Qindong smell speech, smile said: "non smoke girl don't worry, we today's war, absolutely can't avoid." Then, his eyes came to mengqingchen. "Dream girl, you were with the young master to catch the non smoke girl. Why are you with the non tobacco girl now that the young master died miserably? In the middle, do you want to explain? "

Meng Qingchen said, "no matter how I explain it, I can't change the fact that Yinghong is dead. There is no turning point between me and guiwangzong. Qin Dong, if you have any skills, you can show them! "

"Good, good!" Qin Dong laughs and says: "they are all heroines among women. I admire them."

Then, he directly said: "master blue eye, you and I will catch nafiyan girl together. Taoist priest, you and master Tulu will catch the dream girl together. "

"What about me?" Chen Yang asked immediately.

Qin Dong thought about it and said, "little brother, you can join Taoist priest."

Chen Yang said, "good!"

The war is on!

Qindong side of the cloth under the four prohibitions, the emperor non smoke and dream light dust shrouded in them. At the same time, Qindong separated emperor Feiyan and mengqingchen by soul space. He and green Python bite on the emperor non smoke, Emperor non smoke also directly offer a strange Scripture. Her cultivation is the highest in the field, and of course it is not easy.

Emperor Feiyan showed the thunder cloud world in an instant!

The purple thunder came out of her eyes, and her hair turned into infinite lightning.

In the battlefield of soul space, there are thunderstorms.

Chen Yang, Luo Tong and three legged Jinwu also surround the dream dust in another soul space.

Qin Dong asked Chen Yang to follow Luo Tong because he didn't trust Chen Yang very much. I think Chen Yang and Luo Tong have a good relationship, so there won't be any trouble.

Dark, vast soul space, full of soul particles flying.

Chen Yang, Luo Tong, three feet of gold and black are surrounded by mengqingchen in three directions. It's a triangle!

The long sword in Luo Tong's hand is called Dao Ling sword!

It's the sword in the hand of Zhang Daoling, the master of heaven!

Now, Zhang Daoling, the master of heaven, has disappeared. Maybe he has gone to the star field outside the earth, maybe he has gone to the fairyland, maybe he has died!

But this sword is always in the hand of Luo Tong!

Luo Tong covered the dream dust with light yellow breath, and he recited words like incantations. Suddenly, the surrounding air, pale yellow breath into infinite Daofu, Daofu bloom golden light.

There are also countless visions, such as the Golden Lotus in the earth, the Taoist ancestor's manifestation in the air, and so on!

Shrouded in the world of Taoism and Dharma in Luotong, a splendid flourishing age of Taoism is unfolded. People can't help but sincerely worship and pray!

The three precious stones of the three legged gold and black are blooming with boundless light and dignity. He roars, and the three precious stones condense a hand print to the sky!

This golden fingerprints of the sky, the rapid suppression of the dream light dust in the past!

Luo Tong is like a Taoist. He drinks softly!

The tiger carrying him, toward the dream of light dust lightning shuttle, he shuttle from this, such as electricity, such as light, but also contains solemn, grand atmosphere!

Like Kuafu running to the sun, like Daozu martyrdom, incomparably heroic, tragic, gone forever!

This move is very famous!

It's called martyrdom!

It is said that master Zhang once dealt with an ancient Warcraft. When he could not catch it, he saw that he was going to die. In order to prevent Warcraft from harming the common people, the master of heaven put his own Taoism into one move, holding the heart of being martyred to death, burning the power of the source of life, and killing Warcraft. But I didn't expect that at this time, I realized the new meaning and killed Warcraft completely.

Later, Master Zhang Daoling created this move. He was martyred!

Taoist priest Luo Tong's method is quite strange and has the obvious upper hand, but the first move directly shows the martyrdom of the Heavenly Master!

Chen Yang was surprised.

That three feet gold Wu and Luo channel long kill to dream light dust together.

Mengqingchen is the proud woman of heaven. She is not in a hurry at this time. She uses her purple hair first. Suddenly, the purple dragon roars out and resists the three legged gold seal.


In a flash, the sky fell apart!

Dream light dust to deal with the sky gold seal at the same time, but also offered a magic weapon, blood eating sword!

Mengqingchen's body is full of Qi and blood, and her mana is fierce. She condenses the whole heaven's mana on the blood swallowing sword, and the last sword points to Luo Tong's eyebrow!

All of a sudden, the Dao Ling sword in his hand waved!

As soon as the light of the sword flashed, the thunder came, directly chopping the sword power of mengqingchen's blood eating sword into pieces. He came crashing all over. It's terrible!


Like a planet hit!

Dream light dust can't help losing color, she had already received the three foot Gold Black Tongtian gold seal, blood some instability. Luo Tong cut through the condensation point of the blood eating sword.

At this time, roton hit and killed again. The power of divine change turned into a pure force to tear the universe apart.In this move, he added his own understanding!

Chen Yang was frightened when he watched.

At first, he thought that Taoist priest Luo Tong was a very kind person, but now when he saw him, he realized that Taoist priest Luo Tong was either a pleasant person. Or it's like hell!

His means are terrible and fierce!

Meng Qingchen and Luo Tong may not be rivals alone. At present, Luo Tong takes advantage of the three legged golden black hand and directly uses the most powerful trick to win Meng Qingchen in one move.

Chen Yang understands that Luotong's idea is to take mengqingchen by lightning. And then they work together with Qin Dong to take the emperor Feiyan.

Chen Yang does not move. If he goes to help Meng Qingchen at this time, all he has done will be in vain. He can only choose to believe that the dream of light dust, believe that the dream of light dust will not be so vulnerable.

Although, this is not a dream of light dust incompetence. It's just that roton's too strong.

But Chen Yang still chose to believe in mengqingchen. The mengqingchen he knew was never so easily knocked down.

At that critical moment, mengqingchen stood with one hand, and the purple dragon suddenly turned into hair and reached her hand. She took it and slapped it at roton!

The thousands of hair twined fiercely in an instant!


Taoist priest Luo Tong directly bumps the thousands of hairs of mengqingchen into flying catkins!

"Meng Daoyou, you are doomed now. You'd better stop fighting for nothing, lest you lose your life!" His body was dazzling, and his martyrdom reached the peak, just like the arrival of Daozu. The strong power, the power of extinction, the endless light dust inundation.

Dream light dust pale cold smile, said: "Taoist, you think, I'm so little ability?"

At that moment, dream light dust blue eyes suddenly burst out blue light.

Purple house, are purple eyes, purple hair!

And dream light dust is blue eyes!

Chen Yang has never seen the blue eyes of mengqingchen.

For a moment, Chen Yang was surprised and said in secret, "she is so patient!"

At that moment, the blue light shone on the long purple hair flying all over the sky. The long purple hair turned into countless purple dragons in an instant!

These dragons surrounded Luo Tong, biting and swallowing, and actually swallowed Luo Tong's dazzling light into his belly.

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