That Yin is a side also immediately say: "Mo master, this matter, all blame a disciple.". I don't know how the rumors spread to elder martial brother Chifeng. Elder martial brother Chifeng told his disciples to catch Xiuwu. They didn't dare to disobey the order, so they took the jade pendant while Xiuwu didn't pay attention. Later, I brought it to elder martial brother Chifeng. When elder martial brother Chifeng wanted to kill Xiuwu, his disciples dissuaded him. The disciple tells elder martial brother Chifeng that Xiuwu is the one protected by master Chen Yang That knows, after elder martial brother Chifeng listened, not only did not stop, but directly killed Xiuwu. "

Chifeng is red in face and ears.

He can't argue!

Because, what Yin Zheng said, everything is true!

"Evil animal!" Mr. Mo Da was angry. As soon as he looked at Chifeng, he knew that Yin Zheng was not lying. Moreover, he knew in his heart that Yin Zheng didn't have the courage to lie in front of so many teachers.

With a cry from Mr. Mo Da, Chifeng was terrified.

"Kneel down and admit your mistake, master Chen Yang!" Mr. Moda said.

Chifeng didn't want to, but he didn't dare to disobey. So he knelt down to Chen Yang, kowtowed his head three times and said, "master, I know I'm wrong."

After three loud kowtows, Chifeng stood up.

Mr. Mo Da said to Chen Yang, "Chen Yang, are you satisfied with this explanation?"

What Mr. Mo DA has done is really enough.

Let a proud man like Chifeng kowtow to Chen Yang for a Cheap slave.

This is absolute sincerity.

If Chen Yang continues to be reluctant to let go, it will be that he has some affectation and does not know how to praise.

That good spirit month is sad in the heart behind, yes, how can it be? In their eyes, cultivating martial arts is cheap life. It's a great honor for Xiuwu to admit his mistake.

Dream light dust also said: "Chen Yang, since Chifeng has knelt down to admit his mistake. Let's call it a day. "

Emperor Feiyan also said, "Chen Yang, let's go. Go back to Haosheng, bury and cultivate martial arts! "

"I'll kill him!" Chen Yang has been silent, but at this time, his eyes fierce blooming, pointed to Chifeng, shrieked.

Chifeng was shocked.

Mr. Mo was very angry and said, "Chen Yang, I've seen the face of the young lady, and I've been patient with you again and again. Chifeng has kowtowed to you and confessed his guilt. You still have to pester him again and again. Do you really think I'm afraid of you? "

"Mo Da, you are wrong. My face, it doesn't matter. But now, what I want to ask for is justice in martial arts. Xiuwu is dead. I want Chifeng to pay for his blood Chen Yang said in a cold voice.

"He's just a lowly disciple. Kill, kill. Your face, the past, it can be. Now you tell me that you want to get justice for such a mole ant. Are you ridiculous? " Mr. Moda said.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and said, "I can't control the universe, the life and death of other creatures in the world. But Xiuwu died because of me. I am mainly responsible for his death. So today, this justice must be recovered. Mo Da, let's go and ask the Lord of the temple to fight on the platform. Never die, never stop! I, Chen Yang, have to fight for justice today. "

Mr. Moda was shaking all over.

He wasn't afraid, he felt weird. This is Chen Yang. It's very strange. Is there such a person who has to work hard with others for the sake of a humble disciple? Isn't that a surrender?

"Are you serious?" Asked Mr. Mo da.

"Absolutely!" Chen Yang looks into Mr. Mo's eyes and says.

"Good, good!" Mr. Mo Da said, "let's go to see the temple master!"

In the main hall.

Emperor Shengtian is still high, he is wearing a white robe, noble and dignified.

In the field, there are three women, Yin Zheng, Shan Lingyue, Meng Qingchen, di Feiyan, Mr. Mo DA and Chifeng. On the ground lies the corpse of Xiuwu!

Mr. Mo Da told emperor Shengtian the whole story.

After hearing this, Emperor Shengtian frowned and said, "Chen Yang, since Chifeng has knelt down to admit his mistake. You've got your face back. For such a small matter, we have to fight with Mr. Mo Da? Do you think so? "

"Report back to the Lord of the temple. Maybe it's a small matter in your eyes. But, in my eyes, it is something that must be done. " Chen Yang said.

The emperor kept silent.

Scene silence, that kind of silence, contains the thunder and anger, people panic.

After a long time, Emperor Shengtian opened his mouth and said coldly, "Chen Yang, what do you mean? Since you entered the temple of descent, you have killed a golden master relying on your own ability. Now, what's the matter with you? I begin to suspect that you have no other intention to enter the shrine! Last time, I have tolerated you. But that doesn't mean we have to tolerate you every time. Chifeng is about to be promoted to master. What if he killed all the lower disciples, not to mention one of them? "This words, that good spirit month, such as butterfly and other women can not help but feel cold from the bottom of my heart.

It turned out that the lower disciples were so humble and cheap in the Lord's heart!

"If there is a war coming, what can more inferior disciples do? Can you hold a finger? Chen Yang, you really put the cart before the horse. For the sake of a lower disciple, I want to kill a higher disciple who is about to become a master. Do you know how much effort we have spent on Chifeng? " Emperor Shengtian continued to say coldly.

The scene is still silent, only the words of the emperor's majesty reverberate.

Even Chen Yang did not speak at the moment.

Chifeng was relieved at last. He knew that he had no worries. He felt proud.

Even the Lord of the temple stood on his side.

Although Chen Yang is a teacher, he is marginalized in the eyes of the temple master.

Mr. Mo Da's face was indifferent, and he was sneering in his heart.

Di Feiyan and Meng Qingchen look at Chen Yang together. They don't know what amazing words Chen Yang will make.

"Chen Yang..." When Emperor Shengtian saw that Chen Yang did not speak, his tone eased down. "You have joined my temple of descent, and you are the man of my emperor. From now on, the days will be long. You can prove your loyalty with your actions. I appreciate your ability, but if you use it all against us. Well, I have to give up my love. "

"Chen Yang, forget it!" Emperor Fei Yan said to Chen Yang in a soft voice with a trace of pleading.

It is the good spirit month, at this time also began to love from Chen Yang. She thinks that master Chen Yang is the most different of all. However, he could not fight against the whole temple of God!

At this time, Chen Yang suddenly raised his head and looked at the emperor. His eyes had never been as bright as before.

"Lord, I know that you doubt the purpose of my joining the shrine. At the canonization ceremony on that day, I killed the golden master Fu Zhichen, which made you unhappy. I continued to challenge later. You stopped me and I insisted. It makes you more suspicious of my intentions. "

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