Di Feiyan is held by Chen Yang, especially her waist is sensitive. At this time, she felt very unaccustomed and wanted to open Chen Yang's paw. But she still remembers Chen Yang's saying that she should pretend to be a couple in front of mengqingchen. Therefore, she had to resist the discomfort.

But Chen Yang laughed at Yinghong three times, and then said, "high level doesn't necessarily mean you are stronger than me. Well, let's have a fight between men. We'll fight fair. If you win... "

"I won, the smoke belongs to me!" Yinghong said immediately.

Chen Yang is happy in his heart. He just wants to attract Yinghong. But he still said: "how can I do that? Feiyan is a living person, although she is my fiancee. But I still have to respect her, you beat me, I take the initiative to quit, from then on give up non-smoking. And commit suicide here! If I win... "

"Joke, can you win?" Ying Hong was dismissive.

Chen Yang said, "whatever you say, if you think it's impossible, it's impossible. But we still have to put the scandal ahead. If I win, you will be my dog in the future. Of course, if you don't want to, you can have backbone. Just kill yourself like me

"OK, it's a deal!" Yinghong said immediately.

"Little Lord, why do you..." Dream light dust in the side some speechless.

At this juncture, smart people go directly to kill. Is it funny to give up the advantage to fight fairly when you have the advantage?

Chen Yang's heart is also beating. What's Meng Qingchen's plan? Why do you want to persuade Yinghong! Which side do you want to be on? It would be not so good if this woman detonated the Yuanshen bomb in her brain.

Although Chen Yang was worried, he remained silent.

Dream light dust cold look at Chen Yang one eye, but pretend not to know the same. But the coldness in her eyes makes Chen Yang more uneasy.

At this time, Chen Yang would like to roar, dream light dust you are a little bit more happy!

But reason still let Chen Yang suppress this naive idea.

The Sirius and Tianhu around Yinghong also admonish Yinghong. But Yinghong just waved his hand. He looked at Chen Yang and said with a sneer, "you don't have to persuade me. I know that since this slut dares to challenge, he must have something to rely on. But if I can't even take down such a dog, I deserve to die. "

Yinghong's eyes are full of essence.

Chen Yang is slightly surprised!

At this moment, he understood that it was not his stupidity that Yinghong chose to agree. But out of a strong dignity, pride!

Chen Yang said nothing more.

He nodded and said, "in that case, let's go."

Yinghong said, "good!"

Two people at the same time body shape a flash, instantly came to the central area of the sea.

Above the sky, it was dazzling, as if the sun were just above it.

The sea was sparkling.

Chen Yang and Yinghong stand against each other!

Di Feiyan, Meng Qingchen and others came to watch the battle in an instant. At the same time, Meng Qingchen also locked Di Feiyan all the time to prevent Di Feiyan from escaping.

Although emperor Feiyan is the five fold cultivation of creation, he can participate in creation!

But there is a big problem for Di Feiyan now, that is, she has lost heaven and earth, Lei Zhu and thunder Shenzhou. If her heaven and earth, Lei Zhu, thunder and Shenzhou are still there, Meng Qingchen will never be able to fight in front of her.

Ying Hong doesn't know that di Feiyan has no magic weapon, but he thinks that di Feiyan is alone. So, the current situation is unexpected.

But Yinghong didn't care.

Chen Yang and Yinghong flash their hand. Yinghong first explores the void and the real, then grabs the sea water. The sea became a majestic sea dragon, and roared repeatedly, bursting out the fury of the dragon.

After the sea dragon entangled Chen Yang, he quickly opened his mouth full of sea water and swallowed Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is the God of the sea!

Four levels of creation!

The land of change!

It is the ever-changing law in which it transcends the unparalleled power of the world.

The spirit of creation also permeates the sea dragon.

This time, Chen Yang's thousand changes are all covered.

If there is no accident, the moment Chen Yang is swallowed will be torn to ashes.

This is a simple way to test Yinghong. Chen yangruo is so simple and dead. Then he is no different from Sirius and Tianhu.

Chen Yang stood in the same place and let the power of divine transformation roar.

Like ten thousand forces tearing Chen Yang's body, we should change Chen Yang's body as we wish, and then tear it to ashes. Chen Yang didn't move, and the magic power in his body was surging.

That many God changes the strength to blow to kill to come over, all by Chen Yang's crazy fierce mana to bounce to open.

"It's extraordinary!" Ying Hong was surprised. He felt that the magic power in Chen Yang's body was strong and fierce. Although the magic power was still in the realm of God King of creation. However, the strength of his magic power is still above his power of creating God King."There is such evil power in the world. No wonder you dare to be so bold. But if you think that the gap in realm can be made up by brute force, it's really beyond your capacity. " Ying Hong said in secret.

At this time, Chen Yang blows out!

His black hole crystal is agglomerated on his fist. The whole body mana, as well as the law of infinity, are condensed in this black hole magic fist.

With one punch, the sky will fall apart and the earth will fall apart!

The sea dragon was blasted to pieces!

The sea is surging like the roar of the sea. But Chen Yang is still there.

Yinghong grabbed it again, but a magic weapon appeared in his hand.

This magic weapon is a book to be exact!

There are two words in the book, Qijing!

Understanding the universe in ancient times is the word Chen.

Chen Yang did not dare to underestimate, but at this time did not rashly take the initiative to attack.

Ying Hong opened the book and saw a needle drawn on the first page!

There are four words beside the needle, Xuanqi Shenzhen!

In his mouth, Ying Hong said something. He grasped the formula in his hand. The needle jumped out of the book and became a small silver needle!

The four words of Xuanqi Shenzhen turned into a stream of essence and ran into the silver needle.

Yinghong's magic power and Qi of creation were infused into the silver needle. Then, the cold light in Yinghong's eyes flashed and the Xuanqi Shenzhen was ejected!

When the Xuanqi needle ejected, Chen Yang felt the mountain like pressure and unspeakable fear.

This needle is extraordinary!

In particular, it also contains the four powers of God change of Yinghong's creation. Once it enters the body, it is difficult for the immortals to save it. Chen Yang uses brute force to block Yinghong's first attack. Yinghong immediately came up with this strategy!

No matter how powerful Chen Yang's magic power is, he can't stop the Xuanqi Shenzhen.

The Magic Needle came towards Chen Yang's eyebrows. Its speed was as fast as thunder and lightning. It was extremely terrifying!

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