For mengqingchen, when Chen Yang launched the black hole vortex and absorbed the great phagocytosis. She felt like ordinary people facing mountain torrents. She has the strength to break away from the torrents. She must resist, and she will not trust to give herself to Chen Yang.

Don't say Chen Yang is her enemy!

Even Chen Yang is the closest and most trusted person in her dream. Dream light dust also won't give each other's life. Dream light dust has a suspicious nature, which is also related to her growth experience.

So now, it's basically impossible for Chen Yang to dispel the breath of mengqingchen.

It took two days for difeiyan to completely control the Sutra.

At the same time, mengqingchen also sees some clues in the next three days.

"The king of ghosts has done it!" Dream light dust said.

"Oh? What's the situation? " Chen Yang and di Feiyan ask mengqingchen together.

Mengqingchen said: "the white dragon Qindong came out. Fortunately, Yingzhen was still closed and didn't do it in person. But Qin Dong didn't know where to invite three mysterious creatures! "

"Mysterious creatures?" Chen Yang said, "isn't it human?"

Meng Qingchen said: "one of them is a giant beast, with blue scales, thousands of feet long and hundreds of feet high, just like a mountain. In the conversation, it is called blue magic green Python! There is also a three legged Jinwu. The last one is human, called roton

"Roton? It's like the names of people on earth Chen Yang said softly.

"Still dressed as a Taoist!" Dream light dust said. She already knows something about the earth, so she also knows Taoist.

"Taoist?" Chen Yang said, "I've met a fellow townsman."

Far away on the planet, all the people on earth are fellow townsmen.

Wang Liang's tears!

Meng Qingchen said, "they are all very powerful, especially Taoist priest Luo Tong, who is unfathomable. And Qin Dong, too, is immeasurable! "

Chen Yang said: "well, it's also his mother's strange. Before, when I was weak in cultivation, my opponent was a little more powerful than me. It's always hard for me to deal with it. Later, my accomplishments improved. It seems that ketermo's opponents also improved. Now I'm not easy to be a master. The opponent is more and more terrible. "

"That's bullshit!" Dream light dust said: "your enemies are not stupid, they will not be stupid enough to send a heavy master of God King realm to die. They either don't do it. Once they do, they must be sure. "

Di Feiyan said, "and then? Miss Qingchen, do you see us fighting in the future? "

"There's no fight. We've been on the run." Dream light dust said. "And it's getting farther and farther away from Baron!"

"Why do we run? Can't the three of us work together to make a great effort? " Chen Yang said.

"In the future, it is after a short encounter. You are the first one to run Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang suddenly red face, said: "this is unlikely!"

Dream light dust is lazy to manage Chen Yang.

Emperor Feiyan said: "since we have seen the future, we still have to think of a perfect solution!"

Dream light dust said: "Chen Yang's ghost idea is the most, let him think of a way."

Emperor Feiyan also looked at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said: "the future in the crystal of time is a situation assuming that we have no insight into the future. And what are our strengths now? First, we have time for crystal. Second, they are not very clear about our situation. At present, guiwangzong should be able to guess, mengqingchen you are betrayed, you and non smoke together. They didn't know that the non smoke weapon had been damaged! At the same time, do not know my existence! So, I have a plan, I go to contact them, it's better to work with them. When it comes to the point, I'll give them another knife. "

"Those who practice Taoism are very wary! You go forward rashly, if they... " Emperor Feiyan is worried about Chen Yang. Meng Qingchen said, "I'm not afraid. This man is famous for his cunning. I have been cheated by him this time. It should be no problem for him to cheat those people. "

"Well, that's settled. If they don't get rid of it, it's almost impossible for us to go back to the shrine! " Chen Yang said.

Emperor Feiyan said: "be careful!"

Chen Yang said with a smile: "don't worry!"

In order to be on the safe side, Chen Yang decided to change his face a little. He found a polymer mask from the Forbidden City, and then put it on.

Generally, the appearance of mana change is easy to be detected by experts. On the contrary, this most primitive method is not easy to be detected. Because there is no fluctuation of mana!

After that, the group left the black hole.

Dream light dust guides Chen Yang.

Chen Yang immediately took action. He has the spiritual imprint of emperor Feiyan and mengqingchen in his brain, and is not afraid of being lost!

Then Chen Yang set out.

After Chen Yang left, di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen stood in the same place. They are not in a hurry to leaveDi Feiyan suddenly stretched out his hand to Meng Qingchen and said, "dream girl, welcome to join our camp!"

Dream light dust hesitated to see an emperor not smoke, she didn't say much, also stretched out a hand.

Di Feiyan said, "I heard Chen Yang talk about his grudge with you."

Dream light dust said: "Oh? What did he say

Emperor Feiyan said with a wry smile, "he said that he had to fight against you for the sake of the lives of many creatures, including human beings and elves."

Dream light dust pale cold smile, said: "the law of the universe is plunder! How many lives and resources did human beings plunder to achieve civilization. The difference is that we, the purple star tribe, plundered mankind. They are all plundering. When they plunder others, they don't talk about the way of salvation. But when we plunder them, they talk about benevolence, righteousness and morality. Isn't that ridiculous? "

The emperor could not help but stop his words.

Meng Qingchen said: "I don't think I am justice, but Chen Yang is not qualified to hold the banner of justice!"

Emperor Feiyan has to admit that dream light dust is reasonable!

Meng Qingchen said: "this is what I hate most about Chen Yang, who is doing the same thing as me. But they boast of justice and call others whores

Emperor Feiyan talked a little and said, "your prejudice to Chen Yang is really too deep."

Mengqingchen said: "it's not prejudice, it's hatred! If one day, you take control of the shrine. Chen Yang came to deprive you of everything and let you escape from the universe. At that time, you would never use prejudice to describe it! "

Emperor Feiyan said: "but I hope you can cooperate. "

Dream light dust said: "you can rest assured that before the matter of ghost King clan is solved. I won't do it to him But I have another question. I hope you can answer me truthfully. "

Di Feiyan said, "OK, ask. I will tell you everything

Meng Qingchen said, "Chen Yang has opened his brain to me. I always think it's strange. Is he immortal? Even if I set off the Yuanshen bomb, he won't die? "

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