"Taoist priest, are you also from the earth?" Chen Yang immediately asked excitedly.

Taoist priest Luo Tong was slightly embarrassed and said, "I really come from the earth, but I haven't been back to the earth for more than 1000 years. How long have you been away from the earth? How is the earth? "

Chen Yang said, "Taoist priest, this is really the old knowledge of meeting someone in another country! I've been exiled to this place, but I didn't expect to meet my fellow countrymen. " He got excited when he said this, and said, "I have been away from the earth for less than half a year."

"Is the earth all right now?" he asked? I remember that when I left, it was the Ming emperor who was in power. "

"Emperor Ming?" Chen Yang was stunned. Fortunately, he once studied history in a parallel world, and he immediately responded. "You mean Li Longji, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty?"

Roton nodded and said, "yes, it's Li Longji. The emperor was a man of love, but a little confused. I saw the decline of the royal family in those years. I don't know what's going on now? "

Chen Yang said, "Oh, you said that the Tang Dynasty really declined from Li Longji. Later, after a few years, the country was completely destroyed. After that, it went through many dynasties. After the Tang Dynasty, it was the Song Dynasty, and after the Song Dynasty, it was the Yuan Dynasty. Until now, the people have overthrown the monarchy. Without the emperor, the head of state also has a term of office, and the people can basically get warm and fed. No one will kneel down. "

After hearing this, he laughed and said, "well, well, that's good. That's what it should be, that's what it should be! "

Chen Yang said: "Taoist priest, a lot of things have happened on the earth. You see, we are villagers again. Can you let me go? "

Luo Tong's face is red. He immediately said, "that's natural. That's natural."

After that, he kneaded the formula. Then, Chen Yang's soft whip turned into a nail and returned to Luo Tong's hand.

"Thank you, Taoist priest!" Chen Yang sincerely thanks.

Roton smiles.

At this time, however, the green Python and the three legged Golden Snake quit.

The green Python said at first: "Taoist priest, we had already agreed. Now if you want to let him go, you can't. We found the prey together... "

Sanzujinwu also said: "although I often have different opinions with Biyan, Taoist priest, this time I will stand on Biyan's side."

Qin Dong did not speak at all. This guy is smart!

Luo Tong swept a faint smile and said: "this little friend and I are fellow townsmen. In the vast universe, fellow townsmen are friends. If you don't even let go of your poor friends, it means that you are not poor friends. If you're going to do something, I'll go on. "

Roton was light and had no mood of fluctuation. But what he meant was resolute.

If Bi mo, Qing Mang and three legged Jinwu insist on making a move, Luo Tong will never show mercy.

The green Python and the three legged gold are afraid of roton. Seeing that roton is so tough, their faces look ugly.

Among other things, they also want face. Just because roton gave up in a few words, how shameless they were!

"Taoist priest, I have come to your realm. What fellow countrymen and friends are all jokes? " The green Python said coldly. "Are you going to turn against our old friends just for such a fellow countryman?"

Luo Tong said with a smile, "if a friend is a joke, you don't have to call him an old friend. If a friend is not a joke, you can't even let go of your poor fellow countrymen. Such a small profit can turn you around. Let's talk about old friends. That's a joke. "

"Don't think we're afraid of you, roton!" Three feet gold black big anger, say.

Luo Tong sneered and said, "who are you afraid of, Tulu? I know your temperament, but I'm afraid you don't know it very well. "

"All right, all right!" Qin Dong finally made a sound and said, "have you forgotten what we are here for? Since the earth people are fellow villagers of Taoist priest, why should they be so persistent? This earth person does not belong to anyone. Is it necessary to fight for this sudden benefit? You What a joke

He paused and said, "I'm on the side of the Taoist priest in this matter. If you really want to do it, you'll have to count me in. "

"Qin Dong You... " The green snake said angrily.

Three feet Jinwu sneered and said, "it seems that you don't need our help much, Qin Dong."

Qin Dong said: "I need your help, but on the right and wrong, I am not ambiguous."

Luo Tong said coldly, "Tulu, blue eyes, do you really want to fight?"

The green boa and the three legged golden boa look at each other. Then, the green boa hums coldly.

Sanzujinwu sneered and said, "since Taoist priest you want this person, I'll give it to you."

Obviously, they are not angry. It's just the situation!

But Luo Tong didn't care. As soon as he caught Chen Yang, he caught Chen Yang on the tiger's back."Keep going!" Said roton.

Qin Dong nodded.

Immediately they got up and ran after each other.

In the process of going, Luo Tong and others also began to ask Chen Yang. Although they basically have no doubt about Chen Yang, they still need to understand the whole story.

Chen Yang talked about his own experience. He said that he was a man on earth. Because he was pregnant with grain, country and divine tree, he was chased by the fairyland.

Chen Yang said he escaped all the way here and was seriously injured.

"During my escape, I covered my breath with black hole crystals. But I don't know when they will catch up again! " Chen Yang felt guilty and said, "Taoist priest, I'm with you. Maybe I'll trouble you."

Luo Tong said with a smile, "you don't have to think about it. Since we met, it's fate."

Qin Dong said in a deep voice, "Taoist priest, we shouldn't create new branches at the moment."

The sanzujinwu immediately said, "yes, Taoist priest! The people in fairyland he said must not be simple characters. It's better that you leave this person to us. "

Green Python also said: "yes, Taoist priest, our friends for many years, can't compare with a fellow townsman?"

Luo Tong laughs, he says: "I do things according to my liking. I feel happy when I see it. It's better to be friends with him than with you two beasts. It's easy for you to think that I'm a monk. I'll take my little friend away, so that you won't be involved. I owe you the favor of winning true friends, but if you don't want to, Qin Dong, it's not that I don't pay back the favor. "

"The Taoist priest is joking!" With a faint smile, Qin Dong said, "since Taoist doesn't care, am I afraid again? When those people come, let's kill them! "

Three legged Jinwu and bimaoqing Python saw that they had formed a camp again, and their eyes flashed with disappointment. But they don't say much. They were angry because he was not only arrogant, but also called them animals.

Animal is not a good word!

Chen Yang has been listening, he is quietly healing. He had a strong affection for the Taoist priest!

Chen yangben is a passionate person. If others treat him badly, he would like to pay him back ten times. But when others treat him well, he also wants to repay him with all sincerity.

Chen Yang felt guilty because he came with a conspiracy. But Luo Tongdao is so sincere!

For a moment, Chen Yang didn't know how to deal with this relationship. He wanted to confess to the Taoist priest, but he was afraid that something might happen.

Chen Yang thought in his heart that he would have to ask the Taoist priest to apologize after the event.

Along the way, he was too lazy to talk to others. He was very interested in Chen Yang and said, "I've always heard about fairyland. It's just a pity that the gate of fairyland was closed at that time. Fairyland has become a legend! However, I have heard about the grain, the country and the tree. It is said that fairyland suffered a great loss on this tree at the beginning! "

Chen Yang said in his heart, "isn't this Taoist priest making a bad idea? No, no, no, No. I think too much. When I didn't talk about the grain state tree before, the Taoist priest has already treated me very well. "

Chen Yang has his own life experience. If he tells a lie, he should always be true in eight and false in two. It's easy to help if you are full of nonsense. That's why he said the fairyland was after him.

"Xiaoyou, you say that you are the king of the universe?" Asked roton.

Chen Yang said: "younger generation is indeed! Now the whole earth is killing and robbing, and it's becoming more and more fierce! "

Luo Tong immediately worried, said: "I calculated the fate in those years, but I predicted that there would be such a catastrophe in the future many years. I didn't expect that. Now the doom has come. When I was far away from the earth, I had the idea of avoiding disaster. But now, when the disaster comes, I meet you! Is that God's will? "

What do you mean, Taoist Chen Yang is puzzled.

"Coming out of the earth, it's contaminated with the cause and effect of the earth," said roton. Even if he has been away for more than a thousand years, he who should come will come! "

"In that case, it's better to kill this man and cut off the cause and effect!" The three legged Gold Black has been listening. Smell speech to say immediately!

The green Python also said, "if the Taoist priest can't do it, we can do it for him." They didn't get Chen Yang. Now they just want to kill him. This hate is come, so no reason!

With a sneer, he said, "you don't have to worry about me, blue eyes. You can shut up! "

Chen Yang also felt uneasy, he said: "Taoist, otherwise, let's say goodbye to it?"

"Don't try to swing your hand, Dorothy," he said. I have already figured out that what should come is inevitable. It's better to accept it than to avoid it. I want to help you at first sight. Now that you represent the way of heaven, I want to help you. To help you is to help the poor. "

Then, Luo Tong took out a gourd of elixir and said, "there is star elixir refined by me. It's 30 billion in all! Xiaoyou, you are about to take it, so that you can recover from the injury! "

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