The problem of the dream light dust came like a terrible wave, Emperor Feiyan couldn't help but be stunned! In this moment, her eyes could not consciously flash the color of confusion.

"This..." Di Feiyan said.

"You don't have to say, I already know the answer." Dream light dust in the eyes of a flash of cold light, suddenly detonated the Yuanshen bomb.

Chen Yang is performing a big move in the air. Suddenly, the Yuanshen bomb in his brain can't be suppressed and explodes!

"Paralyzed, insane!" At the moment of the explosion, Chen Yang scolded.

Then his whole body exploded.

Dream light dust body shape swept out.

Di Feiyan immediately followed.

Before long, di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen came to the place where Chen Yang was blown up. In the air, countless body fragments began to condense, and finally, condense into a complete human body.

Dressed in black, Chen Yang appears in front of Meng Qingchen and di Feiyan.

Dream light dust cold looking at Chen Yang. It's hard to calm her anger!

"Liars, liars, all liars!" She yelled angrily in her heart. But it happened that she did not show a trace of voice.

Chen Yang looks at Meng Qingchen and immediately knows that his secret has been exposed.

He looked at di Feiyan again. Di Feiyan was embarrassed. Chen Yang can't help but feel headache. This emperor Feiyan is a good girl. But I'm definitely a pig teammate!

I can't tell a lie!

She got into trouble as soon as she left. But this dream light dust is better than ghost!

"What else do you have to say?" Dream light dust asked Chen Yang.

Chen Yang said, "there is nothing to say."

Dream light dust said: "from the beginning to the end, you do not have a word of truth! On the Danube star, the prosperity of the purple star clan ends because of you. I have escaped from the universe, but you still want me to be a lost dog. Chen Yang, what do you think I should do to you? "

Chen Yang said: "mengqingchen, now that we are here, we can get to the point. You are not cheated by me, even if I have a lotus tongue, I can't cheat you. You are willing to cooperate with us because of the hidden dangers. If you don't have that layer of worry, no one can talk about you. I think you should know that in your heart. "

Meng Qingchen sneered and said, "if you didn't say that you would see this situation in the future, if you didn't open up your brain to me, I would not cooperate with you even if I was worried. I'll find another chance myself, and I won't make the situation so far that there's no room for me to turn around! "

Chen Yang said, "well, this is it. What do you want?"

Dream light dust said: "since you are immortal, then don't say. I'm going to control the brain of Di Feiyan now! "

"That's impossible!" Chen Yang said immediately. Dream light dust said: "I knew it was impossible, now although you recover, but your strength at least needs some time to recover."

"Does the dream girl think that I was made of clay?" Emperor Feiyan's eyes were full of dignity at this time. Just because she was born noble, she has always been in power and is not good at lying. But it doesn't mean that she is a bullying rabbit.

Di Feiyan looks coldly at mengqingchen.

Mengqingchen is slightly surprised. At this time, she finally realizes that di Feiyan is the first person in the ten shows of the earth.

"I see, since mengqingchen, you have to control non smoke. It's better for us to control it. You're more at ease! " At this time, Chen Yang also tore his face: "Feiyan, you first entangle her, I'll draw strength as soon as possible and recover my accomplishments. At that time, we will work together to capture her. Either kill it or take it. "

Dream light dust suddenly felt cold behind.

She suddenly found herself in a bad state.

She knew that emperor Feiyan was not a kind person.

And also know that although Chen Yang's goods only create a heavy environment, they are not weak in Yinghong's hands.

"Why can't I keep my breath?" Dream light dust can't help blaming oneself secretly.

"Hum!" Chen Yang sneered again and said, "mengqingchen, the white dragon people are looking for you according to your breath. When Yuanshen exploded some of your marks, I caught you. I can find you, too. Once you tear your face, it's not just the king of ghosts who wants to chase you. We'll go after you, too! Think it over for yourself! Now, besides our boat, do you have any other way to go? "

Dream light dust said: "it seems that I really have no way to go."

Chen Yang said: "if Yinghong is not dead, of course you can go back now. But Yinghong is dead. Even if you can hide it for a while, you can't hide it for a lifetime. The Lord of the ghost King clan will never let you go. "

"I will cooperate with you!" Dream light dust at this time no longer show off, said. She turned the corner very quickly. But no one knows what she really thinks in her heart.

Chen Yang said, "we can't believe you said cooperation. Unless, you're willing to open your brain to non-smokers Otherwise, it's nothing to talk about. We can't talk about trust now. Trust is gone. It's just a matter of life and death. ""You..." Dream light dust, extremely angry.

"If not, we will be in trouble," Chen said. I'll kill you first, even if I can't kill you. Anyway, there are people who want to chase you. You know, they are after your breath, not ours. "

The situation is extremely severe!

Dream light dust before did not think, now think carefully, only to find that he was really Chen yangkeng too miserable.

Chen Yang's words are not alarmist!

Before, it was difficult for the three to deal with the white dragon. If you really let yourself deal with it alone, it's a dead end.

"But..." Dream light dust is the Lord that no one trusts. It's too hard for her to give up her life.

Chen Yang is now cheeky. Anyway, he doesn't talk about his feelings at all.

Originally and dream light dust does not exist, have what feeling!

"I..." Dream light dust said.

She's fighting between heaven and man.

"If you don't want to, just kill it!" Chen Yang urges mengqingchen.

"Wait!" Di Feiyan said suddenly.

Chen Yang looks at emperor Fei Yan.

Dream light dust also looked to Emperor Feiyan.

Di Feiyan looked at Meng Qingchen and said sincerely, "Miss Meng, you and Chen Yang have deep grudges. I know that, but I hope you can get rid of these grudges within a year. After stability, you have to settle your grievances and settle them fairly. I will never interfere. I hope that now we can cooperate sincerely. Although you are in greater danger than us in this space, we need your help when we return to the temple of God

A glimmer of joy flashed in mengqingchen's eyes: "what do you mean?"

"I don't need you to open your brain to me!" Emperor Feiyan said: "but, dream girl, we are not enemies. I need your help and you need us right now. We are willing to help you, you can not help me, do not want to help, I will not embarrass you, OK? "

"Good!" Dream light dust immediately agreed.

Chen Yang sighed and said, "she's very cunning, but she's not a smoker."

Meng Qingchen said angrily, "who has your cunning?"

Chen Yang couldn't help saying things.

Di Feiyan said: "there's one last thing, dream girl. In fact, Chen Yang and I are not lovers. I wanted to kill him before, but he saved me by chance. So we are turning enemies into friends. Now we are the united front! Right now, we've told you everything. No more deception? "

"Not lovers?" Dream light dust, smell speech is more happy.

Chen Yang touched his nose and said nothing.

At this time, dream light dust also zhengse, solemnly to Emperor Feiyan said: "Feiyan miss, I promise you. I am willing to cooperate with you sincerely. If I want to leave in the future, I will tell you. Between you and me, never betray! In this year, I will never seek Chen Yang's personal revenge! "

Di Feiyan nodded and said, "great!"

"No, they're getting closer and closer to us." Mengqingchen's face changed at this time.

"You go first!" Chen Yang said immediately.

"But your injury?" Emperor Feiyan is worried.

Chen Yang said: "anyway, I can't die, you go, I have a plan."

Meng Qingchen said, "don't worry, Miss Feiyan. This guy is very lucky. Don't worry about him. "

She's telling the truth. She thinks that Chen Yang is a demon who can't fight to death. She doesn't have to worry about Chen Yang's death if she worries that the universe is destroyed.

Chen Yang laughs and says, "yes, non tobacco girl, let's go. Now they can't catch up with them yet! "

When Emperor Feiyan saw that Chen Yang said the same thing, he couldn't say more. Now I leave with mengqingchen.

She was a little different because of Chen Yang's non tobacco girl. Before, Chen Yang and she pretended to be lovers and had been very intimate with each other. She was not used to it at first, but later she felt very comfortable. Now Chen Yang directly opened the distance, there is a little bit of loss in her heart.

Di Feiyan and mengqingchen walk fast and escape quickly.

Dream dust drives time crystal at the same time. She immediately finds that she can't see the future.

This shows that when they make changes, the future is also changing.

Dream light dust told emperor Feiyan this situation, Emperor Feiyan also didn't feel strange.

She just silently worried about Chen Yang's safety.

Chen Yang's injury did not recover. As soon as he turned his eyes, he simply turned the five viscera around for a moment, which immediately made the five viscera bleed.

At that moment, Chen Yang was seriously injured. He has to restrain himself with his own mana!

Otherwise, the injury will be healed soon.

Chen Yang's figure flickered in the void. About half an hour later, he found a place and sacrificed the black hole crystal.

The black hole whirlpool wrapped him in the middle. This black hole vortex is getting bigger and bigger, and finally it looks like a natural black hole.At this time, Qin Dong and his party arrived here.

This is their only way!

Qin Dong was dressed in white, natural and cool.

Taoist priest Luo Tong is riding a fierce white tiger with a sharp sword in his hand!

Riding a tiger and fighting a sword is very powerful!

Wearing a yellow Taoist robe, he looks like he's in his fifties. He's immortal and has a long beard.

At the same time, they are accompanied by three legged golden crowns and blue magic green Python

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