Mr. Mo wants to boil Chen Yang to death. He wants to boil Chen Yang's mana to the end. When Chen Yang's oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, Chen Yang's life and death will be controlled by Mr. Mo da.

Mr. Mo Da's mana is like endless. His palm power is more fierce under continuous attack. Endless palm wind thunderbolt, just like a mountain collapse and tsunami to kill Chen Yang. Chen Yang has been dealing with it with great phagocytosis.

Mr. Moda knows Chen Yang's shortcomings, so he runs the chaos golden formula attack.

Chen Yang also knows his own shortcomings. He knows he can't fight back. Once you fight back, not only does it consume more mana, but the opponent can go all out.

Therefore, Chen Yang is doomed to defend, not attack!

The killing lasted for six hours.

Six hours later, Chen Yang began to burn pure yuan pills. Although his mana is powerful, it needs pills to support it.

After another six hours, Chen Yang's pure yuan pill has been burnt out!

The audience here saw the morning sun rise in the afternoon, but the battle was far from over.

At the same time, Mr. Mo Da began to take pills.

And Chen Yang's face is pale, he seems to have gone to the end of the oil lamp.

"You are defeated!" Mr. Mo Da devoured the endless pure yuan pills, and his mana expanded again, powerful and majestic. He said to Chen Yang coldly.

At this time, Mr. Mo Da temporarily stopped the attack.

"No, I haven't lost yet!" Chen Yangren was in the whirlpool of the black hole. He said faintly: "when you step on my face, I am defeated. Or, when I've lost my breath, I'm defeated

"You..." Mr. Mo Da said in a deep voice: "I think it's not easy for you to practice. I don't want to kill you. Don't be stubborn

Chen Yang also said in a deep voice: "Sir, I'm very kind. Sir, let's do our best! "

A chill flashed in Mr. Mo Da's eyes and said, "good!"

Therefore, the more fierce attack rushed to Chen Yang.

The palm wind of Wuthering world collides fiercely and tears to the vortex of black hole. A gap begins to appear in the black hole vortex

At this time, Chen Yang entered a mysterious state.

"Everything has its advantages and disadvantages!" Chen Yang said in secret: "these days, the eternal crystal stone has given me endless beauty, but it has also brought a kind of comfort to my heart. No matter how hard it is for me to fear the real death, it is this slack heart that makes my cultivation unable to move forward! I understand this, then, if there is a chance, this immortal body, when abandoned, must be abandoned. "

In Chen Yang's eyes, Jing mang flashed by. When Mr. Mo Da's palm power came, his power was obviously exhausted. However, in the exhausted brain, new forces burst out at the critical moment

Under such circumstances, Chen Yang felt the boundless crisis in his brain. At this time, he was extremely sober and calm. Then I feel, heaven and earth, universe, earth, Baron, myself.

Everything, including time, space, past, future and present, is three-dimensional.

The particles, molecules, magnetic fields, microbes floating in the air, flowing air and wind are all three-dimensional.

At this moment, Chen Yang feels that he seems to be integrated with heaven and earth.

So, he burst out with a roar.


The sound wave roars, unexpectedly directly in front of the palm wind twisted into a smash.

Chen Yang's brain cells began to evolve in a large area, and endless power emerged from the dry brain cells. Like a fountain


Finally, Chen Yang broke through the thick barrier in his brain!

At this moment, Chen Yang was promoted and reached the double realm of God and king.

What's more, this force is exploding, and cells are evolving.

Although Chen Yang's training time was short, he experienced a lot. All the laws he understood, including the five laws of the realm of God and king of emperor Feiyan, merged and broke out.

So, Chen Yang's cultivation boom, once again rushed to the middle of the double realm of God and king!

Then, this force is still breaking out!

That's what I've learned!

In countless tribulations, achievements and accumulation in life and death. Finally, at this moment, it broke out.

It's also like a person who has been studying an invention for ten years has always been poor and unknown. But when the opportunity came, he soared to the sky, surpassing countless people.

Chen Yang's cultivation finally reached the double peak of the realm of God and king. At this time, his explosion finally stopped. At the moment, Chen Yang's whole body is filled with strength.

He felt the power of nowhere to vent, the kind of fury in the body, let him want to roar!

The cold light flashed in Chen Yang's eyes. He jumped up and roared, followed by a flash of sword light!

Or a sword to the East!

Chen Yang has accumulated all the touching and strength together without any reservation, and finally killed the most powerful sword in his life!This sword is dazzling but ordinary!

This sword, has the supreme move and the insistence!

As a result, all the palms were destroyed instantly by this sword, just like the autumn wind sweeping leaves, simple, clean and sharp!

At last, the sword came to kill Mr. Mo Da's eyebrows!

That strong sword meaning, move, spirit, let Mr. Mo Da's brain area in an instant appeared a picture.

That is, in the calm sea, the boy in black pointed to the sky, invincible!

For a moment, Mr. Mo did not lose his sense of propriety. He quickly sacrificed the Baohua lamp!

The blue light in the Baohua lamp flashed, and the Buddha immediately chanted the Buddha's name!

The sound turned into a sound wave and roared to the sword light!

Sword light is light shuttle and come, will that sound wave quickly shock into smash. The next second, the light of the sword cuts the Buddha. Buddha becomes shattered

Mr. Mo was a little pale. He immediately cast the spell again.

In the Baohua lamp, the green wick turns into a green dragon and quickly devours the sword light.


The sword light was faster and quickly shattered the dragon.

Mr. Mo can't help but be shocked. He once again shows his Baohua lamp. Baohua lamp quickly turned, burst out of infinite spirit, mystery, law, the mighty magic power in the shock, burst out, anti kill to the sword light!

But the sword light smoothly penetrated into the storm, and finally killed Baohua lamp!


Everything, finally returned to calm.

The sword light disappears.

There are small cracks on the Baohua lamp.

Mr. Mo Da spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face was pale.

Chen Yang's body flashed and quickly came to Mr. Mo da.

Chen Yang's sword has exerted all his strength, but Chen Yang has not exhausted as usual. But there is a steady stream of power generated, instantly restored half of the power.

Chen Yang can't keep it!

Because, exerting one's full strength is a kind of determination, is a kind of tragedy, is a kind of state!

Now, Chen Yang's big source technique has been brought into full play. The speed of the generated mana is simply abnormal.

Mr. Mo Da originally killed Chen Yang with pills. He was defeated by Chen Yang and suffered a lot of internal injuries. He has to die now.

Chen Yang looks at Mr. Mo Da indifferently. At the same time, he and Mr. Mo DA are shrouded in black hole crystals!

The outside world can no longer see the situation inside.

"Do it!" At this moment, Mr. Mo didn't beg for mercy, his voice revealed a kind of bleak.

"I should have killed you!" Chen Yang said coldly, "but I won't kill you today!"

"Well?" Mr. Mo Da was slightly stunned, and then his heart flashed hope. However, Mr. Moda kept his restraint. He couldn't help looking at Chen Yang: "you should know that killing me is in your best interest."

"Not necessarily!" Chen Yang said.

Mr. Mo was silent for a moment and said, "OK, I promise you. After today, I will never take revenge on you for Chifeng. I won't help emperor huaixiu to deal with you! "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "Mr. big, I believe what you say."

Later, Chen Yang removed the black hole crystal.

The people outside the court can see clearly the situation inside.

When you see Chen Yang and Mr. Mo Da coming out of the light curtain world together, a few people are happy and a few people are worried.

The most joyful nature is emperor Shengtian!

How can he lose Mr. Mo Da, who is his strong arm? However, once he entered the decisive battle of the platform, he had no right to stop it.

When he saw that the black hole world finally enveloped Mr. Mo Da, his heart was almost desperate.

At the moment, Emperor Shengtian is about to cry with joy.

Dream light dust and Emperor non smoke, good spirit month see Chen Yang win, is happy. As for whether Mr. Mo Da will die or not, it's not their concern.

Those disciples who hate Chifeng can't help cheering at the moment.

Chifeng is white

This is not the favorite part of tanxiu.

According to Emperor huaixiu's plan, the best thing is that Chen Yang is killed by Mr. Mo da.

No matter how hard it is, Chen Yang can kill Mr. Mo da. That would make his father hate Chen Yang very much.

But now, all the wishful thinking is in vain.

Chen Yang and Mr. Mo Da landed on the platform. Mr. Mo Da announced in public that he was black faced and said in a deep voice: "I'm defeated!"

After that, he drifted away.

Chen Yang stood on the stage, his eyes suddenly cold, and then, a grasp of empty hands, they will be under the stage of Chifeng to catch the stage.

Chifeng is so scared that he kneels down in front of Chen Yang. "Master, I know my mistake. I know my mistake!" He cried bitterly and continued to beg for mercy: "master, as long as you spare my life today, I will repay you as a pig and a dog in the future! Please forgive me, masterAt this moment, many female students, as well as male students who hate Chifeng, wept with joy.

Good spirit month, stars, those female disciples are also red eyed.

When good and evil come to an end, there will be time!

"Chifeng!" Chen Yang's eyes are indifferent. He squats down slightly, grabs Chifeng's hair and makes Chifeng raise his head.

Chifeng looks at Chen Yang in tears.

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "you see, you are also afraid of death! Then why do you refuse to move your compassion when your younger martial brothers and sisters beg for your mercy? "

"I know my mistake, I know my mistake!" Chifeng cried.

Chen Yang looked at Chifeng coldly, his face did not change at all.

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