Chen Yang now looks like he has nothing to fear. It's not that he's far sighted, but that he's worried about the green Python and the three legged Golden Snake. He's like a low-key millionaire now. He seems to be far behind the top one. But in fact, his wealth is no less than that of the top rich. So, he was looked down upon by these two beasts, which was a little irritated.

Moreover, Chen Yang knows very well. Although he had no foresight, he knew that Qin Dong would never let him go to the other side.

Because, Qin Dong is to do a safe thing.

He didn't see through Chen Yang very well. If Chen Yang dares to run past, he must have something to rely on!

Moreover, Chen Yang and Luo Tong have a good relationship.

Qin Dong was also afraid that Chen Yang would lead Luo Tong to the wrong side. It's clear that it's a card that can win. How can Qin Dong let those uncertain factors happen?

At this time, Chen Yang's scolding completely angered the green python.

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you!" The green snake roared. His eyes burst out endless murderous!

The green Python is about to start.

Seeing this, Qin Dong immediately drank and said, "master blue eye, wait a minute!" He said: "master, all the enmity will wait until the two girls are caught."

After a pause, he said, "Taoist priest Luo Tong, please do justice."

When Luo Tong heard the words, he was quite helpless. He looked at Chen Yang and said, "Xiaoyou, why are you so arrogant now? It's not in your character! "

The Taoist priest looks very kind, but he is an expert who can see through the world. Therefore, his simple question has profound meaning.

Unfortunately, it was Chen Yang that Luo Tong met.

There must be no escape for others in front of roton! However, Chen Yang has always been a calm man. Few people in the world can match him for his ability to speak freely.

Chen Yang said solemnly, "Taoist, when I was practicing martial arts. My master told me that martial arts should not be humiliated! If I still have to endure humiliation and swallow to a beast when I practice today, what's the significance of practicing this all-round Taoist art? "

"I Pooh!" The sanzujinwu immediately said, "as far as you're concerned, you can say that you are good at Taoism. I'm afraid you don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick! "

"Shut up, you're a beast, too!" Chen Yang said coldly.

Then he said, "now the enemy is at hand. I shouldn't have argued with you. However, Taoist priest and I have great kindness. Besides, I have to show Mr. Qin Dong what I can do. Well, blue eyes, Balu, don't you look down on me? I'm standing here. You're going to shoot me with all your strength. If you can kill me, it can be regarded as my humble mouth and my retribution. If you work together, you can't kill me. Then, please keep your respect in the future! "

"I'm afraid you're crazy!" Three feet gold black facial expression a change, say.

"Hey, hey, he wants to die, can't we make it?" The green boa, the blue demon, is full of murders.

Qin Dong looked at Luo Tong. Luo Tong was also curious, so he said, "since I have this pride, let them have a try."

Qin Dong's eyes flashed a deep sense of killing. He said in his heart, "this boy doesn't know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. If he dies, he's not in trouble!"

He and the three masters work together and don't need Chen Yang's help. Chen Yang's death means less trouble. This guy is alive, but he can drive roton. It's an uncertain factor.

Qin Dong immediately said, "good!"

After that, he immediately banned the soul chariot. The soul chariot spewed out the essence of the soul. Between heaven and earth, the dark fog was surging and the soul was rolling, covering the light dust of dreams and the smoke of emperor and Fei. This is also afraid of the dream of light dust and Emperor non smoke.

In the soul space, Qin Dong alone opened up a vast and boundless space for the blue demon, green Python and three legged gold.

At this time, everyone can see the situation here. Including emperor non smoke, dream light dust!

Emperor Feiyan and mengqingchen's accomplishments are not under Qindong.

In the vast dark soul space, Chen Yang said: "let's go together."

The green Python and the three legged gold snake don't waste time either. Anyway, they have long wanted to frustrate Chen Yang.

The green Python roared, and his whole body's mana stirred up. Suddenly, his mana was like the roar of the mountain and the sea. He was extremely fierce and moved the sky and the earth!

The three precious stones of the three legged gold also burst out the dazzling light of terror!

Three gems, turn into triangle, the last Trinity!

The three golden lights contain the unparalleled power of terror and the ancient mystery of killing Chen Yang in the past.

At the same time, the scales on the green Python's body changed a lot, and finally turned into a huge blue sword to kill Chen Yang.

Black light golden sword!

Blue sword!

These two beasts each sword, are the whole body mana condensation, without mercy.

Of course, they have a way to kill.

However, they believe that the power of joint efforts is enough to crush Chen Yang into powder.There's no reason to take out the effort to press the bottom of the box at this time!

It's all unparalleled power!

It also shows that the two of them are the triple realm of God and king!

Although they are only triple, because of their huge size, they are incomparable in strength.

The black light golden sword contains the power of extinction, unparalleled power, breaking the galaxy.

Even a planet will be cut into pieces by this sword in an instant!

Kill the gods!

Huge, fierce, no escape, no escape!

At the same time, countless scales in the blue sword, each scale contains the power of a small world! Now all of these tremendous forces have burst out.

This sword can destroy the wormhole!

What skills can Chen Yang bear?

He is just one of the most important accomplishments in the realm of God King!

At least, Qin Dong thinks so.

Qin Dong looked at Chen Yang like a dead man.

"It's not worth dying if you don't measure your strength!" Qin Dong gave a cold hum.

Roton's eyes were deep. He didn't say a word.

Emperor Fei Yan's eyes showed the color of worry, such two swords, she felt that she had to weigh them well. Even if they can take over, it will be very difficult.

Dream light dust is absorbed, she is not worried about Chen Yang will have an accident. She wants to see what Chen Yang's card is?

Because, she knows, between Chen Yang and her, there is bound to be a fierce battle.

What can Chen Yang do at that critical moment?

Although the soul stone is powerful, it can't work at all at this time. Soul crystal is used for cheating, similar to Qianshu. Sanzujinwu and bimaoqingmang are staring at Chen Yang. Of course, Chen Yang can't cheat.

Therefore, Chen Yang can only operate the black hole vortex.

The crowd saw Chen Yang standing in the center of the storm vortex. When the sky and earth collapsed, he was still calm, but suddenly he moved in his mouth. His black shirt turned into black fog quickly, and black fog and lightning formed a black hole vortex!

The black hole whirlpool is growing rapidly, and there are thunderstorms in the middle!

Two powerful swords cut into the black hole, and the power of terror will crush it!

Chen Yang's great phagocytosis, the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu burst out completely!

"Roar!" Chen Yang roared, resounding all over the world!

The law of terror, the meaning of mystery, the energy attack, the mighty Jedi, the avalanche, the tsunami, endless!

But at this moment, the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu are all transformed into magic, and quickly turned into pure energy!

Chen Yang quickly absorbed these two pure energies, and his body soon could not bear such a fierce force. It was too fierce!

Those two swords are still crazy!

Chen Yang's body was quickly stretched to the limit!

Chen Yang did not say a word, burst out a sword light!

A sword to the East!

The mystery of the universe, the power of black holes Chen Yang runs half of his power and condenses all the absorbed energy into this sword!


The sword light, dazzling the sky!

That sword, coming from the East, is destined to be famous in history!

Next, it is dazzling broken!

A sword from the East will directly chop the blue sword of green Python and the black light sword of three legged gold!

Of course, a sword to the East is also broken!

As Chen Yang's figure flashed, the black hole whirlpool quickly turned into a black gown and returned to him again.

At that moment, Chen Yang's clothes were cool and terrifying!

Chen Yang or Chen Yang, he stands in the void.

But at this time, the eyes of green Python and three legged golden black changed.

Qin Dong's eyes also changed.

A look of surprise flashed in roton's eyes, and then he felt thoughtful. "Is this the power of the grain country tree?" He said in secret.

The dream light dust's eye is actually flash over the deep color of fear.

Emperor Fei Yan is very happy.

Chen Yang gave a cold smile, then looked at the green Mang and the three legged Jinwu, and said, "you two, do you still think I'm incompetent?"

The green Python and the three legged Golden Snake look at each other. Then, the two guys saluted directly and said, "little brother, we have offended a lot in our words before. Please don't blame me!"

Qin Dong laughed and said, "wonderful, wonderful! Little brother, you are really extraordinary. "

Chen Yang said, "Mr. Qin, you are welcome. I just don't want you to think that Chen Yang is a nobody. Even in today's war, I can help. I'm doing it alone. I'm not afraid of any of you. "

"Ha ha!" Qin Dong laughed and said, "little brother, after we take these two girls together, you will go back to the ghost King clan with me. It is not impossible for the patriarch to promise you one of them with your ability. ""Ha ha, that's great!" Chen Yang is very happy!

Later, Qin Dong's eyes were cold again. He pushed aside the fog of soul and faced the light dust of dream and the smoke of emperor Fei.

"Non tobacco girl, long time no see!" Qin Dong said first. He then said: "the last time we met, it was three years ago. On Cangshan Mountain, the ten shows of the earth were martial arts. At that time, non tobacco girl, you came in the thunder boat, holding the heaven and earth thunder beads, and your prestige was very tight! Today, it seems that your Shenzhou is no longer there? "

At this moment, Qin Dong knew that there must be something wrong with emperor Feiyan's thunder Shenzhou. Otherwise, he can catch up there.

Emperor Feiyan said lightly: "Qindong, we don't have to talk about the past. If you have any means, just show it, and I'll follow you! "

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