Chen Yang said with a smile: "I grew up so big and experienced countless dangers and risks. I have a secret of success. I never tell anyone. But today, I give it to you for free. "

Dream light dust and Emperor non smoke smell speech immediately came to interest.

Chen Yang then said: "that is, as long as you are still alive, you should never lose hope. At any time, there may be a turnaround. I don't think there is any hope that we can find the way to the chariot. So, no smoke, let me ask you first. This chariot appears in batches, which shows that it is not created by each of you in a flash. Right? "

Emperor Feiyan said: "yes! At first, the predecessors who built this kind of chariot were called konglingzi. Two thousand years ago, Master Kong Lingzi was the first person on the Dragon planet. Relying on a Mosuo chariot, the gods block and kill the gods, and the demons block and kill the demons. Later, Kong Lingzi offended too many people. At a suitable time, he was put into a big battle by many experts, completely blocked his way, and then killed him. After that, we studied his Mosuo chariot. It is said that at that time, my father also participated in the encirclement and suppression of Master Kong Lingzi. "

"Then, where did the Mosuo chariot go?" Chen Yang asked.

Di Feiyan said: "the Mosuo chariot was directly damaged. We built the chariot according to its fragments."

Chen Yang suddenly realized and said, "I see!"

Meng Qingchen said: "it seems that we can start from Kong Lingzi first. We're going to look for some of the trajectories left behind by Kongzi. Let's see if there's any clues! "

Di Fei Yan's eyes lit up and said, "I didn't think of that."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "Maybe God's creation is fair. You are not so smart unless you are so beautiful."

Di Fei Yan rolled his eyes.

Dream light dust is to smile a way: "who says, I am not again beautiful, again clever?"

Emperor Feiyan said, "that's it!"

Chen Yang said: "of course, there is not much hope to find the remains of Kong Lingzi. After all, over the years. But this is the only feasible way at present, so we have to be a living horse doctor. "

Emperor Feiyan said: "now that we've talked here, we can go to Shanhai pavilion to trace Kong Lingzi."

"Shanhaige?" Chen Yang doubts.

Emperor Feiyan said: "you can know shanhaige through xuanjinling!"

At present, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen began to investigate the mystery of the golden order.

After they got the Xuanjin order, they haven't explored it well.

The xuanjinling has the breath of descending temple. Once it is activated by its own blood. The body will take the breath of falling temple. This is very similar to guiwangzong.

It's hard to enter the hall of God, but it's even more difficult to leave the hall of God!

He who comes to the temple one day is a ghost all his life.

A master like mengqingchen, who is separated from guiwangzong, is doomed. And the difficulty of descending to the temple will never be less than that of the ghost King clan.

Chen Yang and mengqingchen are all integrated with the breath of the temple of God. Chen Yang is not afraid of these breath. Dream light dust is because of Chen Yang, also don't care.

After they took control of the xuanjinling, they immediately had a deeper understanding of the descending temple through the xuanjinling.

They knew all about the authority and special treatment in the shrine.

And for shanhaige, they also have an understanding.

Shanhai Pavilion is not only a treasure house in the temple of descending God, but also a knowledge base. There are many magic weapons, astronomy and geography, as well as a variety of history and literature. It's an absolute encyclopedia.

Of course, this pavilion is not for ordinary people to enter.

Except for master Xuanjin, no one is allowed to enter or leave at will. Generally, if you want to go in to consult the literature, you need to apply and be accompanied by a special person. You can't take away the magic weapon at will.

Although master Xuanjin can go in and out of Shanhai Pavilion at will, they can't take the magic weapon inside. If you want to take it, you need to pay the corresponding pills. Of course, although the magic weapon in it is magical, few of it can be seen by master Xuanjin.

You can't take away all the skills in it. In fact, teachers don't care much about these things. Those who care about these things are the disciples, but they are difficult to get in and out.

Chen Yang and his party took advantage of the night and soon came to Shanhai Pavilion.

Shanhaige is located on the side of the main hall of the spirit, which is an independent mountain. Shanhaige has ten major formations for protection. If you intrude without a warrant, the consequences will be extremely serious.

The people guarding Shanhai pavilion are several nine star disciples. They are on duty in turn Even they can't get into shanhaige.

The construction style of shanhaige is like a mirage, surrounded by a sea of clouds. After entering the shanhaige, it is magnificent and broad, with bronze color everywhere, with a sense of historical massiness. There are thirty-six rooms in it. Each room is as wide as the main hall, with a high dome, more than 20 meters. Above the dome, the clouds and dragons are surging and lifelike.

Chen Yang, Meng Qingchen and di Feiyan saw countless strange magic weapons, and also saw countless manual. There are more treasures in it However, these things are not attractive to Chen Yang and others.Chen Yang began to look through various documents, as well as some biographies and history.

He is very quick to read, and his mind is sweeping and integrating into it

His brain cells have developed to such an extent that it's Pediatrics who never forgets anything. As a result, Chen Yang also had a preliminary understanding of the development of Dragon Star.

Chen Yang found that in the development of the Dragon Star, many are similar to the earth.

But the difference is that the civilization of Taoism and Dharma in the Dragon Star is not high enough. The big reason is that Baron didn't meet the emperor of the universe.

For example, there was Taoism and Legalism on earth.

It belongs to ZuLong, lingzun family.

But when the emperor of the universe came, they had to run away. But just because they were exiled in the universe, they began to be angry and powerful, but they promoted their Taoist and Dharma civilization. So lingzun has finally become the enemy of the earth for so many years.

The reason why the earth's Taoist civilization is so powerful is that it was brought by the great emperor of the universe.

The universe made the earth a system. He made it strong and suppressed it.

What about Baron? There has never been the great emperor of the universe in the Dragon Star. For so many years, the Taoist and Dharma civilizations have been promoted and explored by themselves.

Tyrannosaurus has not been destroyed, but because there are strong people to maintain order. At the same time, after the formation of order, once there is real power to destroy the Dragon Star. The strong will do the same!

Chen Yang is more aware that there have been many talented characters in the star, who are dazzling and shining, and finally fall into the long river of history.

In the past, the Taoist and Dharma civilization of the Dragon Star also flourished.

Later, there was a similar war between gods and demons, which made Taoism wither.

It's always on and off.

Where there are creatures, the fight will never stop!

"Kong Ling Zi?" At this time, in the quiet, dream light dust suddenly cheered.

In fact, Chen Yang did not check the empty spirit, but in the sea of books.

Dream light dust's voice will he and Emperor non smoke's attention pulled in the past, two people immediately came to dream light dust in front of.

"There is a record of Kong Ling Zi in this book." A simple book appeared in mengqingchen's hand.

That's the sky record!

Tianqionglu is a special record of some famous events.

Emperor Feiyan was disappointed and said: "there is a record of Kong Lingzi in the sky record, but that is to say, some of his life. There's no other clue! "

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen look carefully, and there is nothing new on it.

That night, I came back in vain.

Chen Yang is not discouraged either. He knows that if it is so easy to find clues, it will not be their turn to find out.

That night, out of the shanhaige.

Emperor Feiyan and mengqingchen bid farewell to Chen Yang. She's going back to the main hall.

So, on the top of the mountain, under the moonlight, Chen Yang and mengqingchen are left in the quiet.

The night breeze is very pleasant.

Chen Yang suddenly to dream light dust light smile, said: "unexpectedly, so soon, someone is watching us."

Dream light dust slightly surprised, said: "what? Why didn't I find out? "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "let's go!"

Dream light dust now no longer say, two people soon returned to the gorgeous palace.

"Let's go in and talk." Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said, "in the evening, there are only one man and few women..."

"I don't care. Are you still thinking about this?" Dream light dust, dumbfounded smile.

Chen Yang laughs.

He still with dream light dust into the gorgeous palace, and in the dream light dust room. There was no smell of dream dust in that room. After all, she's been here less than two days.

After Meng Qingchen pushed the maids, he asked, "is someone really watching? Why didn't I notice it at all? "

Chen Yang said: "when I went in, I thought about a lot of problems. If we do find some clues about the ethereal. So, will emperor huaixiu make trouble from it? So, when I went in, I laid a subtle array outside. It turned out that there were people staring at us. That person is very secretive. If I hadn't prepared for it, it would be hard to find out. "

Dream light dust said: "what can this stare out?"

Chen Yang said, "I don't know. But the only thing to be sure is that emperor huaixiu is much smarter than Yinghong. He is strong, tolerant and considerate. "

Dream light dust said: "yes." After a pause, she said, "I'm not as good as you in this respect. It seems that I'm not wronged to lose to you. "

"You're wrong. You didn't lose to me. I got away with it, and by luck Chen Yang said.

He paused and said, "so, that's why we're still alive instead of just smoking. Because of her high accomplishments, her strength is stronger than that of emperor huaixiu. Even if emperor huaixiu has many tricks, he has always been helpless. "Dream light dust said: "are you comforting me or damaging me?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "it doesn't matter what it is. Now that we know that emperor huaixiu is staring at us, we should make a good plan for the next step. "

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