Mr. Moda's experience is definitely different from that of the past. In the past, although he experienced life and death, he relied on his own strength to get through the difficulties. This time, he didn't get through. It was Chen Yang who let him go. The difference can be said to be very different.

Chen Yang's face was light, and then he said to Mr. Mo Da, "you don't have to say thank you. In fact, I don't kill you for the sake of interests. Killing is good for killing, and not killing is good for not killing. I know the relationship very well. "

"Oh?" Mr. Mo Da said, "this time, you killed my apprentice and defeated me. We may have a grudge. If we don't kill me, I'll probably turn to Emperor huaixiu. You were between killing and not killing. Weren't you afraid of that? "

"Why should I be afraid?" With a faint smile, Chen Yang said, "you are the person of the temple master. In the eyes of the temple master, the reason why you are valuable is that you do not belong to the eldest lady or the younger master. Once you start to stand in line, you're not good. So, I'm not afraid that you'll go to Emperor huaixiu. "

Mr. Mo Da was slightly stunned. He didn't expect Chen Yang to see it so thoroughly, so he said, "I can't imagine that you can see everything clearly with your eyes burning."

Chen Yang said: "to be honest, I am the only one who can count on others. Few people can count on me. Emperor huaixiu's calculation this time is not his brilliant. It's just that I have my rules! I despise him. He's just a beast that even his sister wants to kill. "

Mr. Mo was slightly surprised and said, "how can I say that?"

Chen Yang said: "before we went back to the Dragon planet, Emperor huaixiu secretly revealed our whereabouts to Yinghong of guiwangzong. If we hadn't noticed it, I'm afraid the eldest lady would be miserable now. "

Mr. Mo was pale and said, "is this really true?"

Chen Yang said, "do you think it's necessary for me to lie to you? That Yinghong has been killed by me! "

"Is Yinghong dead?" Mr. Moda was surprised again.

Chen Yang said, "that's right."

"You didn't tell the Lord about this?" Mr. Moda was surprised.

Chen Yang said, "what's the use of saying that? There's no evidence. Even if the evidence is solid, what can be done? Can the temple master deal with his son? This is also the reason why emperor huaixiu is unscrupulous. "

Mr. Mo Da said, "that's true."

Chen Yang then said, "Mr. big, well, we won't talk much. Do you have anything else to do today besides thank you? If it's just to thank you, I've received your thanks. "

Chen Yang's intention is to chase customers.

Mr. Mo did not answer immediately, but pondered for a moment. Then he said, "I remember a word you said."

"Oh, what?" Chen Yang didn't pay much attention to what he said, which made Mr. Mo remember. Mr. Mo Da said, "you said that you should kill me, but I know that what you said is that I deserve to die, right?"

Chen Yang was slightly stunned. "Yes," he said

Mr. Mo Da said, "I'm thinking that I deserve to die because I connive Chifeng to do evil, right?"

"It seems clear to me, sir Chen Yang smiles. He does not deny it.

Mr. Mo Da said in a deep voice, "Chifeng likes women. I'm his master. I won't let him disobey his will. In this way, he will be upset."

Chen Yang sneered and said, "this world has its right and wrong. If the mind is smooth, you should speak without interfering with others. In your opinion, Chifeng is a small evil. In those days, an elder on our earth wanted to destroy the whole earth. Should that make him smooth? If I don't like it, and want to destroy it, can I? "

Mr. Moda was stunned.

Chen Yang said: "if you had not supported Chifeng, Chifeng would not have come to this point. Of course, those bad things have nothing to do with me. I don't care so much, but the reason for my death is to cultivate martial arts. That has a great relationship with me. I won't ignore the evil in front of me just because I can't manage the evil in the whole world! "

Mr. Moda nodded and said, "well, I've been taught."

Then Mr. Mo got up and said, "thank you, Mr. Chen Yang."

"You're welcome!" Chen Yang said with a faint smile.

Then, Mr. Moda left.

After Mr. namota left, Chen Yang came to the courtyard.

The moonlight is very good tonight. The temple of descent is located at a high altitude. The air here is very fresh. Because there are Dharma formations in the hall of descending

Chen Yang walked out of the courtyard and came to the gorgeous palace next door.

In the gorgeous palace, there are also Dharma arrays around. But this array will not exclude Chen Yang, he entered it smoothly.

Mengqingchen is sitting alone in the pavilion in the courtyard.

She was not surprised by Chen Yang's arrival.

When people reach a certain level, they will get rid of many vulgar tastes. But it seems boring again.Nowadays, Chen Yang meditates when he has nothing to do.

Dream light dust will be the same.

And all people, when they have nothing to do, will go for fun. Will find food, will gather together to play card games, or to find flower girl and so on.

That's interesting, too.

But those things can't hook up the desire of Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen.

Is this evolution, or is it degradation?

Chen Yang came to the pavilion, he looked around, but did not find good spirit month.

Dream light dust some dissatisfaction, said: "Hey, you come here to find my apprentice, dry SA?"

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I'm afraid you'll abuse her!"

Dream light dust said: "I dare not ah, you are what character! Those who offend you will be punished even if they are far away. Chifeng has just been killed by you. I don't want to get mixed up. "

With a smile, Chen Yang said, "well, I won't talk to you. What's shanlingyue doing? "

"Are you looking for her or me?" Dream light dust said.

"Of course I'm looking for you!" Chen Yang said.

Dream light dust said: "then why do you always ask her?"

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "I care about her, too."

Dream light dust slightly frown, said: "you really honest ah, not afraid of my jealousy?"

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

He sensed that mengqingchen's words were somewhat provocative.

It's not the first time that she's shown that.

Chen Yang doesn't know how to say it. The other party hasn't talked about it yet, so it's hard for him to talk about it.

Dream light dust see Chen Yang look changed some, she is also a smart person, immediately not entangled in this issue. With a little smile, he said, "well, I won't make trouble with you. The good spirit moon goes to the stars, where are they

Chen Yang suddenly realized.

Then he sat down.

Chen Yang and Chen Yang pour a cup of wine for Mengqing.

"What did Mo Da say when he came to you?" Dream light dust asked. She then said, "if it's not convenient to disclose, forget it."

Chen Yang said: "between us, what is inconvenient to disclose. When he came, he was also troubled. I don't want to kill him. He has doubts. I told him that when he let Chifeng go, he should have died. But now, the situation is right, I won't kill him. It's that simple! "

Mengqingchen's face sank.

Chen Yang noticed the change of her face and said, "what's the matter with you?"

Meng Qingchen couldn't help but smile bitterly and said: "you said that the past of Mo Da should be damned. I suddenly remembered my past. I have done more harm than Mo and Chifeng. Am I more damned? "

Without waiting for Chen Yang to answer, she gazed at Chen Yang and said solemnly, "the more I get in touch with you, the more I understand your temperament. Chen Yang, you are a hater of evil! I could not have cared about that, but now, I want to care about it. "

Her heart, in this instant, suddenly expressed very clearly.

Her dream of light dust, has always been love and hate.

They also dare to love and hate.

Chen Yang stayed for a while.

As for his friends, Chen Yang would never be perfunctory, let alone avoid those sharp problems. After thinking for a long time, he said with a wry smile, "I'm jealous of evil, but sometimes I can't help it. In my life, I respect two people most. The first is senior Ling. The one you've met is the one who performs the great prophecy. "

Dream light dust slightly a Leng, don't understand why Chen Yang will pull to Chen Ling there. She nodded and said, "I have to admit that your elder Ling is a dragon and a phoenix among people."

Chen Yang then said, "you have met the second person I respect. Luo Feng! My big brother, let's make friends, and my second brother. There was a younger brother, but he's gone. "

"I have the impression that your elder brother is the one whose body is as horrible and abnormal as you, and who keeps repairing it?" Dream light dust said.

"That's right!" Chen Yang said: "I mentioned my elder brother because I wanted to tell you that a man killed our fourth brother. My elder brother was so angry that he destroyed the whole family. Thousands of people, none left. My elder brother really killed a lot of people. I'm not satisfied with what he did, but I respect him most. If anyone deals with my elder brother, I can give up my life to help him. "

"Your big brother is a real man." After listening to mengqingchen, she said, "maybe, in other people's eyes, your big brother is a devil. But in the eyes of you brothers, he should be the best big brother. "

Chen Yang said, "that's right."

"What about me?" Dream light dust mood suddenly become very comfortable. She asked with a smile: "I am in your heart, what is it?"

Chen Yang looked at Meng Qingchen's beautiful eyes seriously. After a long time, he said: "friends who share life and death!"

"Friends?" Meng Qingchen's eyes flashed with joy and said, "I thought we were just allies!"Chen Yang said: "among allies, there are only interests. I am very clear in my heart, as long as I am in trouble, you will help me regardless of everything. If you are in trouble, I will also... "

"You've been desperate to help me." Dream light dust said: "you have proved."

Chen Yang said, "you have proved it."

The two then looked at each other and laughed.

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