Chen Yang subtly flattered the corpse yuan!

After all, wear a thousand things, not flattery. This is the truth that the universe is not broken.

However, first of all, Chen Yang has to be strong. If Chen Shiyang didn't take it seriously, he wouldn't say it.

Chen Yang can travel through the vast universe and appear in front of Shiyuan's palace. This has proved Chen Yang's ability.

Corpse yuan light smile, he then said: "well, you and say, what things need Wang help?"

In this universe, interests are still supreme.

Interests can make people bite each other, including father and son. But if there is no conflict of interest. The strong are not willing to rush into some conflicts. After all, every conflict can lead to its own fall. Therefore, Shi Yuan and Chen Yang have no grudge and resentment, so there is absolutely no need to tear up the face with Chen Yang. If it's a little help, why not?

Chen Yang immediately said, "if you go back to my master, I have a friend who was seriously injured. Brain damage is serious. I heard a Taoist priest say that in this universe, only your heavenly magic can cure it. Therefore, the younger generation took the liberty to come here, hoping to get help from the older generation. If you can help your friends, you will remember your kindness. If you are sent, you will not refuse it! "

After that, he knelt down and kowtowed three respectfully to show respect.

The corpse yuan is slightly a Zheng, then say: "our king's heaven devil great method really has special treatment ability to the brain area.". However, I can't guarantee the success of the treatment. "

Chen Yang said: "that is, how can there be absolute things in this world. But as long as the elder is willing to do it, no matter good or bad, the younger generation will be grateful. "

Corpse yuan light a smile, say: "light appreciate, but not.". You should talk about what you have in exchange

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. He then took out the gourd: "there are 26 billion star pills in the gourd, which is the only pill of the younger generation. If the elder doesn't dislike it, the younger generation is willing to give it to the elder as revenge! "

"That's not enough!" Corpse yuan light says.

Chen Yang said: "you can take a look at this star pill first. Its efficacy is very different."

Corpse Yuan says: "good, this king sees first."

As soon as Shiyuan's words fell, a handprint came out of the palace. The black fingerprint is the condensation of countless demons. These demons are just like ghosts, which exude enchanting power. Fingerprints don't release power, but give people a sense of terror. Chen Yang didn't care. He threw the gourd away The big handprint caught the gourd.

Seize the moment, the black magic fingerprints lightning retracted inside the black palace.

Chen Yang waited patiently.

Soon, Shiyuan spoke. "You star Dan is really good, but it's not enough. You still have one thing on you. Give it to me. I promise you... "

Chen Yang was shocked.

"Yes, that's the spar!" The corpse Yuan says.

Chen Yang is speechless.

This is really what you are afraid of.

Black hole crystal is his lifeblood! It is also the foundation of his life.

"Master, this This black hole crystal was refined by the younger generation with their own blood essence and mana. It's not any other magic weapon. Even if it's given to you, it's not easy for you to use. What's more, I'm afraid it's hard to completely refine it! " Chen Yang said quickly.

Shi Yuan said: "it's up to the king whether it's smooth or not, whether it can be refined or not. The important thing is, are you willing? If you are not willing, come from there and go back there. If you like, the business can be discussed. I don't force you, and you can't force me, can you? "

Chen Yang is really speechless.

He is very polite!

It's true that this is Shiyuan's territory. Save or not. It all depends on the meaning of Shiyuan Always can't, oneself again loathe thing, still want to force others to save?

Don't say you can't win!

Even if he wins, it's hard for Chen Yang to do such immoral things.

"Good!" Chen Yang said. He thought, if it's too big, he'll make it again. But he also knew in his heart that there were too many elements and thunder force in the crystal of black hole, and the force of soul could not be copied or even irreversible. It's hard for him to regain a magic weapon that surpasses the black hole spar.

But even so, Chen Yang agreed to Shi Yuan.

"Then hand it in." The corpse Yuan says.

Chen Yang said, "no, master. When you save the people, I'll hand them in. If not, then... "

"I promised to help you save people, but I didn't say I would. But whether it can be saved or not, the crystal is the condition. If you don't want to, turn around and leave now. Don't be wordy again

"This..." Chen Yang can't help feeling embarrassed.

If there is any other way, Chen Yang is not willing to hand over the black hole crystal.

After a long silence, Chen Yang grabbed the black hole crystal in his hand and threw it into the black palace. At the same time, Chen Yang's long black shirt disappeared, and he immediately put on other clothes.Corpse yuan is very satisfied with the collection of black hole crystal.

At the moment when the black hole crystal is handed over, Chen Yang grabs the heart crystal in his hand. In any case, the heart stone can't be handed over.

Corpse Yuan then said: "bring the person."

Chen Yang said, "OK, I'll come soon."

He had a heavy heart.

I don't want to say one more word. This and corpse yuan, but also have no affection to say. Everything belongs to the exchange of interests.

Chen Yang soon left the star.

He meets with emperor Feiyan in the void, or in the space of emperor Feiyan.

"Why don't you look so good?" Di Feiyan is aware of Chen Yang's face. Chen Yang was slightly surprised. He wanted to cover it up, but the loss of the black hole crystal made him calm after all.

"No!" Chen Yang immediately laughed. He said, "it's just a fight with the demon king and some humiliation. But anyway, he agreed to save people. "

Dream light dust in one side is also in the heart of suspicion, smell speech also relieved. She was very sorry and said, "I'm sorry, because I..."

"Nothing!" Chen Yang said, "come on, I'll take you in." He also said to di Feiyan, "you just wait here."

Emperor Feiyan said, "why? Now that it's all settled, why can't I come with you? "

Chen Yang said, "Miss silly, you may go back on your word after a negotiation. You are my card, and you are so beautiful and your accomplishments are so high. It's hard to guarantee that the other party won't have a wrong idea. Originally, I didn't want to take mengqingchen in, but her wound So, it's impossible. "

Emperor Feiyan also felt that Chen Yang's words were reasonable, so he said, "well, you should be more careful."

Chen Yang immediately moved mengqingchen to jiexumi. After that, he entered the demon planet again, and came to the front of the black palace.

"Master, I have brought you. But the younger generation needs to see it face to face.... " Chen Yang said.

"No way!" Corpse yuan refused directly.

"Elder, younger generation always need some right to know, don't they?" Chen Yang said.

Corpse Yuan said: "you wait patiently outside. When I perform the magic, I can't have any onlookers."

Chen Yang has no idea.

Corpse yuan immediately impatient said: "if there is no trust, why ask.". If you don't want to, you can take your pills and crystal stones now. "

"What spar?" Dream light dust in Jie Xumi will corpse yuan's words hear clearly.

What Shi Yuan said is Chen Yang's language. Meng Qingchen has been clear about Chen Yang's language for a long time.

Because, on the demon star, there is basically no language, just the exchange of ideas. In order to communicate with Chen Yang, Shi Yuan has quickly learned Chen Yang's language.

After hearing the words, Meng Qingchen was surprised and immediately asked Chen Yang. Her voice is not big, but Chen Yang and Shi Yuan are all powerful people. But they all heard clearly.

Shi Yuan immediately laughed and said, "I've been to many places, and I've seen too many stupid men and women. But I didn't expect that you are so powerful, but you are still a kind of love. He handed over his own crystal, but he didn't say a word to her. "

"You've handed over the black hole spar?" Meng Qingchen asks Chen Yang in horror.

Chen Yang gave a dry cough. Instead of paying attention to Meng Qingchen, he said to Shi Yuan, "I respect you very much. This woman is also very important to me. I hope you will spare no effort to help me. Thank you very much

He said this in the face of thanks, but in fact there is a layer of threat in it. If you play tricks, I will never give up.

Corpse yuan light a smile, say: "you rest assured."

Chen Yang immediately exchanged ideas with mengqingchen and said, "the crystal of black hole is a condition. You have come to this land because of me. I have sacrificed very little. Don't think about it

After that, he said nothing.

The corpse Yuan then stretched out his hand and caught the Jie Xumi in his hand.

For Chen Yang, the rest is endless waiting.

At that moment, Meng Qingchen's heart was shocked and complex.

Chen Yang sacrificed the black hole spar.

How could she not know what the black hole crystal meant to Chen Yang?

Chen Yang waited outside the black palace for three days and three nights.

These three days and nights, every moment, every moment is suffering.

Three days and three nights later, the voice of Shiyuan finally came out.

"Master!" Chen Yang is very happy.

Shiyuan's voice was full of fatigue, he said: "I didn't expect that her brain domain is so complex. Her accomplishments are too high. So it's hard to fix it. "

"But master, you have great powers. You must have cured her, haven't you?" Chen Yang asked immediately.

"It's a pity that I failed." The corpse Yuan says.

"Failed? What do you mean Chen Yang was shocked.The corpse yuan sinks a voice to say: "this king has already said, have no absolute assurance.". There is a risk of failure. Now, failure is failure. Previously, we have made an agreement. "

After a pause, he said, "the girl is dead, and the heavenly magic has not cured her. Moreover, the demons bite her to pieces. Look... "

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