After hearing this, Meng Qingchen pondered for a moment and said, "Chi Zesheng has changed. Why don't you start now?"

Ying Hong said with a faint smile, "you don't know something about Qingchen, although our ghost King clan is not afraid of falling into the temple. But once the war is over, it's no small matter Emperor Feiyan is one of the main forces in the temple of descending, and I think it can be started. But it's a matter of great importance. I still need my father's approval! "

Dream light dust said: "so it is!"

Ying Hong said: "there should be no problem. This time we will try our best to keep things secret. Di Fei Yan will be our card against the temple of God. You get ready today, and I'll call you to go tomorrow. "

Dream light dust said: "good!"

Yinghong immediately got up and said, "that's settled. I won't disturb you to rest."

Dream light dust said: "good!"

Ying Hong didn't doubt that he was there, and then he left.

After Yinghong left, mengqingchen took the black hole crystal to the room and put it on the bed. After that, mengqingchen went into the black hole crystal to meet Chen Yang.

"What's the matter with di Fei Yan? A good young lady, out of the star? Being chased by his family? " Dream light dust asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "the relationship between di Feiyan and her elder brother is not good. The reason why Yinghong knows the news this time is her elder brother di huaixiu. Emperor huaixiu wants to get rid of this sister by the hand of the ghost King clan. "

Dream light dust sneer, said: "emperor huaixiu is really a character, he has been emperor non smoke pressure a head, now directly from the killer.". However, I don't think his measurement is destined to be a big deal. "

Chen Yang said, "so tomorrow, will you help us?"

"Help you? What's in it for me? " Dream light dust did not promise Chen Yang, but asked.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. He sighed and said, "now emperor Feiyan is very weak. If you follow emperor Feiyan back to the descending temple, you must be relied on by him. And you are in the ghost King clan. If tomorrow's emperor Feiyan is really captured by Yinghong, he becomes Yinghong's concubine. What do you say you're going to do with yourself in the future? Won Hong's power is strengthened. Will he take risks and turn you into his concubine? "

"It's a big deal. I'll leave!" Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang said: "coincidentally, we will see you leave in the future. But Yinghong's father personally took you back. If you don't believe it, just follow me. "

Time crystal can't see the future of light dust!

But Chen Yang is not afraid of the dream light dust to confirm. Anyway, as long as you wait for mengqingchen to deal with Yinghong, it's impossible for mengqingchen to return to the ghost king zongzhongzhong.

Dream light dust to Chen Yang's words or some dubious.

Chen Yang looked in his eyes and said, "my life is in your hands now. Do you want to believe it?"

Mengqingchen said, "why take such a risk? Can you run away? "

Chen Yang said, "do you want to escape back to the shrine?"

"It may not be impossible." Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang said: "now she is weak and weak. When she comes back to the temple of God, she doesn't know how to be calculated by her brother." He paused and said, "if I can cooperate with you and catch Yinghong, it's a great achievement. After going back, the reputation of non tobacco will be the same for a while. "

Meng Qingchen said, "Chen Yang, you have too many tricks. I have another question for you. How can you be here? "

Chen Yang said: "it's a long story. I was chased all the way. Fortunately, right and wrong smoke to help each other, this just survived. But her men are dead. It's my responsibility that she is like this now! So I have to help her! "

Dream light dust cold hum a, say: "I can now in this place, also thanks to you!"

Chen Yang said, "I'm right about Danube. It's you who are cruel and unpopular

"Bullshit people!" Dream light dust said: "the strong respect, but I was defeated."

Chen Yang said, "OK, OK, whatever you say. Do you want to give us a happy word? Can you help us or not? Our hatred can be calculated later. Or if you don't get rid of it, you'll kill me after tomorrow. I can also be regarded as a non-smoking favor

"You are not afraid of death?" Mengqingchen stares at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang's eyes are very firm, without any flaw. "I'm afraid of death, of course, but there are things that have to be done," he said. Just as I had nothing on Danube, but I still chose you as my enemy. "

Dream light dust also have to admire this. She knows that Chen Yang is very brave.

It's just that all this makes her feel a little unreal, even ridiculous.

Chen Yang, a mortal enemy, knows how difficult it is to deal with. How many times have you dreamt of fighting with Chen Yang. She knows Chen Yang is hard to kill! But now that he is so inexplicably in control of Chen Yang's life, Meng Qingchen feels that all this is too much like a dream. But it all happened."I should kill you, and then help Yinghong catch difiyan tomorrow. Then he left, and the Lord of the ghost King clan was embarrassed to deal with me again? " Dream light dust suddenly said.

Chen Yang was startled. This woman, it's very unreasonable. He was also very quick, and immediately said, "of course you can do that. Anyway, the future will change. If you are willing to win, of course you can go. I don't know. The leader of the ghost King sect thinks you are good. Do you want to stay in the ghost King sect by force? Of course, I also scare you. After all, you That's a stupid plan. Although we are enemies, I always respect you and think you are a worthy opponent. That's why I ran to you. If you really do as you say, I can't help it, because my life is in your hands. If I accept my fate, I'll take it as if I misjudged you! "

Mengqingchen stares at Chen Yang again.

She wants to find some answers from Chen Yang's eyes. However, Chen Yang's people are better than ghosts, and dream light dust doesn't see anything.

"Chen Yang, I think it's more reassuring to be an enemy with you. And working with you, I feel like I'm working with a tiger! " Dream light dust word said. Chen Yang has a deep psychological shadow on her.

Chen Yang sighed and said, "Hey, mengqingchen, you don't know! I feel bad enough, too. I was chased here in a mess. It's hard to meet an ancient man, and It's you. What evil do you think I have done

Dream light dust can not help but feel funny.

But she hid the smile deeply.

"You should know that the hatred between us can not be eliminated! I will never forget the humiliation Bai Suzhen brought to me Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang sighed again and said, "really, mengqingchen, I have a very sincere suggestion for you..."

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