"Emperor Chen Yang said:" I forgot to see you. That is, my words are above any rules. "

"Sorry, I haven't heard of that rule!" Chen Yang said.

"Now, do you hear me?" Said the emperor.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "I heard that. It's very clear."

"Break up!" The emperor said directly.

"Wait!" Chen Yang is still reluctant.

Emperor holy day not from anger, way: "do you want to seek death?"

In this public, Chen Yang challenged his majesty again and again. He is really angry!

Chen Yang said, "I don't want gold. Either let me continue to challenge, or give me Xuanjin order. "

"No? What do you want? " The emperor asked coldly.

Chen Yang said: "if I don't give it, I can't force it! There's no one left here, there's a place to stay. I'll go! "

"Do you think you came to the temple as soon as you said you would come and leave?" Emperor Shengtian said word by word.

Chen Yang laughs and says, "I'm here because I trust Di Fei, Miss Yanda..."

"Father At this time, di Feiyan took a deep breath. She doesn't quite understand why Chen Yang must be so persistent. But she has decided to take Chen Yang's side.

The emperor came to Chen Yang and said to Emperor Shengtian, "father, I don't think Chen Yang is at fault. He came by the rules He also asked his father to give him a chance to continue to challenge. This is his right! He was recruited by his daughter, who had already told him about the rules and regulations of our coming to the temple! "

"You are presumptuous Emperor Shengtian's face became more ugly.

At this time, dream light dust also stood out.

"If the temple master thinks that we are not good enough. Then, we leave. There are no people left here. I believe that the ghost King clan will welcome us to join. " Dream light dust light said.

"You are a rebel from the ghost King clan. Do you think..." At this time, Emperor huaixiu can't help but jump out and blame mengqingchen.

Dream light dust is not afraid of emperor huaixiu to say these, she sneered, said: "big childe seems to know me very well! But I'm not treacherous. But I left. When I left, the Lord of the ghost King clan really looked forward to my coming back. I'm here because I'm not a smoker. "

"You..." Emperor huaixiu wanted to talk about it again, but he finally shut up. He can't say too much, too much will leak. It will reveal that he colluded with the king of ghosts to kill his sister. Once it's really exposed, it's hard for emperor huaixiu to get along in the descending temple. Moreover, Emperor Shengtian will never forgive emperor huaixiu's practice. Dream light dust is determined, Emperor huaixiu dare not say

Without waiting for emperor Shengtian to speak, Emperor Feiyan said directly: "mengqingchen and Chen Yang come because they trust their daughter. If they can't stay here. My daughter should advance and retreat together with them. "

The meaning is very clear.

If Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen leave, she will leave, too.

How can emperor Shengtian tolerate his daughter to leave the Shrine First of all, face is not hanging. Secondly, the cultivation of emperor Feiyan is one of the best in the whole descending temple!

They're gone. It's a loss to the shrine!

And if they really run to the ghost King clan, it will be a disaster!

So at this moment, even emperor Shengtian is hesitating.

"No smoke, do you know what you're talking about?" Said the emperor.

Di Feiyan said: "my daughter has never been as sober as she is now. So the daughter knows what she's talking about

"Good, good!" Emperor Shengtian nodded. Although he is peerless, he feels helpless at the moment.

"Challenge, go on!" Emperor Shengtian finally sat down and said word by word.

So Chen Yang immediately knelt down and pleaded with emperor Shengtian.

In the end, we must give emperor Shengtian some face!

However, for Chen Yang's apology. Emperor Shengtian just gave a cold hum.

Chen Yang didn't take it seriously any more. He stood up and faced the real person in the cemetery: "dare you fight? If you dare not, please hand over the black gold order! "

"Poor way..." By this time, the real man in the cemetery's anger had subsided, and he began to calm down. When he saw Chen Yang, he did not hesitate to challenge emperor Shengtian. In the heart then understand, this son is saved to kill to avenge of heart!

At this time, Tan Lao began to speak.

"Chen Yang, I'm here to fight you!"

Chen Yang laughed, then waved his hand and said, "don't worry, Mr. tan. I will challenge you, but not now. I want the real people in the cemetery to either die or sit in the position of the golden master. "

"Here you are!" At this time, the real person in the cemetery suddenly throws the black gold order to Chen Yang.

Facing the challenge of the triple realm of God and king, the real person in the mausoleum directly gave up.All of a sudden, there was a big bang!

Everyone once again looks at Chen Yang with new eyes.

Chen Yang took the black gold order and then threw it to the real person in the cemetery. He then laughed and said, "Mr. Lingyuan, you are so smart. This time, you're lucky. I'll spare you a dog's life for a while

So, next, Chen Yang faced Tan Lao.

"Tanlao, don't you want me to challenge you? Now, I formally challenge you! You have two options. One is to admit defeat and hand in the Xuanjin order. Another is to accept the challenge... "

Chen Yang said, his voice spread to all directions, to every disciple's ears.

"My God The whole audience was shocked!

This guy really dares to challenge the four masters in the realm of God and king!

Is he crazy, or does he really rely on something?

At this time, even emperor Shengtian felt that he could not see through Chen Yang.

He did not expect that Chen Yang would even dare to challenge Tan Lao.

"This son is strange. No wonder he dares to disobey me so much." Emperor Shengtian's secret way.

Emperor huaixiu was also gloomy.

Emperor Feiyan and mengqingchen have no expression.

Tan looked coldly at Chen Yang. He didn't say a word. He nodded and said, "OK, I'll take your challenge!"

Then, the light curtain world starts a door of void again.

Chen Yang and Tan Lao flash into the world of light screen.

Chen Yang and Tan Lao stand opposite each other.

"Do you think you killed me?" Tan Lao sneered and said.

"I can't kill you, but I have to take this Xuanjin order. In the future, I will practice in the abyss furnace for a year. That is, a month in the outside world. One day, I'll kill you! " Chen Yang said coldly. (Note: Previous clerical errors. It's a month outside and a year in the ancient furnace of the abyss)

Tan Lao's heart is awe inspiring.

"But I advise you to be more careful. Because, as long as there is a chance, I will try to kill you. But you can't kill me. " Chen Yang then said with a smile.

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