Chen Yang understood the meaning of mengqingchen, and then he said, "let's go and have a look. If we can solve it, we can solve it. If there is any danger and uncontrollable factors, we will leave at that time. "

Although Chen Yang is kind-hearted, he will not risk his life and death for irrelevant people. If that's the case, even if you have a hundred lives, you'll have to get in sooner or later.

In essence, Chen Yang does many things with consideration. There is no risk, and you don't hesitate to do a little work. To take risks, even life and death risks, it is necessary to consider the cost and friendship between each other.

After hearing the words, Meng Qingchen also laughed and said, "with our current cultivation, if any creature in a well can threaten us, it's really strange."

Chen Yang said, "well, that's what I thought, so I agreed. But we still have to be careful. Only when we are careful can we sail for ten thousand years. After all, there are people out there, and there is heaven out there! "

Dream light dust zhengse said: "well, I agree with your point of view!"

Chen Yang's character is that he will not be taken lightly at any time. You know, it takes a lot of effort for a lion to fight a rabbit.

After that, Chen Yang and his party went to Jindu. Chen Yang simply takes the children in his heart with him. At the same time, he asks Shanglian Xingsheng to follow him.

This is also to let Shanglian see the world and get close to the Lord. This is good for the Shanglian family.

Of course, the premise of everything is that Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen can kill the monsters in the supreme god well!

After that, the staff arrived. Chen Yang runs the black hole crystal to wrap the crowd. Then, the black hole crystal turned into a black light. In the blink of an eye, it had already come to the sky of Jindu. Then. Black light came to the palace square of Jindu!

Chen Yang collected the black hole crystal. The black hole crystal turned in the air and then attached to Chen Yang's black clothes.

All play Ruyi's changes make Shang Lianxin's children envious.

Jin Shengyuan quickly apologized and said, "two masters, the villains have not informed the people below. I'm going to arrange for the grand ceremony. Please follow me to Yangxin palace to have a rest

Chen Yang waved his hand and said, "don't bother. Go directly to the supreme well. We don't have much time! "

Jin Shengyuan was overjoyed.

Of course, he hopes to solve the problem directly, but he is also afraid that he will neglect the teachers and annoy them.

Now, Chen Yang has said so, and Jin Shengyuan is very happy.

After that, Jin Shengyuan led the way.

All the way through the garden, the corridor, and into the main palace inside.

There are bodyguards in the middle. When the maids see Jin Shengyuan, the bodyguards kneel on one knee and the maids crawl on their knees. Soon, people came to the legendary supreme god well.

The supreme well was hidden in the main hall of the palace, where it was desolate. Later, the palace was built to hide the secret of the well.

Outside, few people know that there is such a well in the palace.

If this secret is not strictly guarded, once it is spread, I'm afraid it will be coveted by the great God.

At the moment, in that chamber, the supreme well is in the middle.

The secret room is full of arrays. This array is a space array. If Jin Shengyuan didn't bring people in, you would only see a normal and ordinary secret room. The real supreme well will be hidden in the depth of space.

Even a master like Chen Yang, if he doesn't use enough mana to investigate, it's hard to find the secret at a glance.

The supreme well does not look very different from the ordinary ancient well.

But at this time, Shang Lian's prosperity, as well as Shang Lian Xin'er's children, were all like enemies. They all looked at the ancient well in fear!

Jin Shengyuan was also dignified.

"Master?" Jin Shengyuan said in a deep voice.

"Keep quiet!" Chen Yang said.

He didn't get close to the ancient well. Instead, he started shooting inside the ancient well with mengqingchen. For a moment, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen seem to have entered the ancient well.

In that ancient well, it is indeed a space of its own!

Once inside, there was a mist. The fog was thick, like the bottom of an abyss. However, the abyss has a bottom, but the fog seems endless.

In the fog, it is still full of aura.

This kind of aura is so rich that it's like water mist In the past, this kind of water mist was emitted upward. But now, all auras are in a state of closing in to the deep.

Chen Yang also sensed that there was another world in this ancient well. Aura is just one of the most common functions of the supreme well.

In this ancient well, there is a hidden space!

With the magic power of the Jin family, this hidden space could not be found before. And the monster is in the hidden space.

Soon, Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen took back their thoughts.

Jin Shengyuan looks forward to Chen Yang and mengqingchen.

Shang even Xingsheng and others also look to Chen Yang."It's really complicated." Chen Yang said: "it's not clear in a few words. Let's go out first."

"Ah?" Hearing this, Jin Shengyuan said, "can't you solve it, master?"

If the monsters inside are so powerful that the masters can't solve them, then Jin Shengyuan is afraid to consider giving up the kingdom of Jinpeng and moving away with his people.

He doesn't want to die!

Chen Yang took a look at Jin Shengyuan and said, "it's not that we can't solve it, but that we should know ourselves and the enemy and win every battle. I need to check the details of this monster, OK? "

Jin Shengyuan suddenly realized that his heart was a little wider.

Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen retreat together.

In Yangxin palace, Chen Yangxian and mengqingchen discuss. They let Jin Shengyuan and others not come in.

"Light dust, what do you think?" Chen Yang asked mengqingchen first.

Meng Qingchen said in a deep voice: "it seems that all the aura comes from the monster itself. So, this monster can let the whole aura go in between breathing. "

"That's what I think," Chen said

Mengqingchen said: "the monster is still sleeping. This is not a simple monster. It can release such a powerful aura during deep sleep. As it gradually wakes up, it begins to introvert the aura. It seems to be a hard stubble! You're right. There's people out there, and there's a day out there. In this little kingdom of Jinpeng, we have to be careful. "

Chen Yang said: "we have two ways to go, one is to leave. One way is to find out! "

Meng Qingchen said decidedly: "of course, we need to find out. Such a powerful beast is among them. Why sleep? What's the secret? Is there any chance? If it's right, do you think we've been planning to lead emperor huaixiu to grab the chariot

Chen Yang laughed and said, "I think the same as you think."

Dream light dust white Chen Yang one eye, say: "that you still hide with me, ye, don't let me say first?"

Chen Yang touched his nose, slightly embarrassed, and said, "I'm not afraid that you say I'm impulsive again. It's so dangerous. Why should I insist on going?"

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