Chen Yang suddenly thought of something, he said: "emperor huaixiu that boy, I think is a belly of bad water. He and we have already torn the skin, but there is nothing he does not dare to do. Do you think he will come to deal with the Shanglian family? If my kindness to Shanglian's family will bring disaster to Shanglian's family, then I will die. "

Mengqingchen was slightly stunned, and then she said, "it's not impossible! But in fact, it is useless to kill the people of Shanglian family. The only use is to block you. Emperor huaixiu should not do such a stupid thing

Chen Yang said: "that person can't be treated with common sense. Recently, we need to quicken our pace. At the same time, we need to protect some Shanglian families. "

"If we really try to protect it, it will arouse emperor huaixiu's interest. It's better to have a frank talk with emperor huaixiu. In addition, also check the weakness of emperor huaixiu. It's a combination of grace and power! He's got people. He's got family. If we really want to get there, we will not be happy! " Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang said: "this is a way. By the way, I planted my mark in the prosperous brain of Shanglian. Once there is a situation, let shanglianxingsheng give me a warning immediately. "

Dream light dust said: "but the opponent may set a trap for you through shanglianxingsheng!"

Chen Yang said, "well, don't worry. I know how to distinguish the situation, although I am willing to be kind. But I will not let this kindness become a weapon for the enemy to attack me. I still have this decision! "

Mengqingchen thinks of Chen Yang a long time ago. When he was on the Danube, he tried his best to defend the elves. However, later he broke Chen Yang's protection.

A lot of times, Chen Yang will not take into account the time.

He is a living person, and a flesh and blood person, so there will be many flaws. But it is also because of these flaws that I now feel that he is very attractive.

Night, began to become silent.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen walk through the busy street and come to a secluded street. The bright lights just now are in sharp contrast to the silence now.

"Today, not bad." Meng Qingchen and Chen Yang walk side by side, and she feels very comfortable in her heart. "I used to be on Danube, and sometimes I would go to crowded places by myself. Generally, I will change a form, so as not to attract people's attention. The more people you have, the more lonely you feel when you stand in the middle of people. But at that time I enjoyed being alone. Because my father said, "to practice Taoism is a lonely road."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "it's a very contradictory thing to practice Taoism."

Dream light dust said: "Oh, how contradictory?"

Chen Yang said: "ordinary people are eager to have transcendental ability, and then show their transcendence and supernatural power in front of people. And after we have this kind of magic power, we begin to feel that the interests of ordinary people are dull. We are also more and more lonely. Most of the monks are very boring. I'm more interesting. "

Meng Qingchen said, "it's true. The longer you practice, the deeper you practice. The more boring, the more lonely, the more indifferent feelings. I was like this myself. For a period of time, I wanted to concentrate all my resources in my hands. It didn't matter to me who I was, who I was, or who I was. I just want to be stronger, and only the desire to be stronger will make me happy. "

"It's terrible to go on like this!" Chen Yang said.

Dream light dust said: "then, at this time, you appear. Later, I was devastated, and I was seriously injured when I left Danube. The mad man Wannian Dan tore up all my energy and left a heavy sequela on me. At that time, I thought, as long as I can restore my normal strength, I will be satisfied. "

"It was at that time that my desire was contained. But at the same time, my heart is full of humiliation and hatred. I want to kill the earth, I want to be strong at all costs, and then revenge. But That Bai Suzhen is in my heart insurmountable shadow. So, I've been giving myself reasons not to go back. " Dream light dust said.

Chen Yang felt sorry and said, "I'm sorry. Sometimes I hate you for killing the elves. But in fact, I've done you a terrible job. "

"Let's call it even. I don't hate what you and your friends have done to me any more. You forgot about the elves, too, OK? " Dream light dust suddenly very sincerely said to Chen Yang.

Chen Yang was slightly stunned.

Sometimes, forgetting seems to be a betrayal.

At least, Chen Yang thinks so.

But in fact, whether he forgets or not, it will not help the dead elves.

Chen Yang will think of Arthur ratty, the king of spirits, and the Oriental God.

Sometimes he would think of Luo Ning, LAN Tingyu and Luo Xue.

That's what life is all about. It's always a dilemma.

But now, no matter how, in the face of the dream light dust burning look forward to, he still smile, nodded, said: "good!"It is a kind of wisdom to shoulder the responsibility!

It also needs great courage to put it down.

Chen Yang thinks that mengqingchen is a friend. She can give up the hatred, humiliation and humiliation. He should be more open-minded and not dwell on the past.

After all, in the final analysis, the most important reason is that what Meng Qingchen killed was not Chen Yang's most concerned relatives. For him, the elves are just responsibilities!

Just like for mengqingchen, the people of Zixing clan killed by Chen Yang are not the people mengqingchen cares about.

So at this moment, when they meet again, they can talk about putting down the two words.

When Chen Yang nods, Meng Qingchen smiles.

Deep in her heart, it was a moment of relief.

"By the way, how did you recover later?" What does Chen Yang think of? He asks Meng Qingchen.

Meng Qingchen said: "life should not be lost. Later I thought of Meng Wanshan Meng Wanshan and my grandfather are brothers. But his son menghuashan killed my father, and I killed menghuashan. This is a bad debt. It's not clear. Later, Meng Wanshan cultivated a star nucleus, wanted to absorb it, and then came to attack me. Originally, I wanted to wait for the star to mature before seizing it, so as not to disturb mengwanshan. But you attacked too fiercely later, so I caught Meng Wanshan first. But later, Meng Wanshan died after all. I don't care about his death at all. In my escape, I had no choice but to think of the star core. So he went there and devoured the immature nucleus. It is because of this that I have not only recovered all my strength, but also improved my cultivation. "

Chen Yang suddenly realized and said, "I see!"

Meng Qingchen said: "later, I never went back to Danube. I went all the way and came to balang. You say, are we predestined. Danube is so far away from the earth that we met. And Baron is out of the solar system. We still have it. The fate in the dark is really hard to guess. Do you know how little chance we will meet like this? "

Chen Yang was stunned for a moment.

He didn't think about the probability. When he thought about it, he thought it was too mysterious.

It's not unusual to meet a tyrannosaurus in the universe. But on Baron, it's incredible to meet dreamdust. It's much lower than the odds of the grand lottery!

But they did.

"Indeed, it's a coincidence!" Chen Yang said sincerely.

Mengqingchen then said: "a person, with hate in his heart, this taste is really not good. After we've settled this grudge, I feel a lot more relaxed. "

Chen Yang said: "it's really hard to bear hatred. I used to live with hate. "

"Oh?" Dream light dust suddenly surprised, said: "you will also have hate? I thought you would be open-minded enough not to hate... "

Chen Yang said with a bitter smile, "I'm not as kind as you think, and I'm not as open-minded as you think."

Meng Qingchen said, "what is that? Now, do you still hate it? "

"I used to hate my father and my brother very much!" Chen Yang said: "it's a gnashing hatred. For a long time, I lived to kill them."

"This..." Mengqingchen was very surprised. "I can't imagine that even if your father and brother treat you badly, you shouldn't have such an idea."

Chen Yang said, "I have been with my master ever since I have a memory. My master taught me boxing and how to be a man! At that time, I thought it was OK. I didn't hate anyone. I've been longing for my parents Until one day, I knew that my mother was killed by my father... "

"Your father killed your mother?" Dream light dust took a breath of cold.

Chen Yang said, "yes! Because my mother came from a humble family, I was the product of my father's drunken promiscuity. He never thought I was his son before. He has a main room. My mother doesn't even count as a concubine. When his principal knew about my mother and me, he was so angry that he died in childbirth. But she gave birth to my brother Chen Yihan. Chen Yihan and his father hate me. My father killed my mother to vent his anger and threw me to my master. After that... "

Chen Yang talked about the past.

At this moment, the night is just right, everything is quiet, and it's a good time to officially tell the past.

After listening to Meng Qingchen, he finally understands Chen Yang's hatred.

Chen Yang also talked about the changes with his younger brother and his father. Everything was developing for the better. Father several times to save, brother in order to save ling'er, died in the hands of the red yuan demon, and so on!

"It's not easy for you to walk all the way to today without any help from your father. It's also your great fortune Dream light dust can't help saying.

After a pause, she asked, "so now, don't you hate your father?"

Chen Yang only felt bitter, he said: "I can put it down to you, you can put it down to me. Because those who died were not our closest relatives. But I always feel that if I let go of my insistence on my father, I would be so sorry for my mother. "

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