Cang Nu started to read out the master's law with the spirit subduing decree in his hand.

At the same time, the monthly salary of the master was read out. Although, those disciples have known the treatment of the masters for a long time. But when Cang Nu read it out in public again, it was hard for everyone to calm down for a long time.

That's the ultimate goal of their life!

After that, cangnu issued bronze order and black gold order to Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen respectively! This token is a symbol of identity, and it has a lot of privileges.

The details are contained in the token itself.

Chen Yang got the bronze order.

Dream light dust got Xuanjin order!

After that, he accepted all the disciples to kneel down.

All disciples should kneel down to worship the new master.

When all the disciples knelt down and cried to worship master Chen Yang and master Qingchen, there were still ripples in Chen Yang's heart. What power and power bring is really fascinating!

No wonder there are stars in the universe, but there are creatures. These two things are sought after by living beings.

After the kowtow, the canonization ceremony came to an end.

There is another link!

That is to challenge master!

If there are disciples who feel that they are very strong and are not very convinced with the new master. Then, you can challenge the master.

This is rare.

Hardly ever. What can become a master is the realm of God.

No matter how talented the disciples are, there is no way to challenge them successfully.

During the challenge time, no disciple dared to challenge.

So, we go to the next step.

That is, new teachers can challenge teachers.

Dream light dust itself is the highest level, so, she has nothing to challenge.

So cangnu asked Chen Yang if he needed to challenge a higher level master.

This is also a routine.

Generally speaking, few people will challenge. Most of the bronze masters are good at keeping a low profile and striving for rapid cultivation and promotion. There is no one who has just become a master and can't afford to challenge other masters.

This kind of challenge may be fatal.

Whether it's killing the other party or being killed by the other party, it's all self blame.

But at this time, Chen Yang touched his nose, and he did not immediately answer cangnu's words. It's looking out

The disciples clapped in their hearts, and they knew that there was a good play to watch.

And the temple Lord emperor Shengtian also had some accidents. He frowned slightly. Obviously, he didn't like this kind of variable. But in full view of the public, he is the Lord of the temple, and he can't violate his own rules.

Emperor huaixiu also frowned.

And Tan Lao a red robe, he also frowned. He seems to have had an insight into Chen Yang's ideas.

Sure enough, Chen Yang's eyes first came to Fu Zhichen.

"Of course, I have to challenge. How can the title of a bronze master be worthy of Chen Yang?" Chen Yang's eyes were shining. He suddenly pointed to Fu Zhichen at the position of the golden master. "Master Fu, you are all right! At the beginning, when we were on the earth, you were high above me. I dare not forget your insult to me for a moment. Today, I challenge you. Do you dare to accept it? It's easy if you don't take it. He came down and gave me the golden order in your hand. Then, you take the bronze order and sit down to the bronze trash

"Bronze trash?" Suddenly, Chen Yang's words angered those bronze masters.

Chen Yang's words are too hurtful.

Bronze masters are also very noble!

Chen Yang glanced at the bronze masters and said, "if you are not convinced, you can challenge me! But I advise you not to get excited. Because I haven't been promoted yet. If I lose, I don't need you to challenge. Then I'll kowtow to you. If I'm promoted, I welcome you to challenge me

As soon as he said this, he immediately calmed down the bronze masters. They knew that since he dared to speak so arrogantly, he also dared to challenge the gold master. That must be something. It's better to bear his anger for a while and see what his ability is.

Chen Yang's arrogance is not his nature.

He just wanted to infuriate Fu Zhichen and let him down in public.

Fu Zhichen immediately stood up.

Fu Zhichen is a white gown. He is as gentle as jade and a banished immortal. But at this time, his face was covered with frost.

Fu Zhichen stares at Chen Yang. He is about to speak

Natan was the first to speak. Tan Lao said in a deep voice: "my minister, give him the gold order. You are not his opponent

"Yes Chen Yang laughed and said, "that's what it should be. Fu Zhichen, Tan Lao is also for you. You still need to know yourself. In the past, you were the pride of heaven, you were a genius, you were very talented. But everyone has his own time. Your time has passed. Now it's the back wave of the Yangtze River pushing the front wave. You should accept your fate! Don't be impulsive and lose your life! ""Dust, don't be impulsive!" Tanlao can't help changing color. When Chen Yang said this, Tan Lao already had a bad feeling.

Fu Zhichen is a proud man. He can stand Chen Yang's ridicule there!

Sure enough, there was a cold light in Fu Zhichen's eyes. "I accept your challenge!"

"Ha ha ha..." Chen Yang laughed, he said: "good, then let's start."

Cang Nu immediately started the war!

There is a world of light curtain in the sky. There is endless heaven and earth in the world of light curtain.

If you fight there, its mana will not spread to the outside world.

Chen Yang and Fu Zhichen saluted the emperor together according to the rules.

Emperor Shengtian said in a deep voice: "you are all ministers of the humerus in the descending temple. I don't want to see any casualties."

Chen Yang said: "report back to the temple master. We will try our best to control it. Please rest assured."

"Good!" Emperor Shengtian said, "but before the contest, I still want to ask you one last time. Have you all considered it? It's too late to regret! "

"Think about it!" Chen Yang said directly.

"My minister..." Tan Lao could not help shouting again. He is really congenial to Fu Zhichen and doesn't want him to have any damage.

Fu Zhichen ignored Tan Lao, but said to Emperor Shengtian: "consider it."

"Then, let's go!" The emperor said no more.

Chen Yang took the first step and entered the battlefield of light screen world.

Fu Zhichen looks at Tan Lao. At this moment, his face is very calm. He said: "tanlao, I have no impulse. I know what I'm doing, thank you

Then, with a flash of his body, he entered the battlefield of light screen world.

Fu Zhichen's body has a bleak and desolate meaning. The wind is blowing, the water is cold, the strong man will never return!

All the disciples and masters have no reason to like Fu Zhichen.

As if at this time, Chen Yang is that heinous bully in general.

It seems that Fu Zhichen is just and Chen Yang is evil.

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