Chifeng looked at Yin Zheng, and Yin Zheng said: "elder martial brother Feng, I have already advised you that Xiuwu is the person protected by master Chen Yang. I really can't help it now, master

Chifeng thinks that there is something wrong with it, but now is not the time to pursue it. Chen Yang's strong authority made him feel very uncomfortable. Including rudiesannv As butterfly three female although is the daughter body, but is always ambitious, want to achieve a great cause. Even if they don't like Chifeng, they can aggrieve themselves, ingratiate themselves and so on. They can do whatever they want, they can bury themselves in the dust They can stand everything.

Just because, they have a firm belief in the chest!

But at this moment, when master Chen Yang appeared, when the pressure really came, they suddenly felt that their beliefs and ambitions were just jokes.

Chifeng took a look at Xiuwu's body. He could not deny the fact. He took a deep breath, then straightened up, straightened his back!

"Yes, I did," he replied

A deep sadness flashed in Chen Yang's eyes, and he felt extremely remorseful. I don't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me!

Even though he can kill people!

But he would never ignore a life.

Don't say that this life is a living person. Even if it is a mole ant, he will try his best not to affect them with his mana. Unless it's unavoidable!

This is Chen Yang's belief in life.

Then, a chill flashed in Chen Yang's eyes. He also took a deep breath, and then said indifferently, "OK, just admit it. I don't want to kill anyone unjustly! So now, I'm going to kill you, aren't you unjust? "

Chifeng body shock, his eyes flashed shock color: "kill me? Master Chen Yang? Do you know who I am? You're going to kill me for such a mean bastard? "

Chen Yang said faintly: "in your eyes, he is a mean bastard. In my eyes, he is a hot-blooded youth. In your heart, you are the Supreme Master, but in my heart, you are just a disgusting, cruel beast! Today, I can't let you continue to harm people! Do you have any last words to account for? "

Chifeng was cold, and he said, "no, you can't kill me. I will be the master in a moment, and my master is Mr. Mo da. You have already made a grudge with the young master. If you kill me and make a grudge with my master again, you will have no place in the temple of God

"Good!" Chen Yang sneered and said, "you know the situation of this seat very well, but what about that? Today, no matter who your master is, no matter who is behind you to protect you, I will kill you! "

After Chen Yang has finished, he will do it.

Mengqingchen and difeiyan stop Chen Yang at the same time. Dream light dust heavy voice said: "Chen Yang, don't be impulsive, I don't think this thing is so simple."

Emperor Feiyan also said, "yes, Chen Yang. It seems that someone is deliberately trying to make us feud with Mr. Mo da. It's really inappropriate for us to have a grudge with Mr. Mo now. Chifeng is about to become a master. He is a rookie in the temple of God. If you kill him at this time, my father will think that you are deliberately killing the future of the descending temple! "

"Get out of the way!" Chen Yang said coldly.

When Emperor Feiyan saw Chen Yang's cold eyes, she trembled and cried: "Chen Yang..."

Mengqingchen said with painstaking care: "for a two-star disciple, it will upset our whole situation. Do you think it's worth it?"

Chen Yang was stunned.

Then he was silent.

Dream light dust and Emperor non smoke see Chen Yang's killing intention began to dissipate, this just slightly relieved.

Seeing this, Chifeng was relieved. He really felt dead just now. Now, he began to gasp.

That is like butterfly three female also just slightly relaxed some.

At the scene, no one noticed shanlingyue.

In the eyes of the good spirit month, a deep sadness flashed. Maybe, some things hurt others.

After all, the masters will compromise for their interests.

But no one will pay attention to it. It was a living life before martial arts cultivation.

Just because he said a few words, he was killed.

Everyone has only one life. Isn't that cruel for Xiuwu?

However, this world, never fair ah!

Shanlingyue feels disappointed from the bottom of her heart.

She felt disheartened.

At this time, Chen Yang spoke. He glanced at everyone present, and finally, his eyes fell on Meng Qingchen and di Feiyan. "You're right, but after thinking about it, I'm going to kill him. If you are my friends, then Get out of the way

When he said this, everyone was shocked.

Only a light flashed in the eyes of shanlingyue. She didn't know much about the entanglement of interests, but she hated Chifeng.Chifeng's face changed greatly.

Later, Chen Yang forced mengqingchen and difeiyan away.

His eyes were red with blood, his face was ferocious, and he said: "Chifeng, when you kill Xiuwu, when you think he is a mole ant, don't forget that in my eyes, you are just a mole ant! Now, you must die! "

As soon as Chen Yang's words fall, he grabs them out.

His black hole crystal is attached to the palm of his hand, forming a black hole fingerprint!

The fingerprints of the black hole came to Chifeng's throat. Chifeng's eyes flashed with light. He immediately took a deep breath and stepped back. Then, the magic weapon black feather diamond bracelet was sacrificed!

The black feather Vajra bracelet is made from the feathers of the black feather beast and heaven stone.

It contains the horror essence of black feather beast!

At this moment, Chifeng fully unfolds the surging and majestic mana in his body. There are countless black feathers on the black feather diamond bracelet. Every feather is harder than steel. These feathers are blasted out. They are terrifying, tough and peerless!

And, with the smell of destruction!

Many breath, strength, essence, all fight against Chen Yang's black hole fingerprints.

This is Chifeng's best move in his life!

Sure enough, pressure is the biggest driving force.

However, it is such a powerful magic weapon, power and sword. Chen Yang's face didn't change at all. His big hand just grabbed it and shattered all the black feather swords!

"Strike a stone with an egg, and shake a tree with an egg!"

It was then that the three girls of Rudie completely understood the existence of the master.

The next second, Chen Yang directly caught the black feather diamond bracelet in front of him with the other hand, and simply put it into his mouth. As soon as Chen Yang took a big bite, he crushed the black feather diamond bracelet and ate it directly.

This scene, is to let Chifeng, such as butterfly three female dumbfounded.

That Yin Zheng three people also pour out a cold breath.

Then, Chen Yang grabbed Chifeng's neck.

All the dead in Chifeng

Chen Yang didn't strangle Chifeng directly. He wanted Chifeng to feel the taste of death bit by bit.

It's too cheap to kill Chifeng.

"Stop it At that moment, change suddenly came. In the void, there is a door of void.

Chen Yang immediately guessed that it was Mr. Mo da. He sneered and immediately killed Chifeng. But he knew that those who were in the gate of the void came faster and were prepared.

With the appearance of Mr. Mo Da's immortal spirit, his eyes flashed with cold light. With a wave of his big hand, he blocked Chen Yang's attack.

Although Chen Yang can compete with the four masters of creation!

However, it is difficult to gain the upper hand in the case of positive resistance. In fact, Mr. Mo Da had already known the situation here, and he had already taken action when he spoke.

"Chen Yang, Daoyou, why should you be so angry?" As soon as Mr. Mo Da came, he said to Chen Yang politely.

Mr. Mo Da was wearing a light blue robe. Then he hugged his fist and said, "I've seen Miss."

Emperor non smoke light point first.

Mr. Mo Da said to mengqingchen again: "Qingchen Daoyou, Hello!"

Dream light dust also nodded.

Chen Yang looks very cold.

He said coldly to Mr. Mo Da: "Mo Da, I know who you are. But today, I don't care who you are. I have to kill Chifeng. You'd better not stop me. If you stop me, I swear that I will do my best to kill your master and apprentice as well

Mr. Mo Da's face suddenly became ugly. He snorted coldly and said, "Chen Yang, how dare you be so rampant in front of me?"

Chen Yang takes a deep breath. He forces himself to calm down first.

Di Feiyan immediately said: "Mo Da, there are some situations. Chen Yang is a little impulsive. Please don't blame him. "

Mr. Moda's face softened immediately and said, "well, miss, since you have spoken. Naturally, I want to save face. I can't argue with Chen Yang. But what's going on? "

Mr. Mo Da's eyes swept the Xiuwu corpse on the ground, and finally came to Chifeng. His face was cold and he said, "what good have you done, you bastard?"

Chifeng blushed. He pointed to the body of Xiuwu and said, "Shifu, this little bastard doesn't hesitate to slander other masters in order to flatter Chen Yang. He also said that you are a coward, but I was so angry that I killed him. "

"What?" Chen Yang's face changed. "Did he ever say that Mo Da was a coward? He never said that. "

"He admitted it himself!" Chifeng said.

"Admit it yourself?" Chen Yang murmured.

Mr. Mo said, "it seems that there is a misunderstanding."

"What misunderstanding?" Chen Yang said angrily: "even if he said, you are a coward, so what? When I was there that day, I already gave Xiuwu a jade pendant. As your apprentice knows, Xiuwu protects me. But he didn't pay any attention to me, so he killed Xiuwu. A human life, today, can't just forget it. Perhaps, he is a mole ant in your eyes, but that day, he said this because of me. I will get his justice back! "Mr. Mo Da frowned.

He then turned cold and said, "Chifeng, I ask you. Do you know that Xiuwu is sheltered by Chen Yang? "

Chifeng didn't want to admit it, but Yin Zheng was there, so he had to admit it. "Yes, I know!"

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