Shanglian Xin'er said: "master, if you don't want to go, please send a message. Indeed, no one in Shanglian's family will dare to bully xiner and her mother. But if we don't, we will look down on us. You can control life and death, honor and disgrace, but you can't control the thoughts of your family. And if the heart goes, as long as the performance is good enough, then my mother can be respected. At that time, even the father will not dare to bully his mother. "

Chen Yang was slightly shocked. He didn't think so much. But Shang lianxin'er thinks it is reasonable. Then he said, "OK, that's settled. I'll give you half an ink time. Half an hour later, we'll go back to the shrine! "

"Yes, master!" At the moment, the crowd retreated.

Only Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen are left in the room.

Dream light dust said: "these children, you can let spirit month to teach them."

Chen Yang said with a smile, "that's exactly what I think. However, she is your disciple. First of all, you have to agree with her."

Dream light dust also smile, say: "you want to be so polite with me, then I quit."

Chen Yang said: "to tell you the truth, I take good care of Lingyue. Sometimes, I'm afraid you'll misunderstand what I think of her. "

"You've explained it a few times." Dream light dust said: "I believe you." She then giggled and said, "Why are you so afraid of my misunderstanding?"

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I don't want you to think that I'm a stranger to my uncle."

They are chatting here, but some changes have taken place outside.

Shanglian Xingsheng suddenly came to report: "two masters, our Lord heard that you are coming, so he came quickly. Now he is waiting outside and wants to kowtow to you."

The Lord is the king of Jinpeng.

The king of a country heard that Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen were coming. He quickly came to meet each other, but he did not dare to come in directly. It's so humble that Shanglian prospers. It's said that he just wants to kowtow to the two masters

When Chen Yang heard that he was stunned, he immediately said, "I'll see you then."

He is not likely to refuse such humble and sincere requests from others.

Shanglian's prosperity immediately subsided.

Dream light dust said: "if it were me, I would be gone. You see, the king came here specially, not because he respected us. It's about having a purpose! "

Chen Yang said with a smile, "I understand. Anyway, let's meet. If it's a time-consuming thing, forget it. Does he dare to force us to refuse him? "

Dream light dust said: "that is also!"

Soon, Shanglian Xingsheng came in with the king of Jinpeng.

The monarch, dressed in a boa Dragon Robe and a purple gold crown, was stepping in. When he came to Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen, he knelt down and kowtowed three times respectfully. After that, he just said: "villain, see you two masters!"

It has to be said that Chen Yang's sense of vanity was really satisfied by this monarch's formal attire and great worship.

Dream light dust is not strange, she has long been the king of Danube, how many kings see her, have to worship. But Chen Yang is different. The thought and education that Chen Yang received since childhood are extremely respected.

Chen Yang's heart is dark and cool, but on the surface, he is still calm. At the same time, he also looked at the king!

"The real age is more than 400 years old, and cultivation is the realm of heaven and earth!" Chen Yang quickly came to some information and conclusions. The king seemed to be only in his thirties, with a bearded face and dignity.

"Get up!" Chen Yang said with a faint smile.

"Thank you very much, master!" And the Lord arose.

Chen Yang then asked, "what do you call it?"

The LORD said, "the villain's name is Jin Shengyuan!"

Chen Yang said, "Oh, Jin Shengyuan!"

Jin Shengyuan respectfully said: "villain in Jindu, I heard that two masters came to Shanglian city. This is the glory of Shanglian city and the glory of our Jinpeng country. Afraid of missing the chance to kowtow to the two masters, the villain flew alone. I'd like to ask the two masters to forgive the villain's sin for being so abrupt. "

Dream light dust in the side, anyway is vertical don't speak.

Chen Yang said with a smile, "the Lord is so polite that I feel embarrassed. However, I will leave with master Qingchen soon. If you don't have anything else, we'll see you later. "

"Ah?" Jin Shengyuan was surprised and said, "are you going to leave so soon? I also want to invite two masters to Jindu to be guests, and do my best to be the master of Jindu! "

"I'm very busy this time, forget it!" Chen Yang refused directly.

Jin Shengyuan was in trouble.

He wants to talk but stops

Chen Yang's heart is too soft.

It's not good for him to be so polite and respectful. He's too far away. At the moment, Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said, "does the Lord seem to have something to say? If you have anything to say, just say it, don't stammer. Otherwise, if you miss the chance, there will be no next time. "Jin Shengyuan took a deep breath. Then he knelt down and said, "report back to the two masters, villains, villains are guilty, guilty!"

At this moment, Jin Shengyuan's eyes were full of tears, and he knocked his head three times again.

It seems that if he had not met with great difficulties, he would never have been so embarrassed.

Chen Yang frowned and said, "what's the matter?"

Jin Shengyuan said: "the villain came here because he wanted to ask the two masters for help. At present, villains are in great trouble, if not handled properly. I'm afraid that Jindu and even the whole Jinpeng country will be destroyed! "

That is still prosperous in a spectator can not help but be appalled.

"Are you serious, my lord?" Shang Liansheng couldn't believe it and said, "how come I've never heard of any trouble in Jindu?"

Chen Yang said in a deep voice, "well, Lord, since you have asked me to come here. Well, what happened? I'll consider it. If it's possible, I'll help you this time. "

Dream light dust in the side with ideas to Chen Yang, said: "I say, absolutely is something to ask us."

Chen Yang also answered with his mind and said, "if you help me, it's OK, OK?" He is asking for the meaning of mengqingchen.

Dream light dust now where refused Chen Yang's request, she sighed, said: "what you say, is what it!"

Chen Yang smiles and says, "thank you."

At this time, Jin Shengyuan also told the whole story.

It turns out that there is an ancient well in the capital of Jinpeng state, namely Jindu palace! In the ancient well, the aura is lush, which is the treasure of Jinpeng country and Jinjia family. It is called the supreme god well!

This supreme well has been handed down for more than a thousand years.

It is said that the ancestor of Jinpeng Kingdom, King Jinpeng, got the right way in this supreme god well, and finally established Jinpeng kingdom. It's a pity that King Jinpeng lost his temper and died during his practice.

The descendants of King Jinpeng relied on this supreme well to practice and maintain the stability of the royal family.

Over the years, no one in the Jin Peng Kingdom has been able to shake the status of the Jin family.

But the problem was three years ago

Since three years ago, the aura of the supreme well has been exhausted and weakened.

But this is not the crux of the problem. The crux of the problem is that Jin Shengyuan entered the supreme well. In the past, the supreme god well was like a misty forest, with rich aura and numerous spatial rules, and Jin Shengyuan could not enter the deep.

But recently I went in and found that the aura was being swallowed.

The laws of space are beginning to get confused.

Jin Shengyuan found that there was a monster of the level of demon in the supreme god well. The monster had not yet awakened, but in this muddle, he absorbed all the aura.

Jin Shengyuan didn't dare to disturb the monster. He knew that once the monster woke up, it would be the day of the destruction of the Jin family.

It may also be a disaster for the whole kingdom of Jinpeng!

After hearing this, Meng Qingchen first said, "since that's the case, why don't you report to the God hall? Please send the next master to investigate?"

Mengqingchen is a thoughtful person and will not be deceived by Jin Shengyuan's words.

Of course, Chen Yang is not a good three-year-old. He looks at Jin Shengyuan. Jin Shengyuan was full of bitterness and said, "we have a pilgrimage meeting every ten years. We have a chance to enter the hall of tranquility to meet the Lord. The rest of the time, if there are important things to write a fold to the temple. The villain has delivered more than 100 folds to the hall of descent, but there has been no news. Lilliputian also wanted to find some nine star disciples to pass on the news, but the nine star masters didn't pay much attention to it. Lilliputian has been having trouble sleeping and eating every day in recent years! Today I heard that the two masters were coming, so I came to meet them regardless of everything! "

"Don't you have royal children in the hall of divinity? Can't deliver a message? " Chen Yang asked.

"There are children in the shrine, but this incident did not attract any attention and feedback! Perhaps, in the eyes of the venerable and teachers, Jinpeng kingdom is just a tiny place, and the common people are of no importance. If something happens, the masters will do it. But at that time, our sacrifice was irreparable. "

"What a lazy government!" After hearing this, Chen Yang understood Jin Shengyuan.

The temple of descent is the most powerful gate in the eastern hemisphere, but because it is so powerful, the system inside is chaotic. Everyone is doing their own business, trying to rush to the top. Who cares about Jinpeng?

If there is something wrong, it will only be dealt with at that time.

At present, although Jin Shengyuan is the leader of a country, in the face of such a big event, it is just like a small people who want to go to Beijing to sue the imperial court. It is too difficult.

Fortunately, he met Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen!

"Well, in that case, we'll go with you!" Chen Yang and dream light dust eye contact, dream light dust no opinion, Chen Yang also agreed to come down.

Jin Shengyuan immediately expressed his gratitude and kowtowed to the master."In fact, the Jin family is not a good bird!" Dream light dust idea transmission, said to Chen Yang: "they have been covering the supreme god well, is not only afraid of other people's hands?"

"That's true, but this selfishness is normal. Everyone will have it!" Chen Yang said.

Dream light dust says: "this kind of thing, you still don't say to descend the temple that side don't care.". In fact, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't care. Other people's evil, others suffer. They have enjoyed the benefits of the supreme well for so many years, and now they deserve the retribution, don't they? "

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