Thousands of purple dragons in the blue ocean world!

It's like the ancient dragon people reappear in the world!

Roton couldn't help losing color!

At the same time, Luo Tong's celestial martyrdom moves are all submerged in the terrible dragon world. Luo Tong was riding a tiger in the blue sea. The Dragon roared around him, but he didn't take the initiative to attack. Luo Tong was attentive and didn't speak much. He was solemn and recited again.

"Tao Da, Tian Da, di Da, Ren Da. It's difficult to follow the law of the easy, so people follow the law of the earth, the earth follows the law of the heaven, the heaven follows the law of the Tao, and the Tao follows the law of nature! "

With his fingers connected, the pale yellow world surged again, and the charms suddenly started, turned into thousands of thousands, and all of them surged to the thousands of dragons!

In a flash, all the dragon's forehead was pasted with a yellow charm! There are dense words on the charm, and those words are blooming!

It's still a contest between ruton and mengqingchen.

The two sides made great efforts, and the fight was hard to separate in an instant. After mengqingchen shows the Dragon world, Luotong won't get the upper hand.

Chen Yang and sanzujinwu are watching. Chen Yang suddenly shouts, "shit, Tulu, what are you watching? It's up to you!"

"Why don't you go up?" Three feet gold black have no good spirit of say.

"Of course I will!" Chen Yang doesn't talk nonsense with sanzujinwu. He suddenly gathers a sword to the East!

At the same time, Chen Yang also transported the Soul Crystal!

Fake body to attack and kill mengqingchen!

The real body is for the three legged gold. Chen Yang gathered nine tenths of his strength to make a sword to the East, and at the same time devoured the star pill. This posture and momentum is for sanzujinwu.

The three legged gold crow also instantly burst out the strongest mana, once again cast Zhentian gold seal, but zhensha mengqingchen!

Dream light dust is really no way to draw out energy to deal with the three foot Jinwu. Dream light dust only believe Chen Yang, but Chen Yang cohesion sword East, her heart or produced empty!

After all, she still has doubts about Chen Yang.

Chen Yang is ready to deal with the crisis. But when she was distracted, roton immediately roared and waved his sword. Suddenly, all her dragons were suppressed by Fuyin, turned into thousands of hair, and finally returned to mengqingchen. Then, the sword light cut by that Ling sword ran towards her.

"It's so overwhelming Dream light dust less than think, a wave of big hand, the blue ocean quickly turned into a huge vortex, the sword light of Luo Tong strangled into pieces. Then, with another backhand, the blue ocean turned into a dragon and wrapped around roton.

The blue sea sent out thousands of tentacles to strangle. With a wave of the sword, the golden light protected the body and crushed all the tentacles.

At the same time, the three legged Jinwu Zhentian Jinyin suppressed to mengqingchen!

Then, sanzujinwu suddenly gave a shrill cry. The gold seal of Zhentian immediately broke up

Chen Yang's sword comes from the East and cuts into sanzujinwu's body. It penetrates from the back and bursts open in an instant.

Three feet Gold Black instant tragic death!

Chen Yang's attack is successful!

Dream light dust slightly a Leng, then great joy. Her pressure suddenly reduced, she no longer need to guard against three foot Jinwu, let alone worry about Chen Yang will backwater. Now she just needs to concentrate on dealing with Taoist Anton!

Luo Tong also saw this situation, he was immediately angry: "you..." Dream light dust while Luo Tong distraction, immediately launched the strongest attack.

"Taoist with ox nose, you must die!" Dream light dust burst to drink, her purple hair turned into a purple dragon, also did not enter the middle of the blue ocean. The purple dragon presents five claws, and all the five claws grasp Luotong.

It's the five sharp claws that suppress the universe, and it's the magic power of mengqingchen!

It contains infinite mysteries and cosmic truth!

It's also one of the unique skills of dream light dust, which is called Dragon Zhentian skill!

It seems that Luo Tong will be killed by Meng Qingchen. However, the Luo channel has been running for many years. How can it be so easy to deal with. He's quick to respond and he says the mantra.

"Tao gives birth to one, two, three and everything."

In the pale yellow world, mysterious charms are suddenly closely connected, and the runes are all entangled at the moment when the fierce dragon Zhentian skill is torn down. Then, the runes burst into flames. Finally, the flames burst into the belly of the dragon. Zilong was blown back to its original shape in an instant, turned into long hair again and returned to mengqingchen's body.

"Meng Daoyou, you look down on me!" Luo Tong's eyes and body stood on the tiger. With a roar, the tiger instantly penetrates the ocean world and comes directly to mengqingchen. The sword technique is sharp and straight to the heart.

The light of the sword soars to the sky and shoots at mengqingchen. Mengqingchen was surprised. She felt the horror of the sword. Then, Meng Qingchen's body flashed, barely avoided. She doesn't have time to fight back. She has no time to cast any magic. She can only evade.

So, dream light dust quickly grabbed out the hair again, the hair turned into a soft whip, repeatedly resist.

Sword light fierce, and soft whip kill together, three under five divide two will dream light dust again forced step by step back. Luo Tong's swordsmanship is connected with the spirit, and he fights with Meng Qingchen relying on the spirit TigerThe situation of mengqingchen is not so good in an instant.

Roton is so horrible.

Seeing, the dream dust will fall on the hand of roton. Luo Tong is a master of swordsmanship. After being close to him, no one has survived.

However, it seems that roton has forgotten one person. That man is Chen Yang!

Chen Yang is not idle, he has expended too much strength, at the moment is crazy devouring star Dan to replenish physical strength. Qin Dong is also aware of the changes here, because he has laid down the soul world, so he knows everything around him. As a result, Qin Dong, while dealing with emperor Fei Yan, imprisoned Chen Yang with his soul space.

Chen Yang just sneered and started the great phagocytosis, directly absorbing the essence of the soul space. No matter how mysterious, it was dissolved by the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu, and finally turned into pure energy. However, the soul space is scattered in the world, which is difficult to absorb. But Chen Yang understood the mystery of the soul space, so he went through the soul space without any trouble, and then came to the battlefield of mengqingchen and Luotong.

Mengqingchen is in danger now. She is not good at melee. Now she relies on years of cultivation. The cooperation between Shenhu and Luotong is mysterious and fast. Mengqingchen doesn't even have a chance to breathe.

Chen Yang moved quickly on one side and finally found the opportunity. Just when Luo Tong wants a sword to pierce Meng Qingchen's eyebrows, Chen Yang condenses the black hole magic sword and goes straight forward. He puts one hand around Meng Qingchen's soft waist, and another sword opens Luo Tong's magic sword.

All of a sudden, the black hole particles violently vibrate. Daoling sword also makes a loud hum!

Chen Yang steps back with mengqingchen.

Mengqingchen is still in shock. At this time, Chen Yang is the one who saves her. Moreover, Chen Yang also embraces his sensitive waist. She suddenly blushed, and at the same time, a strange emotion in her heart came out.

But at this time, obviously, it's not the time to reminisce. Chen Yangsong opened the dream light dust and said in a deep voice: "you help Fei Yan, Taoist priest, I'll deal with it!"

Luo Tong looks at Chen Yang coldly, but he doesn't do it immediately.

Dream light dust can't help worrying: "can you deal with it?"

"I can't die." Chen Yang said directly.

"Good!" Dream light dust will no longer say, turned away from this space.

Therefore, Chen Yang and Taoist priest Luo Tong are left in the soul space.

Luo Tong's face was cold, and he said, "little friend, you really surprised me."

Chen Yang had a look of shame on his face. He hugged his fist and said, "Taoist, this is not what I want. I tell you it's true to be chased by fairyland. But in this one and di Feiyan established friendship. To be honest with Taoist priest, that Yinghong was also killed by me. We saw something through the crystal of time, so I went there with an evil heart. "

After a pause, he continued: "but I didn't expect that the Taoist priest was so kind to me, younger generation..."

He waved his hand and said, "well, don't say any more."

His face was still cold.

Chen Yang said: "I wanted to be honest at that time, but it's all about life and death, so I dare not be careless."

"You are very well, little friend," said roton. There is no need to explain any more. I have understood the reason. 30 billion star Dan, how much is left? If you use it, forget it. If it's useless, give it back to me! "

Chen Yang was slightly stunned, and then said, "you should be!" After that, he took the gourd out of jiexumi and gave it back to Luotong.

There are 26 billion stars left!

"There is no one right or wrong between us, and each of us has his own stand!" Luo Tong said: "now that Xiaoyou has returned Xingchen Dan, then the gratitude and resentment will be cleared. Now, I'm going to take my little friend's life. The duty is nothing to do with others! "

Chen Yang knew that there was no way to avoid it. He said, "well, the master's moves, the younger generation will follow!"

Roton didn't say much at the moment, but suddenly pointed out. All of a sudden, thousands of yellow Fu burst into light, covering Chen Yang in an instant. Chen Yang did not look up, he was submerged in the world of the charm. The power of these charms is as terrible as hell and sea.

Chen Yang has no other means to deal with it!

Today, Chen Yang's cultivation is actually an important part of creation!

Originally, the creation of a double in front of the two should be vulnerable. But Chen Yang has a fierce big origin, so he can surpass the creation environment.

But in the face of the triple realm of creation, it is powerless!

But Chen Yang still has xuanhuang Shengu seed!

His xuanhuang divine Valley seed is his only card to fight against the triple and quadruple of creation!

So at this moment, Chen Yang once again exerts the power of big phagocytosis, black hole vortex, and xuanhuang divine Valley seed!

Quickly, the mysterious power of many charms was absorbed by Chen Yang, and his vitality recovered quickly!

It was obvious that he had expected this scene.

"Is this the power of the grain state tree?" Luo Tong suddenly stops and asks Chen Yang.

"That's right!" Chen Yang said."But there seems to be something wrong," said roton

Chen Yang said: "changes have taken place. The former five grain state tree can absorb the enemy as a whole and turn them into living fruits. Now, I can't. I can only absorb energy when the enemy attacks. Moreover, the energy is too big. I have to kill with one sword, otherwise my body can't bear such power. "

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