Snow hawk after these, and let the others back down, then leave still even prosperous in front of.

Shanglianxingsheng, who dare not follow, immediately waved the rest of the people back. The noisy people wait for the tea to leave. After that, Xueying said, "Shanglian is prosperous. There are so many people just now. It's hard for me to say something. You can hardly be regarded as a monk. You should understand that the death of your grandson this time is not a bad thing. In fact, it's a great happy event for you, and it's probably an opportunity that your family has been waiting for so many years. Can you understand what I said? "

Although Shang Lian's talent is not very good, he is definitely not a fool. Snow eagle's words suddenly let his eyes a bright, his heart began to stir up, and then, his breathing also became rapid up.

Snow eagle's words, how can he not understand?

It's just that he can't believe it Can a superior teacher really value this? Will you really call him? Promote the Shanglian family?

I can't believe it!

Snow Eagle then said: "well, I'm done here. The rest depends on how you behave. Master Chen Yang is kind-hearted and affectionate. I'm calling on you. Don't take your grandson seriously. There should be both sadness and respect, understand? "

Shanglian Xingsheng said: "villain knows, villain knows."

"Well!" The snow Eagle nodded.

Sheng Hong then said, "if the master has a rich reward, don't forget who ordered you."

Shanglianxingsheng would not understand this rule, so he said: "villain knows, villain knows!"

Snow Eagle light smile, he said: "Sheng Hong, you this is really a dog problem. Has the goose been plucked? You think I'm saying this for good? No matter how good it is, we can't take it! Once we are known by the masters, will we still behave in front of them in the future? "

He did not talk with Shanglian Xingsheng any more and let Shanglian Xingsheng arrange a room to stay.

Shanglian Xingsheng immediately let his room out to show respect!

Snow Eagle see but not happy, said: "you give this room to my master, master came, live what specification?"? Can you use your brain? It's no wonder that your cultivation has been unable to go up for so many years. "

Shanglian's prosperity turned red. Poor old man died grandson, but also by these authoritative experts as a dog reprimand, not only that, he felt grateful from the heart.

When Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen came in the morning, the weather was gloomy.

Shanglian city prepared a grand welcome ceremony with flowers and carpets outside the city.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen came directly outside the city Lord's mansion.

The architecture of the city Lord's mansion is unique, majestic and imposing.

At the gate of the Lord's mansion, Shanglian's family, old and young, came out.

Shanglian Xingsheng led more than 1000 people to kneel at the gate of the Lord's mansion.

Chen Yang is dressed in a black robe and Meng Qingchen is dressed in a long purple skirt. They are like beautiful women in murals.

In this way, they are like excellent young people on earth. It can be imagined that they are already the top teachers on the Dragon planet.

Snow eagle and Sheng Hong immediately knelt down on one knee and said, "disciples, welcome master Chen Yang, master Qingchen!"

"Welcome, master!" Shanglian Xingsheng all knelt down, their heads buried in the depths, and no one dared to look directly at Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen.

Chen Yang was stunned on the spot.

He came with a sense of guilt. In his anticipation, he thought that if the family members of Xiuwu blamed him, he would have to bear and compensate. But he just didn't expect that the other side would greet him with such high rules.

At this moment, Chen Yang suddenly felt some irony.

He felt like a hero coming back It's not a killer who killed the other person's family.

There is a trace of displeasure in Chen Yang's heart.

He was thinking, what is the death of Xiuwu?

I care so much, but it seems that Xiuwu's family is not so excited!

Chen Yang controls his emotions, and he says in secret, "it's just, it's just. I was so angry that I could ignore everything. But they and my strength difference so much, the whole family life here, where dare to rush crown a fury? I'm not them, so I don't have the right to be angry with them. "

Chen Yang took a deep breath, his mind shot out, and soon knew some identity on the spot.

Mengqingchen nodded to Xueying and Shenghong first, and her eyes flashed the color of approval. Obviously, they did a good job. Meng Qingchen was very satisfied.

After Chen Yang glanced at the crowd, he said first, "don't be polite. Let's all get up."

"Yes Shanglian took the lead in its prosperity.

The people in the back also followed.

Chen Yang noticed that there are still many children in the tribe.Chen Yang first came to Shanglian Johnson's wife

Shanglian Qiangsheng is Shanglian Xiuwu's father, and Xiuwu's mother is Shanglian Qiangsheng's wife. Shanglian Johnson is still clean, only married six concubines.

Many women in Shanglian city praise Shanglian Johnson as a good man.

Xiuwu's mother's name is shuipiaoxiang. Shuipiaoxiang is in her forties, but she looks only in her twenties because she takes some beauty pills. She is a mature and charming woman.

Chen Yang knows that shuipiaoxiang has two children. Xiuwu is her eldest son. There is also a daughter, now 12 years old!

Her name is Shang Lian Xin'er.

The little girl, with red eyes, lowered her head and sobbed silently. Obviously, other people will be afraid of the dignity of the master and dare not grieve Of course, many people are not sad.

But the little girl was crying for her brother.

Water fragrance eyes red, the mother's sad, no one can really understand.

Chen Yang walks slowly to the fragrance of water.

Water fragrance, head down.

Her delicate body is shaking slightly

Who knows what the mother who lost her son is thinking at this moment?

"I'm sorry!" Chen Yang said softly, "the death of Xiuwu has something to do with me. Although I avenged him, he will never come back. "

Chen Yang's voice was low and sad. He said, "you are Xiuwu's mother. You can hate me and scold me. I can't do it except let Xiuwu die and come back to life. Other conditions, you can ask me, as long as I can do it. I'll try my best to help you do it. "

After Chen Yang's words came out, there was a flash of greed and joy in the eyes of Shanglian Johnson & Johnson, Shanglian prosperity and some members of Shanglian family. Their breathing became heavy

What does a master mean when he makes such a promise?

That represents the supreme power!

People who are still at home begin to admire the fragrance of water.

Shanglian Johnson said: "master, can you really help us?"

"Cough!" At this time, dream light dust light cough.

Her cough was a warning.

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