Later, Chen Yang said, "no, you don't know what's wrong. There are two kinds of people in this world. The first kind of people, who receive a little kindness, will always remember it in their heart and try to return it. But he is willing to tolerate and forgive when he is hated. Because they are broad-minded. The second kind of people, after receiving a great favor, turn around and forget it, and even take revenge. But a little insult will always be remembered. And you are the second kind of person. Today, if I let you go, you won't be grateful, let alone reformed. You will always remember this insult and try your best to get back at me

"I dare not, I dare not!" Chifeng pleads.

Chen Yang said: "whether you dare or not, we will never see each other again."

When he finished, he pressed his hand.

As a result, Chifeng's face appeared cracks, and then the whole body exploded.

At that moment, the blood fog burst up!

Chifeng Dead!

There was cheering in the audience.

In Huaqing Palace, Chen Yang was lost in thought.

After the decisive battle, he went back to Huaqing Palace and didn't talk to Emperor Feiyan.

First of all, Chen Yang combs his own strength. His cultivation is profound. I don't know how many times. Now, he is not afraid even if he is struggling with the four masters of the realm of God and king.

It can be said that even if he went to any place, Chen Yang's cultivation today can go horizontally.

Moreover, he has immortal body and xuanhuang Shengu seed.

Chen Yang fell into thinking because he began to think, is immortality really a good thing?

"If you have immortality, you will lose the awe of life and death! It's a terrible thing that a person has no fear of death. " Chen Yang said in secret.

He stayed in the room all day and all night.

On this day and night, the disciples of the descending temple were boiling.

They began to believe that master Chen Yang's killing Chifeng was simply revenge for cultivating martial arts. Only because master Chen Yang later questioned Chifeng's words on the platform.

In this battle, Chen Yang finally established his supreme authority in the process of descending to the shrine.

If we say that all the disciples are in awe of other masters, some are just in fear! But to Chen Yang, there is a trace of worship and closeness in awe.

However, Chen Yang does not know all this.

In the morning of the next day, Meng Qingchen came uninvited and appeared in his room.

Shuttling through the void, this is the dream of light dust.

The sun is shining in.

Chen Yang is sitting on the bed with his knees crossed. Meng Qingchen is wearing a long purple dress with purple hair and blue eyes, which is bright and beautiful. Beautiful and coquettish, coquettish with unspeakable queen charm.

As soon as she came in, the fragrance was blowing on her face. It's refreshing to hear it!

Chen Yang opens his eyes and looks at mengqingchen calmly.

Meng Qingchen said with a smile, "we have won the battle. Xiuwei has also been promoted. Chifeng, also killed. How do you act like you've lost a battle? In this day and night, I held back not to come to you. Now tell me, what are you thinking? "

Chen Yang pondered for a moment and said, "I think of a problem in my fight with Mo da."

"Oh, what's the problem?" Dream light dust asked.

Chen Yang said, "is my immortality good or bad for me?"

"Well? How can you have such a question? If it wasn't for your immortality, maybe you'd be gone. And I might be dead! " Dream light dust said: "we can still live, we should thank you for your immortal body!"

Chen Yang said, "it's not like this. When I come to this stage, the choice I make is based on the foundation of my immortality. Otherwise, I would be more cautious. This undead body is like a layer of protection, which is in my heart, so that I have begun to realize the horror of the real pressure of life and death

Meng Qingchen's face was stunned. She said thoughtfully, "what you said is reasonable."

Chen Yang said: "a protected flower in a greenhouse can never be a real master. Therefore, in those days, Linghui did not break through the nine levels of creation. So, in the end, he didn't become a saint. In the end, he fell

"Insect king Linghui?" Mengqingchen doesn't know the insect emperor.

Chen Yang explained the origin of the insect king.

Dream light dust said: "you mean, I understand. So, you want to give up the immortal body? "

"I have this idea," Chen said

Dream light dust wry smile, said: "how many people to this immortal body desire and can't get!"

"But I don't want it," Chen said

Dream light dust said: "can you this, also not you want to give up can give up."

"It's true. I'll try to find a way slowly," Chen said

Dream light dust said: "well, I respect your idea. However, you have broken through this level. Prove that the immortal body is not fettered to you, and you don't have to worry too much for the time being. "Chen Yang said, "well, I know. I know very well that I can still break through the double realm of creation. If I take the immortal body, I will break through to the third realm, which will be more ethereal and difficult. As for the future, it will be even more wishful thinking. "

"But what you said about Linghui, didn't it reach the Ninth level of creation?" Dream light dust does not understand.

Chen Yang said: "I am different from Linghui. Linghui is the kind of existence that wants to destroy all things and has a cruel heart. Therefore, he was able to advance bravely without distractions. Now I probably understand that the reason why he is so paranoid is to give himself more pressure to achieve the purpose of promotion. But I'm different. I can't be as paranoid as he is. He used and hated the world, but I loved it

Dream light dust said: "so it is!"

Everyone's heart is different.

Although Luo Feng is close to the immortal body, the immortal body can not fetter Luo Feng. Because Luo Feng's heart has boundless hatred and boundless hope.

And monk Linghui wanted to destroy the world.

As for Chen Yang, he is kind and loving. Once you have immortality behind you, you will slack off

Therefore, Chen Yang is now beginning to find that immortality is a dangerous existence for him.

After Chen Yang talks with Meng Qingchen, a man comes to the door.

This man is Mr. Mo Da of Xumi palace.

Mr. Moda wants to have a chat with Chen Yang alone. So the dream light dust also very discerning left.

In Chen Yang's room, after Mr. Moda took a seat, Chen Yang looked at Mr. Moda and said, "Mr. Moda, do you want to come to me

With a bitter smile, Mr. Mo said, "I felt like I was coming back from the dead after the war with you yesterday. After thinking about it, it's time to say thank you today. Thank you for not killing me

With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "I've been on the edge of life and death many times, and I've been desperate and reborn. So maybe that's why I respect a life more than you do. "

Mr. Mo said: "I have experienced many battles of life and death in the past. But there is always no danger, but I began to ignore life. Only yesterday, I felt that I had really died once! "

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