After hearing the words, mengqingchen said with a smile, "compared with you, I still feel worse. What do you want to do? "

Chen Yang said with a smile: "you see, our current disadvantage is that our strength is not as good as emperor huaixiu. Emperor huaixiu and Tiangang chariot But our advantage is that they are limited by the rules of the temple. Then, Emperor huaixiu doesn't know. We already know that he's watching. "

Dream light dust said: "so?" She looks at Chen Yang with a smile. At this time, her beautiful eyes are shining, as if they are shining. Her eyes, with a sense of worship. It seems that Chen Yang will shine at the moment. Meng Qingchen doesn't realize it. She doesn't realize that she seems to like Chen Yang's talk.

For so many years, mengqingchen seldom meets a man whom she admires from the bottom of her heart. Chen Yang is definitely one of them.

She has fought Chen Yang too many times. She has lost and won before.

Now, she has seen Chen Yang's wisdom again.

At the same time, I also saw Chen Yang's friendship.

She did not realize her own heart, it seems that step by step in the fall.

Chen Yang did not pay attention to these, and continued: "we all know the power of chariots. Konglingzi is the founder of the invention of chariot. If we send a message that we have found a chariot of konglingzi. More powerful than any chariot Guess what? "

"Emperor huaixiu will never let us get it. He will send someone to rob us!" Dream light dust immediately said.

"It's not enough. I've been involved in several times before," Chen said. Every time you grab a treasure, no matter what, there will be countless casualties. No way, people are greedy. We have a lot of enemies now. We have to face emperor huaixiu's insidious weapons in the hall of subduing gods. If we go out, the ghost King clan will not let us go. If the chariot of konglingzi appears, I'm afraid it will be winning the truth. People like emperor Shengtian will be moved. How can such a treasure fall into the hands of others. So, we have to muddle the water, and then fish in troubled water. Maybe, the opportunity is good. We can really get a good chariot from it? Even if we don't get it, we have to make both sides suffer a lot. This is a lesson for emperor huaixiu. "

Dream light dust eyes a bright, she said: "this plan, sounds very good."

Chen Yang said: "but it is very difficult to implement. Because these people are not stupid. They're all ghosts. It's not easy to cheat them! "

Dream light dust is not care, she gently smile, said: "even if it is not easy, you will have a way. The demon king corpse yuan, such a good situation, isn't it a pit for you in the end? "

Chen Yang said: "that's different. Shiyuan belongs to one person. There is no one to discuss it with to remind him, but there are so many people here who think carefully. "

Dream light dust said: "but, don't forget. People are greedy! Greed will make a lot of ridiculous things happen

"It is Chen Yang said.

Dream light dust said: "well, do you think we should tell non smoke about this?"

"Don't tell me!" Chen Yang said: "it's too simple to be a smoker. It's too tired to act with her. Let her think it's true. "

Dream light dust smile, said: "I also mean that."

Chen Yang said, "OK, I'll continue to plan after I go back. There is still much to be improved in this matter. It can't be implemented in a short time! "

Dream light dust said: "I understand!"

Chen Yang then got up and said, "I'm leaving!"

Dream light dust said: "I send you!"

Chen Yang a Leng, afterwards wry smile, say: "you are so polite, I still have some unaccustomed."

Dream light dust a smile, said: "that will not be afraid, I stab you from behind?"

Chen Yang was stunned again.

He looked at the dream dust, he did guard against the dream dust, worried about the dream dust. It's just that he always thought he was covering up well. Now, he found out that he couldn't hide anything from her.

Chen Yang said, "I'm not afraid. From now on, there will be no more such worries. "

Meng Qingchen was happy, but she didn't show her face. Instead, she lengthened her tone and said, "well I'm afraid I'll fall in love with you? "

Chen Yang was shocked and then said with a smile, "you're kidding me."

Dream light dust said: "ha ha, indeed, it's just a joke. It's getting late. Go back and have a rest. "

Chen Yang bid farewell to dream light dust.

He was very close to Huaqing Palace, but he walked very slowly.

My mind suddenly rippled with the twinkle and smile of mengqingchen Especially the last sentence, which rippled Chen Yang's calm heart.

"Is she joking? Or are you trying? " Chen Yang, who has always been shrewd, is not sure about this kind of emotional problem.

Chen Yang couldn't figure it out. It's hard for a man to understand a woman's mind. What's more, is this woman a dream light dust?Chen Yang decided to get rid of these messy ideas and wait for this side to help emperor Feiyan stabilize. Then he tried to get a chariot, and then he practiced in the ancient furnace for a year. When all this is done, go back to earth!

For the dream of light dust, he is to escape.

He doesn't want to have any feelings, and even doesn't want to have too many disputes.

Dream dust is a whirlpool, full of temptation.

Chen Yang can't ignore this temptation. But he knew it was wrong to sink in. It's like it's wrong to have an affair. He wants to stay away from

The night passed quickly.

And for the next three days, it went on as usual. Chen Yang, Meng Qingchen and di Feiyan will go to shanhaige to inquire. They spend most of their time in shanhaige.

However, there is still no harvest.

On the fourth day, Chen Yang didn't go to shanhaige. The dream light dust continued to go to the mountain sea Pavilion, Emperor Feiyan had something to do.

Chen Yang was bored in every way, so he began to wander around the hall of God. There are many places to visit. Chen Yang is wearing a long black shirt, handsome and straight, calm and introverted.

It was the morning, sunny.

On the peak of the temple, the scenery is beautiful. From a distance, you can see the continuous mountains, green and rich.

Near, can see the courtyard Pavilion and so on.

At this time, Chen Yang came down from zuocang peak to a small square in front of him.

In that square, dozens of disciples are practicing the art of imperial sword. There are men and women among the disciples Men are handsome and women are dignified and beautiful. But there is no common powder.

But also, can enter to descend the temple, all have no ordinary status existence. To be able to come here is already the existence of the son of heaven.

Chen Yang was very popular. He stood under a osmanthus tree and watched the disciples practice.

Chen Yang can see that these disciples are all two-star disciples. They are new to the supernatural realm. They just have mana and can use swords or some common weapons to kill people.

Among the disciples, a middle-aged man was teaching them.

The middle-aged man looks like he is in his forties, and he has nine levels of cultivation. I'm a three star disciple!

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