Chen Yang then said: "today, I also know that my mother has already gone through the ghost, even reincarnation is impossible. She doesn't have any consciousness, which is also the most sad part for me. No matter how much I do or how well I live, she can't know. If she is still alive, she would be very happy to see me like this! "

Speaking of this, Chen Yang's mother Lin Qian's face came to mind.

Although Lin Qian in the parallel world, in a sense, is not his real mother. But there is no difference in appearance.

Chen Yang's mind often flashed mother's appearance, mother and parallel world that Lin Qian, more unfortunate.

My mother came out from Hebei. She has been lonely since she was a child. Later, he fell in love with the wrong person.

It's all about it. If she is still alive, she can make up for it. But she didn't think about her lucky day as a son!

Every time I think about this, Chen Yang's resentment towards his father is particularly deep.

The night gradually deepened.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen come to the outside of the city. They sit on a grain pile.

There are many stars in the sky, and there is also a round of small planets similar to the cold moon.

Chen Yang looked up at the sky and thought carefully that the earth he grew up on was out of reach.

Mengqingchen is a free and easy woman who dares to love and hate. She doesn't hide her appreciation of Chen Yang, but she never makes any small moves or is careful with the situation. Even to Emperor Feiyan, she was honest and unfair.

Late at night, they went back to the Lord's mansion to have a rest.

After dawn, Chen Yang takes some children from Shanglian's family and goes back to the shrine.

Although it is stipulated that two star disciples are required to enter the temple. But Chen Yang still has some face. He can bring it back to Huaqing Palace for cultivation.

Chen Yang doesn't plan to take him as a disciple. He didn't plan to stay in the Dragon Star for long. He just thought, take those children to the road, then he can leave safely.

This night, dream light dust sleep is very sweet.

Because she felt that Chen Yang really let go of the elves. Whether she appreciates Chen Yang or likes him. But not too strong possessiveness, just think, can get along with so light, light Acacia, it is also good.

And Chen Yang, will not go to dream light dust move what mind.

Today's Chen Yang is not the one who likes to peek at young women's baths, like to hang out in bars and be a prodigal. Now he has boundless burdens and responsibilities on his shoulders, which are his unshirkable responsibilities to his family, his wife, his children, his country and the earth.

The next day was fine, in sharp contrast to the haze of the previous day.

The sun was shining on the courtyard of the main mansion.

And Xiuwu's funeral is still going on

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are planning to leave today.

Even Xingsheng knows that their time is too precious to wait here. So the candidates were arranged overnight.

Breakfast is very rich. It's all delicious food in Shanglian city. Although, for Chen Yang and mengqingchen, there is no nutrition. But fortunately, the taste is good, dream light dust eat very happy.

After breakfast, Shanglian Xingsheng leads her four children to Chen Yang's room.

The four children are three boys and one girl. The girl is Xiuwu's younger sister, Shang Lianxin.

All three boys are about ten years old.

They knelt respectfully in front of Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen, kowtow and shout: "see you, master!"

Chen Yang looks at these children

Such a small child would not have too bad character. It can be well adjusted.

Chen Yang nodded and said, "good!"

Then, his eyes fell on Shang lianxin'er. The little girl has changed her filial piety to a plain skirt. Noodle soup general, Qingli with immature, giving a very clean, pure feeling.

Chen Yang smiles. He asks the children to get up. Then he asks Shang lianxin'er in a soft voice, "Xin'er, are you willing to go to the temple with me? Don't be afraid and don't hide. Everything is up to you! "

Shang lianxin'er looks up at Chen Yang, her eyes are bright. After that, she nodded and said, "I'm willing to tell you back. It's a great blessing to be able to learn from your master! "

Chen Yang said, "but do you know what this road means?"

Shang Lian's eyes were firm and resolute. She said, "when I return to my master, my heart knows."

"Yes? Tell me about it Chen Yang said.

Shang Lian Xin'er said: "it means that from now on, Xin'er should stay away from his parents and strive for survival. Xin'er has heard that grandfather has said a lot about the cruelty of the monastic world. He knows that once he goes in, it's hard to turn back. "Chen Yang asked, "why did you take this road? You're a girl. You don't have to go. "

Shang Lian Xin'er said: "but once this road comes out, it can also glorify the family and give Xin'er great strength. With great power, the heart can protect the parents and the family. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "well, since you know it very well. Then I won't say anything more, but before I leave with you, you can all regret it. But once it's gone, there's no turning back. Think about it

His eyes swept over the other boys.

"We will never regret it!" The three boys said with one voice. Their eyes are full of firmness.

Chen Yang then said to Shanglian Xingsheng, "go out and call the water fragrance."

"Yes, master!" Even prosperity is respectful.

He then went out and soon came back with water fragrance.

Water fragrance is also a plain clothes come in, although she is beautiful, but in the light of the dream dust, it is a lot of color. Shuipiaoxiang comes in and kneels down in front of Chen Yang and mengqingchen.

"I spoke with the city master yesterday and asked him to ask your wishes. Today, you have sent your hearts to us. Water fragrance, you have lost a son, you should know, this road is how cruel. If you don't want to leave, you can let her stay. With this seat to protect you, no one dares to bully your mother and daughter in Shanglian's house. " Chen Yang said in a deep voice.

Shuipiaoxiang raised her head, her eyes were slightly red, and she said, "I'll tell you, master. It's xiner's own will that xiner wants to go to the shrine with you. The little girl, though unwilling, respects her wishes. "

"Oh, so it is!" Chen Yang had some accidents.

He thought about it and said to Shang lianxin'er, "do you really ignore your mother?"

Shang Lian Xin'er said, "I want to go, master. What's more, we have to go! "

"There's nothing you can't do without this seat." Chen Yang said.

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