Where Shiyuan's mana refers, there is a phantom in front of Chen Yang!

In the mirage, it is the scene that mengqingchen's body is engulfed by the demons.

Soon, Chen Yang saw that Meng Qingchen was dead. He was shocked violently and murmured, "it's impossible. How can it be?"

Then, Chen YANGCHONG roared in the direction of the black palace and said, "I'll bring you all the pills and magic weapons. But you tell me that people are gone. What's the point? "

Corpse yuan immediately said coldly: "young man, I read in your loss of love, you can not care about this offence. We can make it clear in advance that the choice of treatment is voluntary. Can I promise you that I will be able to cure it? "

"But..." Chen Yang is not reconciled. But what can he do?

"You must be lying to me." Chen Yang suddenly said in an angry voice. "Devil, you are so hateful. You cheated my magic weapon, elixir, and you want to cheat my woman. You have to die! "

"Presumptuous!" The corpse yuan suddenly angry.

His voice was full of majesty and gloom. "Young man, if you dare to talk nonsense again, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"You're welcome, so what? Kill me? You might as well kill me directly. Why do you come here in such a roundabout way Chen Yang said.

"Hum!" Corpse yuan cold hum a, say: "what you say is really right.". On this day, everything is under the control of the king. It's easy for me to kill you. But I'm a reasonable man... "

After a pause, he said, "but if you dare to be rude again, don't blame me for being rude. You really want to die. How can I not let you do that? "

Chen Yang's body trembled suddenly.

Corpse yuan's last words have already bloomed out the tengtengteng's killing intention.

Chen Yang is scared for no reason.

Then he dropped his eyes.

It's a real dejection.

Then Chen Yang turns around and leaves.

Chen Yang soon left the demon planet.

In the black palace, the corpse yuan of the demon king in black armor sat on the throne of the palace.

His face was pure black, but his eyes were black and shining. He has two horns on his head. It looks like a devil.

Below him, there are two demons. It's the devil who protects the Dharma, a man and a woman.

"King!" The woman was ugly and blue faced. It's black scale!

The woman is called Heiling!

The king said, "why don't you kill him immediately? But let him go? "

Corpse yuan saw black work properly one eye, light a smile, say: "you don't understand?"

Heiling shook his head and said, "I don't understand!"

Corpse yuan looked at the man again.

The man is called Gufa!

"Gufa, what about you?" Corpse yuan asks.

Gu FA said in a deep voice, "is the king afraid that he still has a companion?"

The corpse yuan slightly smile, say: "or ancient method, you are cleverer.". We are in a corner of the universe, far away from other living planets. This son is mysterious. We don't know if there is any power behind him. So, it's better to be careful. If you can cheat him, why do you have to do it? "

He paused and said, "well, I didn't want to come here. It's a pity that this woman, with such high cultivation and virginity, is really a good match for the king! "

Chen Yang left the demon planet.

He soon joined up with difiyan. When Emperor Feiyan saw Chen Yang, he immediately asked about Meng Qingchen.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "Shiyuan, the dog thief, lied to me that mengqingchen had been swallowed by the demons."

Di Feiyan was surprised.

"What's going on?" Emperor Feiyan asked.

Chen Yang's mind is very clear, he did not attack on the spot, is to act secretly. Chen Yang doesn't believe what Shi Yuan said

However, it is difficult to find out the truth if we do it rashly.

Therefore, Chen Yang pretended that he had no choice but to leave. Then, when he left, he absorbed some demons in his hands.

Chen Yang said to di Feiyan at this time: "you are guarding outside. After I go in, I find out the truth and call you to work together."

Di Feiyan nodded and said, "good!"

Chen Yang said: "now I need to refine a demon to come out, then hide it in the demon's body, and go in without knowing it. Give me some of your pills. "

Di Feiyan nodded.

She gave Chen Yang a lot of pills. Chen Yang frowned and said in secret, "I knew that. When I first went in, I wish I didn't have the black hole crystal. Now we can save a lot of trouble. "

The black hole crystal is something that Chen Yang had planned to cultivate. Even Shiyuan can't refine it quickly. But now, Chen Yang doesn't know what method Shiyuan used to make him feel the existence of the black hole crystal.Emperor Feiyan protected Chen Yang's Dharma.

Chen Yang began to gather the demons together, infuse mana and feed them pills.

The demon planet is full of demons. Therefore, any outsider will know immediately. What Chen Yang wants to do is to let the heavenly demons who have no sense of wisdom produce some wisdom, and then make it into a degree. Finally, he hides in the demon body and approaches the black palace.

Shiyuan wants to manage Nuo Da's demon planet. In his brain, there are endless demons. It's like a black crowd It's hard to find some small movements inside. Unless there are different attributes in the demons, the corpse yuan can be found in time.

This is why Chen Yang pretends to leave.

Chen Dan Yang's magic power and the last magic power will soon be together!

This demon is ferocious and has blue face and tusks.

Chen Yang then used the Da Pu Du Lei Yin technique to transform it. The devil was obedient immediately

Later, Chen Yang said goodbye to Emperor Feiyan.

He hides in jiexumi and lets the demon swallow it.

Then, Chen Yang controls the powerful mana to control the demon monster to fly to the demon planet.

"Be careful, let me know as soon as you have something to do!" Emperor Feiyan told Chen Yang. Chen Yang nods

In the world of demons, most of them are unconscious demons.

But there are also many demonic monsters that have consciousness, but they are scattered everywhere. When Chen Yang left, it was inconvenient to operate, because Shiyuan had been monitoring. It is very hidden for him to catch these fragmentary demons, because these demons have been attacking Chen Yang. It looks like Chen Yang swallowed it up

Corpse yuan is absolutely imperceptible of Chen Yang's intention.

Chen Yang soon entered the demon star, but many demons did not come to entangle him, and even began to retreat. It's the instinct of those unconscious demons Chen Yang's demons are stronger than them after all

Chen Yang uses the mana to make the demons begin to devour the surrounding ownerless demons, making the demons more powerful.

After that, Chen Yang runs the demon and flies to the dark demon palace.

Fast forward


In fact, there is a risk of exposure. But at this moment, Chen Yang has to let go.

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