This world has never been black or white. In some places, black and white are mixed together, making it difficult to tell right from wrong. Chen Yang hates Mr. Mo Da's connivance of Chifeng, but he is friends with Meng Qingchen.

He hated the unprovoked killing, but most respected the murderous brother Luo Feng!

This is the contradiction of human nature.

But this does not mean that Chen Yang will indulge himself. He will keep the right way.

After that, Chen Yang said, "I've come to you. There's another thing I want to do."

"Oh, what's the matter?" Dream light dust in a good mood, asked with a smile.

"I want to send Xiuwu's body back to his home so that his family can have a place to remember him in the future," Chen said

Dream light dust slightly a Zheng. "You can arrange for those disciples to do it."

Chen Yang sighed slightly and said, "we should have respect and respect. Xiuwu's death is due to me. I still have to deliver it myself. Maybe you think I've done enough for him, but it's not enough. His life is gone. What I do is in vain. I thought, go to their home and see if there is any younger generation that I can support. In a word, all I can give is the honor and sorrow after death. "

Dream light dust slightly a Lin, she said: "you insist, I respect your meaning. Well, I'll go with you. Although people from guiwangzong are not allowed to come here in the eastern hemisphere, I am always worried about those people from dihuaixiu. I don't know if they're going to trip up behind them. "

Chen Yang said, "good!"

Dream light dust heart next joy. In fact, she knows that there is no danger in going there, but she still wants to spend more time alone with Chen Yang.

"Let's start tomorrow morning." Chen Yang is a man who can go as soon as he wants.

Dream light dust said: "well, the rest of the things, I'll arrange it."

"The rest?" Chen Yang doubts.

Mengqingchen rolled his eyes and said, "do you think we can just go? I'll talk to Feiyan, and then It's very important to send nine star disciples to the martial arts family tonight to explain why. Otherwise, if someone doesn't understand and collides with us, is it killing us or not? "

Chen Yang said, "of course not!" What he thought was simple.

"Outside, every word and deed is the dignity of the master. If you don't kill me, I'll come down to the temple. If you know, maybe you'll do it. " Dream light dust said: "well, you don't have to worry, I'll deal with it!"

Chen Yang said, "that's true. You should be more careful."

Dream light dust a smile, say: "that certainly."

Chen Yang then returned to Huaqing Palace.

Dream light dust is not idle, she went to see emperor Feiyan first.

In the main hall of tranquility, di Feiyan has her own bedroom. Now, mengqingchen has officially become a person who comes to the temple, so cangnu has not stopped mengqingchen.

But mengqingchen can't spend the night in the main hall.

Emperor Fei Yan's palace is called Fei Yan palace!

It's luxurious and elegant!

The light is bright and soft!

Emperor Feiyan's room was lit with the fragrance of Millennium spirit, which can calm the soul and tranquilize the spirit. It's a good thing that ordinary monks can't afford.

Emperor Feiyan is very happy to see the arrival of mengqingchen.

"Light dust, come and sit down!" Emperor Feiyan greets mengqingchen to be seated.

After that, a maid served tea.

"I went to see Chen Yang today, so did Mo da." Dream light dust said first.

"Is Chen Yang OK?" Emperor Feiyan asked. In her heart, she had a subtle feeling for Chen Yang. However, she is a young lady and has her own pride. Therefore, I never want to show it in front of anyone.

And dream light dust than emperor non smoke to dare to love dare to hate more.

Later, Meng Qingchen talked about Chen Yang's confusion and Mo Da's problems.

She is a free and easy person, will not play in front of emperor Feiyan what careful thinking. She will only play tricks with the enemy, for sincere friends, she will be honest.

"Chen Yang is not a pedantic person." Emperor non smoke after listening, smile, said.

"It's true that what he insists on is not pedantic, but his principles of life." Meng Qingchen then said, "by the way, tomorrow I plan to go to my martial arts home with Chen Yang."

"To Xiuwu's home? You two together? " Di Feiyan was slightly surprised. For a moment, she didn't know why. She felt a little sour in her heart.

Dream light dust observation into micro, immediately aware of the emperor non smoke mood. "Yes, together!" Meng Qingchen was outspoken and said, "no smoke, to tell you the truth, I'm sorry for Chen Yang Well, it's very nice. "

"He has a wife!" Di Fei's delicate body trembles. She is not used to going straight, especially when it comes to Chen Yang.

Dream light dust light smile, said: "what's the problem? Men, especially the male friars who have great powers, are not three wives and four concubines. Chen Yang has more than one wife. "Emperor Feiyan said: "but Light dust, you are different! Are you willing to be one of them? "

In fact, I don't think so much. He will eventually return to the earth, the vicissitudes of the world, the changes of the universe. It doesn't matter if you have a relationship or no result. The important thing is that when I like it, I will like it and not suppress my mood. In fact, even if you go after him, I don't mind

"I won't!" Di Feiyan said in a hurry. She then said seriously: "since you think so, once you are really together, I will bless you. Really She's very positive.

Mengqingchen nodded and said, "OK."

Di Feiyan's mood is very complicated, she no longer says anything.

Dream light dust said: "tomorrow?"

"Be safe!" Di Feiyan said.

"Well!" The dream light dust then rises to leave.

After waiting for the dream light dust to leave, Emperor Feiyan sat on the seat stupidly.

Her thoughts are very complicated, but she is not willing to step into Chen Yang's emotional quagmire at all. At that time, she once liked a man of the most beautiful style. That man is called yannanfeng!

Yannanfeng is the leader of the younger generation in the whole planet.

He does not belong to the king of ghosts, nor does he belong to the temple of God. He has nothing to do with the world

Emperor Feiyan and yannanfeng had been defeated several times. They appreciate each other and have deep feelings.

But yannanfeng has always said that he wants to go to Tianwaitian to look for a treasure. Once he goes, it will be a hundred years, maybe longer, and more likely, he will not come back.

Di Feiyan knows that if he persuades him to stay, he should stay. But di Feiyan is also afraid to say it first and to be rejected. So, until the wild goose south wind leaves, she has never opened her mouth to say to retain two words. That relationship, also the only one in her life, ended like this.

Now, if Chen Yang has no wife. If there is no dream light dust like Chen Yang, if Chen Yang take the initiative to pursue, maybe emperor non smoke will consider.

But now that it's like this, Emperor Feiyan doesn't plan to have any consideration.

It's better to be desolate than to have an impure feeling.

This is the character of emperor Feiyan!

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