The three legged gold, at first glance, looks like a fire phoenix, with red feathers, beautiful and arrogant. But its three black feet are like iron and steel, and there are three red flaming gems on its feathers! It seems to burn at any time!

Chen Yang thinks that it's not just the Luo channel that seems to come from the earth. Even these three feet of gold and black also seem to come from the earth. The ancients once spread the legend of sanzujinwu as the sun, and probably saw the appearance of sanzujinwu's power. That's why there is such a rumor.

The green Python's body is continuous and terrifying, standing like a towering mountain.

If the green Python is alone in space, it is small. But in front of these people, it seems to be huge. In particular, his green eyes emit light in the void, which makes people feel frightened. In front of the green python, human spaceships and warships are simply vulnerable.

The end of science and technology is Taoism!

Compared with Tao and FA, technology is insignificant.

Daofa has solved these problems for a long time.

Therefore, the pace of human exploration can not be explored. However, those who practice Tao and Dharma are already in the void.

Can meet in this distant void, certainly is not a mortal!

The green Python and the three legged golden black have not cultivated the human body. They have no reason to cultivate the human body. This blue magic green Python and three foot gold black are both male. At this time, they are attracted by the black hole vortex in front of them!

"My God Sanzujinwu's voice was rough. First of all, he laughed and said, "it's really strange that there is a black hole here. It's not natural, it's the result of the cultivation of Taoism and Dharma. "

The green Python said, "look at the breath of the black hole. The cultivation of the living beings in it is a part of the realm of the God King of creation."

This place is not far from the Dragon planet. In this area of Taoist civilization, the realm of cultivation is based on the Dragon planet.

Qin Dong and Taoist priest Luo Tong also looked at the black hole area. Qin Dong said, "although the cultivation is not high, it's also a wizard to cultivate a black hole of this scale."

Sanzujinwu said: "no matter whether he's a wizard or not, it's still useful. It's better to keep it and be a servant. "

The green Python laughed and said, "Tulu, your suggestion is very good! I'm not polite. I just don't have a servant

"Go away!" Sanzujinwu said, "who said he would be your servant. I just need it

Green Python said: "hum, it seems that we have to compare our skills."

The three legged Gold Black said: "blue eye, you old thief, are you still afraid of you?"

On one side, Qin Dong and Taoist priest Luo Tong couldn't help laughing bitterly.

Taoist priest Luo Tong opened his mouth and said, "wuliangtianzun, you two must not hurt your peace because of this small matter."

Sanzujinwu said, "Taoist priest, it's because I can't get along with him. This proposal was originally put forward by this seat. He wants to get there first. There's nothing else he can do. "

The green Python said, "you are really joking, Tulu. We found this thing together. First of all, it's yours? Is there such a good thing? "

Qin Dong said, "ladies and gentlemen, let's calm down for a while. We are all in the same boat. Don't hurt our friendship. Don't have to find the enemy. Let's fight first. That's a big joke. "

"What do you say?" Sanzujinwu asked Qindong.

Qin Dong said, "Taoist priest Luo Tong, first arrest this man. Then, let's let him choose who he wants to talk to. Is it fair to choose between the two of you? "

"That's fine!" Three feet gold Wu says immediately.

When the green Python sees Qin Dong's principal, sanzujinwu agrees. It is not good to go its own way, and immediately said: "OK, according to you. Qin Dong, I'm giving you face. Do you understand? "

Qin Dong had a good temper. He laughed and said, "thank you for your face!" Hearing this, sanzujinwu gave a cold smile and said, "blue eye, Qin Dong's cultivation is above you. You can call yourself the elder in front of him! I'm not as cheeky as you are! "

"Tulu, are you looking for death?" The green Python became angry.

Three feet Gold Black strange smile, say: "blue eye, we fight for 3000 years, when did you win this seat?"

"That's not lost, either!" Said the green python.

"Two, two!" Qin Dong said, "let's get down to business."

At the moment, Taoist priest Luo Tong did not say a word, but directly shot at the black hole vortex.

As soon as the cold light flashed in the eyes of Taoist priest Luo Tong, he grabbed the black hole directly. In an instant, a big fingerprint condensed by his own big hand quickly penetrated into the black hole vortex.

Taoist priest Luo Tong's approach to the five fold cultivation of the God King of creation is absolute transcendence. Under his grasp, he contains the power of divine change to suppress all things in the world.

But immediately, the face of Taoist priest Luo Tong changed slightly. Because he felt a huge suction that was swallowing his power. However, Taoist priest Luo Tong didn't think much about it, just five fingers collapsed, and five huge swords defeated the power of swallowing.Then, all the black hole forces disappear. Then they saw that Taoist priest Luo Tong had a man in his hand!

The man caught is naturally Chen Yang in black.

Chen Yang immediately burst into a big curse: "grass, who are you, actually taking advantage of people's danger?" With a flick of his finger, the nail turned into a Golden Whip, which quickly tied Chen Yang up.

Later, Taoist priest Luo Tong stopped.

Chen Yang was condensed in the air by their magic power and couldn't move!

Chen Yang angrily scolded: "despicable, take advantage of others' danger! If I had not been hurt, I would have killed all of you

"Hum!" Qin Dong's eyes were cold and hummed.

Chen Yang was immediately under great pressure.

Qin Dong and Luo Tong, as well as Bi mo, Qing Mang and three legged Jinwu are very amiable when they are together. But his majesty at this time made them all startled.

Chen Yang was also excited. He couldn't help looking at Qin Dong, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

"Young man, I advise you to pay attention to your words. Although you have some accomplishments, I'm afraid it's not enough in front of us! " Qin Dong said coldly.

There was bitterness in Chen Yang's eyes. He seemed to recognize the situation very quickly and said, "I'm just a nameless monk. I didn't offend you. I don't know why you want to do it innocently? Just now, I was in the process of painstaking cultivation and healing. I didn't think about it, but I was destroyed by you. That's why I burst into a rage. Please forgive me

"Now you know it's wrong? That was arrogant! " Three feet Gold Black coldly says. After a pause, he said, "since you know it's wrong, kneel down and admit it."

Chen Yang said, "you can't kill him if you bite his teeth."

"Earthman?" Luo Tong is staring at Chen Yang all the time. Suddenly his eyes brighten and he asks.

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