Xuanqi Shenzhen shoots at Chen Yangmei's heart with lightning. The penetrating power of this Shenzhen is extremely strong. Chen Yang heart read a move, will be the soul of the crystal stone!

The Xuan Qi Shen needle immediately shot into the false body. Chen Yang's real body goes through the door of void and comes to Yinghong's back. Chen Yang's hand is very fast. With a big hand, the black hole crystal forms a black whirlpool in his hand. The black whirlpool envelops Yinghong!

The infinite puzzle space quickly bewilders Yinghong!

Then, Chen Yang grabs Yinghong's miraculous Sutra.

As soon as Yinghong's Xuanqi Shenzhen was shot into the fake body, he knew that he had been cheated. With a big hand, he grabbed the Xuanqi needle back into his hand. Chen Yang's hand grabs it, and he shoots the needle at Chen Yang's wrist. Chen Yang quickly stopped, and attracted a space to cover the magic needle!

The needle was extremely sharp, but it quickly broke through the maze space!

All the obstacles can't stop this tiny needle.

Yinghong holds a wonderful Sutra in his hand, and he is in the dark, but he has the momentum of holding heaven and earth and planning strategies.

With the strength of Yinghong and the breath of Chen Yang, this magic needle shoots Chen Yang again.

Ying Hong closed his eyes!

Chen Yang suddenly finds out that he seems to have been seen through by Yinghong.

"How is that possible? Although he is the creation of four for, far above me. But my puzzle is not easy for him to break. If he uses brute force, it's possible. But at the moment, he has never used brute force? "

There are eight words in Chen Yang's mind.

There are people out there, there are days out there!

The needle suddenly cuts through the void and appears behind Chen Yang.

Chen Yang can't help feeling embarrassed.

He is also very fast change, suddenly a big hand, but directly grasp to God needle.

The Magic Needle quickly shot into Chen Yang's palm.

"Xuanqi Shenzhen?" In this moment, Chen Yang finally understood what the name of the Magic Needle meant. Because the needle goes into the body and expands rapidly.

It's like having a balloon in your body.

Chen Yang sneered, but quickly cut off the hand.

The Qi in the Xuanqi Shenzhen is to lead the universe Xuanqi into the body. If the Xuanqi Shenzhen enters the bottom of the crust, it can instantly explode a planet.

Chen Yang's palms quickly burst open.

But Yinghong frowned. Obviously, he didn't expect Chen Yang to have such a move.

With another move from Yinghong, the Xuanqi needle came back to him. Chen Yang also waved and grabbed the broken hand pieces into his hands. Between the flashes of lightning, a palm grows out.

Yinghong did not hesitate to shoot Xuanqi Shenzhen again!

Chen Yang knew something about Xuanqi Shenzhen, and his natural fear disappeared.

The Xuanqi Shenzhen shot again.

Chen Yang quickly, accurately and ruthlessly gathered all the mana

"Thunder sword of the universe!"

As soon as the black light of the sword flashed, it was cut together with the Xuanqi Shenzhen.

The Xuanqi Shenzhen is as powerful as a bolt, cutting Chen Yang's thunder sword into pieces.

Chen Yang sneered, followed by the formula of the sword!

He is far from the realm of Yinghong, but his strength lies in his powerful and continuous mana!

So soon, the light of the sword Jue of fortune came like a locust.

A sword is faster than a sword. A sword is fiercer than a sword. It's like the Yellow River flooding. It's out of control!

Soon, the Xuanqi Shenzhen was cut to ashes by the formula of Zaohua sword. When Chen Yang understood the principle of Xuanqi Shenzhen, he naturally had a way to crack it.

His sword technique is quick and fierce. His swords attack the Xuanqi array in Xuanqi Shenzhen, so that the Xuanqi can't be burst.

After destroying Xuanqi Shenzhen, Chen Yang turns around and appears behind Yinghong from the door of void again. But Yinghong seemed to have long eyes. He said with a sharp smile, "do you think that if you break the Xuanqi Shenzhen, you will win? Ha ha, it's ridiculous. It's just the first page of the classic! "

Chen Yang is too lazy to talk with Yinghong. He grabs Yinghong's miraculous Sutra again.

"Do you want my wonderful Sutra? Do you have this ability? " Ying Hong's moves are quick. Turn the second page of the classic.

"Transparent mirror!"

Chen Yang saw the three words inside.

There is a mirror in that page.

Bronze mirror!

Ying Hong grabs the mirror and grabs it. As soon as Chen Yanggang grabs it, the mirror emits a white light to cover Chen Yang.

Chen Yang suddenly felt very strange. He went to catch the Sutra, but he caught nothing. He caught it, but he caught nothing.

Then, Chen Yang felt even more strange that he found himself invisible.

This is passive stealth!

Chen Yang can't see his hand and everything.

"Transparent light?" Chen Yang immediately understood the function of the mirror.Dare to help the enemy stealth ah!

Chen Yang's figure flashed continuously, escaping from the cover of the mirror. And his body came out.

"What a strange mirror, I was invisible. It's not assimilating my body, it's What is it? It doesn't change my body structure! "

Chen Yang couldn't understand the principle of the transparent mirror for a moment. Now is the time of the fierce battle, Chen Yang can't think much about it, the operation of the black hole crystal stone will win Hong cover!

Ying Hong is the transparent mirror toward the sky. Then a transparent area appeared in the sky. Yinghong's body flashed and left the shackles of the black hole crystal.

All the places illuminated by this transparent mirror are transparent.

He walked in this maze, but it was as if he had no one.

Chen Yang immediately found a problem.

Generally, invisibility is aimed at oneself, but the transparent mirror is aimed at others.

That's weird!

Chen Yang thought of the reason immediately. "The transparent light emitted by the transparent mirror must be a wonderful distorted space. If you are invisible to yourself, the mirror will fall into the hands of others. Second, they will fall into a maze. "

Chen Yang figured out this section and immediately had a way to deal with it. He moved and stopped in front of Yinghong.

Yinghong immediately irradiates Chen Yang with a transparent mirror. Chen Yang looks at the transparent mirror. His body melts into the black hole crystal and turns into a black light. The lightning actually rushes into the transparent mirror.

The light of the sword flickers. The next second, there is a violent explosion in the transparent mirror, and the fragments of the mirror are flying out all over the sky.

Chen Yang brings black hole crystal to cover Yinghong again! Chen Yang doesn't want to crack it with such a painstaking move. He roared and turned his hand. The black hole seal covered Yinghong's whole body.

Chen Yang has been understanding it recently.

He felt that the lethality of the big universe thunder sword was difficult for the higher level masters!

And a sword to the East is a great cost of mana!

The killing power of Zaohua sword formula is not enough.

Chen Yang has the memory and experience of Linghui monk. During this period of time, he realized many experiences and created this black hole seal!

In addition, there is the spirit of quicksand, God light universal!

This black hole seal is a combination of many mysteries, powers and laws of the black hole crystal. In addition, Chen Yang's surging and majestic mana is inexhaustible suppression!

At this time, you can see the big black fingerprints covering Yinghong in an instant.

Ying Hong felt that he had fallen into the black hole vortex. All around him were black hole molecules mutating, swallowing and pulling.

Black holes give him a sense of boundlessness and infinity.

If at this moment, the whole universe is collapsing and being engulfed by this black hole!

What the black hole engulfs is the will of Yinghong!

"His move is really powerful! But unfortunately, I have already reached the four fold cultivation of the realm of God and king of creation, understood my true knowledge, and was able to see through all the rules. " Yinghong secretly admires Chen Yang. He thinks that this boy dares to be so arrogant. There is a reason for that.

At this point, win Hong without saying a word, stable station plate center. The black holes engulfed him, but he was still. Chen Yang's strength is like a mountain, but he can't win.

Yinghong then opens the wonderful Sutra again!

"All directions of the universe!"

The black void appeared in that page, which instantly engulfed Chen Yang's black hole seal. Chen Yang can't help being annoyed. There are too many magic weapons in this hateful Sutra.

Every time we have to find a way to get rid of it, when will we fight this war?

This is why every time Chen Yang wants to take away the wonderful Sutra!

To defeat Yinghong, we must destroy Qijing first!

But it's so easy to destroy.

Chen Yang grabs the black hole crystal back.

This time, Chen Yang has stabilized. Instead of attacking, he was ready.

In Yinghong's eyes, the cold light flashed, turning the classic again!

His whole body has been integrated with the wonderful Sutra. At this time, he kneaded the Dharma formula, and then turned a page in the wonderful Sutra.

"Constant light storm!"

Extremely dazzling and furious, the sun blocking Hengguang shoots at Chen Yang. Chen Yang was quickly drowned!

The constant light is more violent than the sword light, like countless tiny needles, but it produces friction and even explosion

Dazzling edge, all to kill Chen Yang!

In front of Chen Yang's eyes is a dazzling white, he closed his eyes, is the edge of terror split over.

Yinghong uses all his mana.

The mana was in his brain, like a huge tsunami, but it was all controlled by Yinghong.

Indifference flashed in Yinghong's eyes.

"You're good enough, you're cruel enough. I have seen it. However, I have no patience to play with you any more. This constant light storm is one of the three magic moves in the wonderful Sutra. If you can let me use this move, you will be proud even though you are dead. " Yinghong said coldly.This constant light storm is terrible!

Dream light dust in the eyes, but also slightly surprised. She felt that even when she met the constant light storm, it was hard to resist. So, can Chen Yang resist?

Di Feiyan is also worried. She is not worried about Chen Yang's death. But I'm worried that Chen Yang will be broken into pieces!

Chen Yang is helpless.

That constant light power, any move of Chen Yang can't resist this kind of energy!

At the end of the day, it's still the cards!

"Black hole whirlpool, phagocytosis!"

The power of xuanhuang God Valley seed is urged!

As a result, unlimited constant light is absorbed by Chen Yang and turned into pure energy. Chen Yang immediately felt that there was no match for the energy in his body!

When Chen Yang absorbs half of it, his body can no longer bear it.

Then, kill the absorbed energy with one sword

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