In the world of light curtain, Chen Yang and Fu Zhichen stand opposite each other!

Then the opening of the light curtain world closed.

Chen Yang looks at Fu Zhichen, and Fu Zhichen also looks at Chen Yang.

At this time, Chen Yangcai didn't care what outsiders thought. He flashed a deep sadness in his eyes and said, "Zhang Jiao, in fact, you shouldn't come."

Fu Zhichen said, "I know what you mean. You're right. Feng Shui takes turns. On that day, you successfully escaped. Qi Yun has not been on my side for a long time, although I have made great progress in recent years. But compared with the son you chose on that day, it's still worse. You are now It has great strength. It seems that there is only creation, but even tan Lao has nothing to do with you. What's more, me? "

"Since you understand?" Chen Yang was slightly shocked.

Fu Zhichen said calmly: "what if you are the chosen son? Fu Zhichen was never born to lose. I will not let you become the shadow and fear in my heart. Today, either Cheng Ren or Sanctify. "

Chen Yang suddenly understood Fu Zhichen.

In this world, everyone is their own protagonist!

Maybe ordinary people will accept their fate.

However, Fu Zhichen is such a talented person. He has his own pride, he can't tolerate his retreat in front of Chen Yang, and has fear.

If Chen Yang's cultivation has reached the triple realm of creation, Fu Zhichen may admit defeat. After all, the realm is here.

Now, Chen Yang's realm is lower than that of Fu Zhichen.

It's all from father to mother. Why does he shrink back?

Chen Yang immediately threw his fist at Fu Zhichen and said, "Fu Zhangjiao, let's solve the old feud between you and me today. Anyway, Chen Yang respects you. Fu Zhangjiao is a man! "

Fu Zhichen nodded, he did not say anything more.

Then, two hands.

Fu Zhichen immediately sacrificed the magic weapon Hunyuan Jinruyi. The Hunyuan Jinruyi turned into a golden light and was caught in the palm of Fu Zhichen. Then, Fu Zhichen turned his whole body mana to split a palm at Chen Yang.

Fu Zhichen is the double cultivation of creation environment, and his Hunyuan Jinruyi is a medium quality tool!

At this moment, man and magic weapon are in one!

Jin Ruyi burst out the power of terror. Fu Zhichen practised the sea of clouds Sutra and manipulated the magic power extremely. His spirit, upanism, and even with indomitable tragic gas.

This is the result of killing

All of a sudden, it was raging!

The golden power and palm power in the golden Ruyi burst out a dazzling light.

The power of the hand is powerful, breaking the stars.

In front of Chen Yang, it's like a mountain, a tsunami, and dust.

The long natural disaster quickly ran over Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was originally very calm. At this time, he suddenly opened his eyes and burst out: "come on!"

Then, Chen Yang pinched the black hole crystal in his palm.

He's running all his mana.

At this moment, the mana in the body is furious to the extreme, such as the mountain torrent burst out, and the heaven and earth split.

His clothes puffed up without wind.

Chen Yang FA is solemn at this moment. Then, the force of black hole appeared in front of Chen Yang. The power of black hole and the power of thunder and lightning form two forces. The blending of these two forces forms a wonderful Taiji diagram.

Then, Chen Yang grabbed the taijitu in his hand and shot it out. The Tai Chi diagram turned into a terrible black fist seal. In the fist seal, thunder and lightning roll!


The fists and palms are hand in hand, which gives us unparalleled power.

The whole light screen world is one of them.

After the powerful explosion, Chen Yang and Fu Zhichen are both intact.

And those disciples are scared. Maybe many times, they already feel their strength is very strong. It can overturn the clouds and rain, it can overturn the mountains and the sea. But at this moment, they saw the master's hand with their own eyes, and then they saw the height of the mountain.

They don't dare to imagine that the power is so terrible.

Chen Yang and Fu Zhichen did not stop for a moment.

Chen Yang just yelled to come again!

So he hit again.

"Good!" Fu Zhichen followed suit.

The palm wind is fierce, the fist front explodes.

Two people's palm strength, fist strength roaring strangle, golden light and thunder light mix, magnificent surging, surging peerless.

Chen Yang did not have the power to run the seeds of xuanhuang Shengu. If he respects Fu Zhichen, he will give him relative fairness.

Chen Yang and Fu Zhichen fight for more than a hundred palms in this light curtain world.

After the Vietnam War, Fu Zhichen had to work harder. He has been swallowing elixir, but still can't keep up with the speed of mana consumption.

Chen Yang, on the other hand, is more brave in the war. He did not devour the elixir, but his magic power was like the water of a river.Fu Zhichen doesn't believe in evil.

"Is his power really endless? How is that possible? " Fu Zhichen is ruthless in his heart and continues to kill Chen Yang with his remaining strength. Chen Yang's face is calm, he punches one by one to deal with Fu Zhichen's attack.

Fu Zhichen suddenly fell into madness. He was like an eight year old urchin beating an adult man desperately.

That's clear. There won't be any result!

Fu Zhichen's mana consumption is terrible. He has exhausted his mental power and the oil is exhausted.

But he didn't stop.

Tan Lao, the real person in the cemetery is heartbroken. Tan Lao couldn't help hugging emperor Shengtian: "Lord of the temple, we admit defeat, we admit defeat!"

Emperor holy day looked at Tan Lao one eye, he said lightly: "the road is his own choice, once into the light curtain world, we can't intervene."

"But..." Tan can't help crying.

"Enough!" At this time, in the light screen world, Chen Yang waved his hand like a child. Fu Zhichen couldn't resist Chen Yang's gravity, so he flew out.

"You've lost!" Chen Yang said coldly.

Fu Zhichen fell heavily on the ground, his face turned pale, and the corner of his mouth overflowed with blood. He worked hard, worked hard, worked hard Finally, I struggled to stand up.

"Yes, I lost. Take away my life Fu Zhichen said with a miserable smile.

Chen Yang said: "the earth is in great trouble. You and I belong to human beings. We shouldn't kill each other... "

"But I thought about it. If I Chen Yang fell into your hands, would you think so? Will you let me go? " Chen Yang suddenly asked Fu Zhichen.

"Of course not!" Fu Zhichen said.

He is very hard.

"I think so!" Chen Yang nodded. Then he said, "well, you go to die!" He suddenly pointed out. This one points directly at the eyebrow of Fu Zhichen.

Fu Zhichen was calm, as if he was ready for the ending. But at the last moment, panic flashed in his eyes

But it's too late.

Soon, Fu Zhichen's eyes lost their look and fell to the ground!

The leader of Yuqing sect is the most respected one, and Fu Zhichen is promoted by Chen I killed him.

Then, a door of void appeared in the light curtain world.

Chen Yang grabs Fu Zhichen's body and leaves the world of light curtain.

Tan Lao comes over and takes away Fu Zhichen's body. When he was collecting Fu Zhichen's body, his eyes were red and his hands trembled slightly.

After collecting Fu Zhichen's body into jiexumi, Tan laocai looks at Chen Yang.

Obviously, Chen Yang doesn't feel guilty. He looked at Tan Lao coldly

Tan Lao nodded and said, "I will remember this hatred!"

Chen Yang smile, said: "you remember or not.". Don't you want to kill me as well as kill me? Yes? I'm a mole ant. I can only bear it. Can't I fight back? "

Tan Lao's body was shocked.

He had nothing to say.

After Tan Lao left, Chen Yang handed over the bronze order and got Fu Zhichen's gold order. The golden order is the spiritual mark of Fu Zhichen. After that, Chen Yang needs to go to the magistrate's palace for re certification!

When the canonization ceremony comes here, it's time to end.

According to the meaning of emperor Shengtian, cangnu was ready to end

However, at this time, Chen Yang spoke again.

In today's battle, master Chen Yang has opened the eyes of all the disciples and masters. This master, who seems to be the only one in the divine realm, can easily abuse the golden master!

It is destined that after this war, many disciples will sharpen their heads to take refuge in him.

The masters have the power to kill in the hall of descent. Those disciples, however, dream of joining the master. If there is a master's protection, other masters can't kill casually.

At this time, no one thought of it. After Chen Yang became the golden master, he was not satisfied.

Chen Yang said: "I want to challenge, I want to challenge the black gold master, the real person in the cemetery." Then, with a sneer, he said to the real man in the cemetery, "real man, do you dare to fight? If you don't dare to be a teacher. You black gold order, leave it to me. "

"You are arrogant The real man in the cemetery was stunned, and then he was furious.

Chen Yang laughed and said, "it seems that the real person is going to accept the challenge."

"Enough!" At this time, the emperor said in a deep voice, "today, let's call it a day."

Emperor Shengtian has seen Chen Yang's eccentricity. He even felt that Chen Yang had come to demolish the platform. So he wanted to end the farce by force.

Then emperor Shengtian stood up.

He is about to leave.At the same time, the real man in the cemetery breathed a sigh of relief.

"Wait!" However, Chen Yang is reluctant. He said in a deep voice: "dare to ask the Lord of the temple, is there anything beyond the rules? If the rules can be changed, please make a notice to change them. In a word, this gold order is not worthy of my identity. If the rules don't need to be obeyed, I think all of us can take the Xuanjin order! Today, either you change the rules, or you kill me directly, or you give me the Xuanjin order. In a word, I won't just give up! "

Chen Yang is aggressive and defies the authority of emperor Shengtian.

The emperor's holy eye suddenly flashed a touch of senhan's killing intention.

"Young man, do you understand what you are talking about?" Elder Liuyun first asked Chen Yang coldly.

Chen Yang is neither humble nor overbearing, saying: "I only know that rules need to be observed. If you don't follow the rules, what do you do with the rules? Simply, the temple master removed all the rules. After that, what the LORD said was what he said. "

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