Chen Yang said: "I saw my future, and you finally chose to believe it. That's why I'm here, and I know what you're going to offer! "

"Ridiculous!" Dream light dust said: "I didn't intend to put forward any conditions at all, because I want to kill you!"

Chen Yang said: "you have, you say you want to place Yuanshen bomb in my brain. You control my life and death

"Well?" Dream light dust slightly surprised.

Obviously, she just reflected that this kind of operation can still be carried out.

"It's not unusual to see the future." Chen Yang said: "time spar is one of the five greatest gems in the universe. Time crystal can see the past, the present and the future. If we don't make changes, the future will go the way it is. If we do, we make a change. As long as things don't happen, the future will change. "

Chen Yang talks with Meng Qingchen.

The reason why he dares to say that Yinghong will accept mengqingchen as his concubine is that emperor Feiyan sees that in the next three days, Yinghong really expresses his love for mengqingchen. It was expressed in front of emperor Fei Yan.How clever Chen Yang was, he immediately took this as a breakthrough.

Although mengqingchen is proud, how proud is the little master of guiwangzong!

Chen Yang doesn't believe that mengqingchen has no worries in such an environment.

"Are you really willing to open up your brain and let me place the Yuanshen bomb?" Dream light dust suddenly said.

Chen Yang said: "the hatred of the past has passed. I believe you will forgive me in the future. In the future, you will work with non-smokers. Feiyan and I are a couple. You can't kill her husband, can you? "

"Don't you have a wife?" Dream light dust said coldly.

Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said, "men!"

A trace of disgust flashed in the eyes of mengqingchen.

"Open your brain first!" Dream light dust then said.

Chen Yang seems very hesitant.

He wanted to agree, but he felt

"Dream light dust Can we Another way. " Chen Yang said.

"You put it up yourself." Dream light dust said coldly.

Chen Yang said, "but what if you turn around?"

Dream light dust said: "don't you see the future?"

"The future will change, too." Chen Yang said.

Dream light dust said: "my time is limited, you go on wordy, it is better that I directly captured you. Then we'll go and catch emperor Feiyan! "

"No, no!" Chen Yang was startled. He seems very helpless "Before, I had a lot of mistakes. I hope you can forgive me."

Dream light dust said: "when do you want to talk nonsense?"

Chen Yang hesitated again and again, finally gritted his teeth and said, "OK, come on!"

At this time, he showed a kind of tragic and death like spirit.

Dream light dust is very smooth in his brain field placed Yuanshen bomb, as long as Chen Yang act rashly, then she thinks she can instantly kill Chen Yang.

At this moment, the dream of light dust was finally relieved.

"What did you say?" Dream light dust then said.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned and said, "ah?"

Dream light dust said: "you said the other, I did not quite hear."

Chen Yang was speechless and said, "the only thing you can hear clearly is to put Yuanshen bomb in my brain?"

Dream light dust at this time in a good mood a lot, but she is still happy and angry. "You'd better pay attention to your propriety. Just now, when I called out, you were dead. But now, I don't shout, as long as the thought moves is your death time

At this time, mengqingchen suddenly felt that someone was coming.

It's the little Lord Yinghong!

Mengqingchen's face changed slightly. She immediately said to Chen Yang, "hide!"

Chen Yang was also startled.

Outside the smell garden, there is the smell of dream and light dust. She can feel anyone coming.

Chen Yang quickly grabs a Gu and takes him to the black hole crystal. Then, dream light dust big hand a grab, also will that black hole crystal stone caught in the hand.

At this time, the sound of footsteps outside became more and more obvious.

Then, little Lord Ying Hong said outside, "light dust?"

Mengqingchen comes to the living room and looks out into the courtyard

Yinghong's silver light armour is full of heroism!

He is very handsome!

There's no one who looks ugly. Ugly, even the day after tomorrow can be beautiful!

So like the dream of light dust, Emperor non smoke this is more beautiful without a trace of flaws.

Ying Hong seems to be only twenty-four or twenty-five years old, and his cultivation has reached the fourth level of the realm of the God King of nature!

It's also a famous young talent!

Although it's not as good as difeiyan, it's also an absolute big guy on this dragon planet.

Among the younger generation, di Feiyan, Yinghong, di huaixiu, and the white dragon are known as the ten shows of the earth!

In the ten shows of the earth, Emperor Feiyan ranks first!

Emperor Feiyan, a woman, was in the limelight.

At this time, Yinghong said with a smile to mengqingchen outside the hospital, "Qingchen, may I come in to talk?"

Dream light dust smile, said: "little master, please come in!"

Ying Hong came to the living room.

The maidservants immediately served tea.

Mengqingchen and Yinghong sit opposite each other. Dream light dust said: "little Lord suddenly come, must be something?"

Yinghong couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Qingchen, can't I come to see you if it's ok?"

Dream light dust said: "little Lord Zongwu busy..."

Yinghong sighed and said, "Qingchen, why do you always keep people away from you? Can't we even be good friends? "

Chen Yang listened to Ying Hong's chat in the black hole crystal, but he couldn't help laughing to himself: "man, it's strange that you can soak your sister so much. Especially the other side or dream light dust this kind of high rankDream light dust not moved, said: "little Lord, are you really OK?"

Ying Hong straightened up and said, "I really need your help this time."

Dream light dust heart move, say: "Oh?"

Ying Hong said, "I got a piece of news today."

"What's the news?"

Ying Hong sneered and said, "do you remember Di Fei Yan?"

Inside the black hole crystal, Chen Yang said in secret, "it's coming."

Dream light dust is also in the heart move, she said quietly: "remember, the earth ten show first! You're fourth and she's first! "

Yinghong said: "emperor Feiyan is now living outside, and all his men are dead. I have reported to my father that I went to catch nafiyan. But my father hasn't replied yet. Now my father is practicing in seclusion. He should be able to reply tomorrow. "

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