When Chen Yang saw that his disciples were practicing hard, he thought of the beginning. He was lucky that he didn't stay too long in the realm of supernatural power and longevity. It can be said that the speed to Taixu qichongtian! But all this is From Chen feirong. The fairy woman.

That is forever regret and pain. If you can choose, Chen Yang would rather never have this cultivation, as long as Fei Rong can live well. How many times in the middle of the night, he seems to hear the dream of someone in the depths of gently, low cry Yang brother.

The voice was weeping and plaintive, with heartbreaking sorrow.

Chen Yang fell into the memory, although the sun is shining, but the deep part of his eyes is lingering sorrow.

Chen Yang thinks of Luoning again

Also thought of Linghui

In life, those important people are separated one by one.

He once said goodbye to Su Qing and song Ning, but he couldn't give them a future. Because, their life is limited, but their struggle is infinite.

Another meaning is that I don't want to involve them because of myself.

When Chen Yang was lost in his thoughts, those disciples there noticed him.

"Isn't there anyone in the crowd? On that day, at the canonization ceremony, even the hall owner dared to contradict. Even more, he left the young master with a blue face, and master Xuanjin could not overcome his existence! "

"It's said that master Chen Yang was the only one who created the divine realm and rebuilt it. His real power can be so superior and terrifying. Master, there must be a great secret of cultivation! "

There's a lot of talk!

In fact, Chen Yang has long been the focus of discussion! He was in the limelight at the shrine. As we all know, although this master is a great master in cultivation, he is courageous and powerful. He is a real man who dares to fight heaven and earth! The three star disciple, also known as the instructor of all the disciples, is called xuetianhu.

Xuetianhu led his disciples to come up. Although xuetianhu was usually serious, he bowed to Chen Yang respectfully, saluted and yelled: "disciple, I've met you, master!"

The rest of the disciples followed suit and called out: "see you, master!"

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. His thoughts jumped out of his memory. He glanced at the people and said with a smile, "you don't have to be polite. I'm walking around at will. When I come here, you can continue to practice. I'll go now!"

He turned and wanted to leave.

The blood Tianhu immediately said: "master, today is really a good day. We can have a close look at your holy face. I'm so scared. I'd like to ask the master to teach me a few words. I think it will last a lifetime. "

The blood tiger is extremely clever and can please Chen Yang. It's also true!

Those disciples are all from rich families. They have seen the world and know the world. So he immediately begged: "I'd like to listen to the teacher's instruction!"

This group of disciples is uniform.

Chen Yang is a kind-hearted person by nature. If others are rude to him, he will be rude. But if other people respect him, he definitely can't refuse coldly. As a result, it was difficult to be gracious, so he said, "everyone, please forgive me."

Then the disciples straightened up and looked at Chen Yang with eager eyes.

In the face of a strong enemy, Chen Yang is able to be brave and brave, and his tongue is full of lotus. But at this time is some poor words, he first laugh, also can be regarded as a cover up under the heart of embarrassment. He soon regained his composure. He looked at the group of one star disciples. In fact, he has deep feelings. He once looked up to the strong like them!

As a result, Chen Yang cleared his throat and said, "when it comes to teaching, I'm scared first. Because I'm afraid I'm not qualified to teach others. Life in the world is a process of practice. What qualifications do I have to teach others when I am still practicing? Of course, I was lucky to be ahead of all of you, so I gained more experience. I'm here today to share with you. "

Chen Yang paused and said, "I always like the saying that those who are advantaged by nature must do good deeds for heaven! What do you mean? That is, we get more than ordinary people, so we should be more kind. Maybe, you'll find it strange. Because, in the world of monasticism, it is cruel. Kindness is often a fatal weakness, so I'm not teaching you to be kind to your enemies. It's cold and cruel to the enemy. To relatives, to friends around, to people who don't matter. With a kind heart to deal with the world, but although you want to be kind, but also have the means of thunder, and cunning mind. Because, that's the foundation of life. People have to live to have many possibilities! "

"Well, master, do we want kindness or cunning?" One disciple was puzzled. He said, "kindness and cunning seem to be opposite?"

All the disciples were puzzled. Even though they were disappointed, they said they were asking for the teacher's instruction. But in fact, it's not really to listen to Chen Yang's teaching, but to hope that Chen Yang can guide the practice!Of course, Chen Yang knows what they think, but he will talk about how he behaves. He knew that most people would scoff. But he told them his most valuable life experience. If they didn't listen, Chen Yang would have no regrets.

We always think we know everything, but we know nothing!

"Be kind to your friends and cunning to your enemies!" Chen Yang said: "people are changeable and kind-hearted. Do you understand when I say that? "

If the disciple was thoughtful, he would not understand. But still said to Chen Yang: "disciple, thank you for your guidance."

Chen Yang then laughed and said, "I know you may scoff at what I said just now. But if you can listen to it, believe me, it will definitely benefit you for the rest of your life. " After a pause, he said, "well, you salute me. As a teacher, I can't be stingy. I'll give you a chance! "

Later, Chen Yang said, "everyone sits down with their knees crossed, and their minds are calm."

Hearing this, everyone was overjoyed.

All sit cross knee, including the blood tiger.

Then, Chen Yang took out the pure yuan Dan. After he joined the descending temple, Emperor Feiyan gave Chen Yang a lot of pure yuan pills. With a flick of his finger, Chen Yang ejected the black hole crystal. The crystal of the black hole turns into a black light curtain, which envelops people.

Then, Chen Yang sacrificed the pure yuan pills, a total of 10 million pure yuan pills. Pure yuan Dan was condensed by Chen Yang, and finally formed the rain of pure yuan! The rain is thin and falling slowly.

The disciples breathed greedily.

Chen Yang then grabs an electric light from the crystal of the black hole. The thin electric light is tempered by his mana, and then shoots into the body of the blood tiger. In an instant, xuetianhu felt that his body was struck by lightning, and the light in his body instantly quenched all kinds of thoughts, including the demons in his practice.

The blood tiger felt the huge energy, he greedily absorbed it, and his body began to swell. That's the surge of mana


Just when xuetianhu found it difficult to break through the last barrier of Shentong realm, the electric light directly helped xuetianhu break through the barrier.

In an instant, the blood Tianhu reached the eternal state!

Blood gecko can't help ecstasy.

His body was sad, but the rain of pure yuan fell into his body. He greedily absorbed it, just like a hungry man. Now he could finally have a good meal.

The rest of the disciples also benefited.

After the rain of the pure yuan disappeared, all the disciples arrived at the magical realm of duality.

In this way, Chen Yang just received the magic power.

"Ah Great When one feels the change of the body, all are cheering. Some even cried with joy.

When they step into this path of practice, they deeply know how difficult it is to go up every step. Today, I won this chance without any reason. How can I not like it. This can save them years of hard work!

At the same time, they also admire the master's magic power more.

When the master raises his hand, he can promote all the disciples together. It's hard to imagine such a magical power!

"Disciple, thank you, master!" Blood Tianhu led all the disciples to kneel down.

This time it's kneeling!

Among them, it is the blood tiger that gets the biggest benefit.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "you don't have to be polite. Let's all get up. Meeting is predestination What I've done is nothing more than lifting a finger. However, I also have some words to give you. I hope you can listen to it. "

"Please teach me!" Said the disciples.

Chen Yang said, "I've promoted you, and you've saved years. It seems that everything is good. However, we should not act too hastily. Although I forced you to be promoted, if you don't lay a good foundation. In the future, there will be more and more demons in practice. Remember, remember

"I understand!" Said the disciples.

Chen Yang then planned to leave.

Then another disciple said, "master, how can I become such a person as you?" This is a female disciple. Her eyes are full of adoring little stars.

This female disciple is wearing an apricot yellow shirt. She is bright and beautiful, and her skin can be broken. She is really a beautiful young girl. I can't bear to be angry with her

Chen Yang was stunned and then laughed.

He then fell into deep thought.

The disciples looked at Chen Yang, but they did not dare to disturb him.

After a long time, Chen Yangcai looked at the female disciple. He sighed and said, "it's really hard for me to come to this day. I can say that I'll die a lifetime. I've gone through hardships and torments, which is unimaginable. It's too hard to practice. I always hope my children don't touch our way. But later I thought, who lives is not a practice? Ordinary people also have their troubles Just, just Life is a boat in a bitter sea. The other side is the goal we want to pursue in our life, but it is impossible to achieve it. "Chen Yang's words made all the disciples deep in thought.

Before, all the disciples had no intention to listen to Chen Yang's preaching. But at this time, after receiving the benefits, he was willing to think deeply.

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