The next day, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen set out.

Shanlingyue will practice in Huali palace. Now, shanlingyue is the official disciple of mengqingchen. No one dares to bully shanlingyue any more, even other masters can't do anything to shanlingyue. Otherwise, it would be a blatant provocation to mengqingchen.

What's more, Chen Yangcai established his power in the hall of God. We have to be afraid of Chen Yang.

Mengqingchen sent two nine star disciples to the martial arts family before going.

When mengqingchen became master Xuanjin, some disciples came to swear allegiance. Mengqingchen also has some disciples, who are on her side.

Chen Yang actually took some orders.

These are not real disciples. They are just for mutual benefit.

But if these disciples serve well, they also have the opportunity to worship Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen.

The full name of Xiuwu is Shanglian Xiuwu, reviving Shanglian.

The Shanglian family is located within the border of one of the eastern hemisphere countries called Jinpeng.

There are more than 80 big and small countries in the eastern hemisphere, among which Jinpeng is still a vast country. It is said that the founding ancestor of Jinpeng kingdom is king Jinpeng, who has profound magic power.

Later, the royal families of Jinpeng also practiced hard

Whether a country is strong or not depends not only on the strength of the army and the prosperity of the country. Within the boundaries of this monastic state, whether the state is strong or not depends on the reserves of monks in the state.

There are many big families in every country. If there is an outstanding monk in a big family, the status of the whole family will rise.

As for the royal family, they are more concerned about the cultivation of monks. The royal family will also search for talented teenagers to join the royal family.

In any case, they should strengthen the training of monks.

On the whole, the friars in the royal family are much stronger than other families.

It's because of genes and money.

As for the Shanglian family, it is located in a rich city of Jinpeng. That city is called Shanglian city.

The old man Shanglian is the leader of Shanglian city.

Shanglian's flourishing cultivation is Taixu jiuchongtian, and he is also a overlord. It is because of the power of the old man that shangliancheng has never been bullied by other cities.

Xiuwu is the grandson of Shanglian.

In recent decades, the Shanglian family has been short of resources and talents. Some of the children who entered the hall of descent were sent back when they reached a certain age and failed to meet the requirements.

And Xiuwu, less than 20 years old, in the case of lack of resources, has entered the descending temple and become a two-star disciple. It was originally the hope of the Shanglian family, but this time it's doomed It's a huge blow to the Shanglian family.

On the side of Shanglian City, Shanglian family already knew the tragic news of Xiuwu's death that night. Even the whole family was in a state of melancholy.

Xiuwu's father and mother almost fainted on the spot.

It's two nine star disciples, Xueying and Shenghong!

Snow Eagle has been more than 300 years old. He looks like he is in his thirties, calm and steady. In the hall of the city Lord's mansion, when everyone is mourning, Xueying is dressed in a dark gown, and his face is dignified

There was a lot of noise and crying in the hall.

Shang Lian's prosperity is already full of white hair. He is not young.

He has been in charge of Shanglian city for more than 300 years. Over the years, watching his descendants wither, his heart is painful. What's more, he had a chance to practice to this point. Now, it's hard for him to move forward.

His resources are also very scarce!

Shanglian Xingsheng knew that as long as he died, all the Shanglian families he founded would be quickly destroyed by his opponents, and none of them would be left.

I don't care about the royal family. Because the whole kingdom is the jungle!

The royal family only welcomes the loyalty of the strong.

Xueying and Shenghong came all night. They were ordered by Xuanjin master Meng Qingchen to report. Of course, they wanted to make sure everything was clear.

It was dark when they arrived.

Snow Eagle frowned and glanced at the crying of the room. He said to Shang Lianxing, "what's your name?"

Although Shanglian was sad, he did not dare to offend such a respected person as Xueying. He forbeared his grief and said: "villain is still prosperous. Martial arts is villain's grandson."

"It's nothing to die a grandson in such a big family." Snow Eagle light cold said.

His words really add fuel to the fire.

Xiuwu's father, Shang Lian Johnson, was furious when he heard the words. He was extremely indignant and said, "my dear, my son has died miserably. Why are you so sarcastic? Don't you have a heart? "

"Presumptuous!" Sheng Hong, who was with Xueying, immediately said, "are you afraid of destroying the family? In front of my elder martial brother Xueying, how dare you talk like this? "

"Kneel down and admit your mistake at once!" After that, he jumped up and roared.Shanglian Johnson stayed for a while, and then tears came out of his eyes, but he still knelt down.

In front of power, there is no trace of warmth and humanity!

They dare to offend such a strong man as snow Eagle!

"The villain's words have no form, and they have collided with the master. Please punish him!" Shanglian Johnson knelt down, kowtowed his head and said.

"Hum!" Sheng Hong snorted coldly.

Shang even Xingsheng immediately apologized to Xueying sincerely.

Snow Eagle light said: "well, no need to say more." After a pause, he said, "in the hall of our God, we always respect the strong. There's nothing to say about the death of a two-star disciple. You should know this when you send him to the temple of God. However, I can see that your family is really poor now. It's a martial arts practice, and it's all your hope. "

Snow Eagle said here, his voice stopped for a moment, then he continued: "but you should know in your heart that the cultivation of martial arts in the descending temple is really not outstanding talent, it is almost impossible to get ahead. You are still prosperous and your cultivation has stopped here. When you arrive at a certain time, you will be doomed. If you do not advance, you will retreat. If you can't break through the shackles in front of you, you'll be doomed. Is that right? "

Snow eagle's words are not pleasant to hear, but they are absolutely true. What a cruel fact!

Shanglian was full of tears when he was prosperous. He said, "I've learned a lesson from you."

"But you're lucky!" Snow Eagle light said.

"Well?" Shang Liansheng was stunned for a while, he didn't understand what snow Eagle meant.

"The reason why I say you are lucky is that Xiuwu's death gives you Shanglian family a chance!" Snow Eagle said.

"I don't understand what the venerable means." Shanglian's prosperity became more and more confused.

"It's a long story!" Snow Eagle said.

Then Sheng Hong said, "if we can come here in person, you should know that this matter is no small matter."

Snow Eagle then said: "Shanglian family, you listen well. We are here to summon people and to handle errands. Tomorrow is very important. If you fail, don't blame me for being ruthless. "

Shang Lian's family were shocked by the speech, and then they all knelt down.

Shanglian Xingsheng said: "please show it clearly!"

Snow Eagle said coldly: "Xiuwu died because on that day, a new Xuanjin master, Chen Yang Well, master Chen Yang passed by and saw Xiuwu. They were practicing Daoism! "

When the Shanglian family heard the words, they suddenly felt sad. The secret way is that the child of his own family had collided with the master level, so he died. They don't even dare to hate. What kind of person is the master? That's the person they don't dare to think about in their next life!

"My son's life is thin. It's a collision with the master. Damn it!" Shanglian Johnson said with red eyes and crying. No one knows what he is thinking at the moment, maybe hate, but he has nothing to do.

He didn't dare to say a word of the truth.

"What do you think?" Sheng Hong scolded: "do you think it was master Chen Yang who killed Xiuwu?"

"Isn't it?" Shang Lian's heart leaped and asked.

Sheng Hong said, "of course not! Master Chen Yang is kind-hearted and the best man in the world. How can he do such things. On that day, master Chen Yang gave instructions on the spot and promoted them to a higher level. After that, Xiuwu was grateful to master Chen Yang, and it was inevitable that he was disrespectful to other masters. On the spot, master Chen Yang said that he wanted to protect and cultivate martial arts. "

Sheng Hong sighed and then said, "well, how do you know that there are villains in this. Our elder martial brother Chifeng, who came to the temple, was about to be promoted to the master. He listened to the slander of villains and killed Xiuwu. It's really wrong to die of Xiuwu! "

Snow Eagle also said: "this is what happened in these two days. On the day of Xiuwu's death, master Chen Yang was very angry. With Xiuwu's body, I went to find elder martial brother Chifeng. Elder martial brother Chifeng was deeply loved by our Lord. His master, Mr. Mo Da, is the master of Xuanjin, who is very powerful. But Master Chen Yang insists on seeking justice for martial arts cultivation. He does not hesitate to fight with Mr. Mo DA on the platform. In the end, master Chen Yang defeats master Mo and kills Chifeng on the platform, avenging Chifeng! "

"Is it serious?" After hearing this, Shang Lian couldn't help saying.

"Seriously?" Snow eagle eyes a cold, said: "you are still even people really don't know heaven and earth, also not good to think about, you have let us lie qualification?"? If it's true or false, we don't need to give you any explanation at all. "

What he said was too bad, but it was a cruel fact.

Shanglian Qiangsheng monk Lian Xingsheng quickly expressed his thanks again.

Snow Eagle said: "well, we come because master Chen Yang is kind-hearted and wants to send back Xiuwu's body tomorrow morning. Master Qingchen and master Chen Yang are close friends. I know that master Chen Yang has a good disposition. I'm afraid you will collide with him. Otherwise, even if master Chen Yang doesn't care, we'll come down to the temple to save face. This is what we don't want to see! "Shanglian prosperous quickly said: "master Chen Yang, is our Shanglian family's great benefactor! In the future, we will worship master Chen Yang day by day and feel his kindness foreve

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