Dream light dust smell speech dumbfounded smile, said: "I have so like to say you?"

In fact, Chen Yang has two different ideas

Dream light dust said: "but you did not find that I am very accommodating you?" Chen Yang said, "of course I found out, but I don't like to force you."

Dream light dust smile, said: "nothing, I am willing to." Her words contain a touch of emotion. Chen Yang didn't realize that the reason why he cared too much about Meng Qingchen's feeling was that he didn't agree with and willing to do many things. He doesn't like people very much!

But now that they are in agreement, there is nothing to say.

After that, Chen Yang and mengqingchen let Jin Shengyuan and Shanglian prosper.

Chen Yang said to Jin Shengyuan, "we have roughly found out that all the aura in the Shenjing comes from the monsters inside. In the past, monsters were deeply asleep, and their aura overflowed. Now, the monster tends to wake up, so between breathing, began to convergence aura. Once the monster fully awakens, even if it has no intention to do evil, it will leave. Then your supreme well will lose its function. "

Jin Shengyuan's face turned ugly, and he said: "it turns out that everything comes from this monster. If this monster wakes up, we can't guess what it will do! Please help us to solve the problem. The villain took the place of all the Liming people in Jinpeng state to thank the two masters for their great kindness. "

When he had finished, he knelt down.

Shang even prosperous also immediately followed to kneel down.

Chen Yang said in a deep voice: "well, you get up. We won't sit back and ignore this problem. As I said before, we should know ourselves and the enemy and win every battle. So, even we don't want to rush down. Now I want to check some files of your royal family to see if I can find some clues about this monster? "

Jin Shengyuan was slightly stunned, and then he said: "the villain has also checked the ancestral files, but there has been no clue. However, if you want to check it, I will take you to the secret volume Pavilion. "

Chen Yang nodded and said, "then lead the way."

Shang lianxin'er and Jin Shengyuan have arranged to have a rest.

Jin Shengyuan leads the way with respect and care.

Walking in the corridor, an 18-year-old girl looks gorgeous and has outstanding temperament. The girl came face to face under the guidance of the maid. When she saw Jin Shengyuan, she ran over happily. She was not polite either. She cried out with a smile: "father!"

While calling for her father, the girl also looks at Chen Yang, Meng Qingchen and Shang Liansheng.

This girl is also a monk, but her cultivation is shallow. Naturally, I can't see through Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen

When Jin Shengyuan was about to speak, the girl suddenly raised her eyebrows and said to Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen, "how dare you not be polite when you see my princess?"

Chen Yang and others were slightly stunned, and Chen Yang was even dumbfounded.

That Jin Shengyuan immediately scared pale, although he loves this daughter, but at the moment also can't care. A slap in the face threw in the past, sternly yelled: "what a sensible villain, dare to speak to the master, kneel down immediately!"

The girl was stunned and tears welled up in her eyes. She looked at Jin Shengyuan in disbelief.

"Let's go!" Chen Yang said, "Jin Shengyuan, don't delay the business!"

Jin Shengyuan quickly made amends and said, "master, the villain's daughter is reckless and ignorant. She bumped into you. The villain must discipline her well."

"No, little boy, I don't want to stop it!" Chen Yang said, "go!"

Jin Shengyuan then said to the girl: "I'll deal with you later, but don't go away!"

The girl ran away crying.

Jin Shengyuan ignored and led Chen Yang and others to the secret volume Pavilion.

The secret volume Pavilion is also guarded by heavy soldiers, so no one can get close to it.

With Jin Shengyuan's ability, he can put the secret volume Pavilion into the hidden space, but he did not do so. Chen Yang didn't think about it either. After entering the secret volume Pavilion, he saw the darkness in the secret volume Pavilion.

Jin Shengyuan lit the lamp with magic.

The attic lit up.

It's full of dust, just like a library, but it's a shabby, dusty library. It can be seen that very few people in the royal family come here.

The secret scroll pavilion has almost become a kind of decoration.

But even so, no one can come in.

Chen Yang immediately found that there was a layer of space array in the secret volume Pavilion.

In other words, the dust on the surface of the pavilion is a kind of appearance. Actually, the important thing is in the space array.

And everything is to cover up the secret of the existence of the supreme well!

Jin Shengyuan took the initiative to solve the space array.

After the space array was removed, a clean room appeared inside. There are also various files in it.Chen Yang and Meng Qingchen didn't talk much at the moment, so they started to investigate all the files.

The brain regions of these two people developed to an incredible level, and they read countless files instantaneously.

Chen Yang expected that there was nothing found in the file outside, so he shot directly in the secret file.

After careful investigation, there is still nothing to be found.

However, at this time, dream light dust is Yi.

"What? What do you find? " Joy flashed in Chen Yang's eyes.

Meng Qingchen said with a smile, "I didn't find it, but you see, there are some description signs of his first encounter with the supreme god well in King Jinpeng's file."

Chen Yang has also read King Jinpeng's file. He knows that when the supreme divine well was found in the above description, there was plenty of aura in the divine well, and there was a strange roar every hour. At the same time, with the sound of singing, the green aura Light will bloom out.

"From this point alone, it doesn't mean anything! I still have no real discovery of the things in the well of the supreme god Chen Yang said.

Shangsheng and Jin Shengyuan also look at mengqingchen.

Meng Qingchen smiles a little, but then communicates with her mind. She doesn't want Jin Shengyuan to know too much about them. She said to Chen Yang, "that's why you read less. Haven't we been looking for the secret of Kong Lingzi before? Although Kong Lingzi's secret was not found, he came down to the Shanhai Pavilion in the temple and showed me almost all the books. One of the records in shanhaige is similar to that of King Jinpeng. I'm almost sure what's in the well of the Supreme God. "

Chen Yang was overjoyed and said, "what is it?"

Dream light dust is more joy infinite, her face quietly, but said to Chen Yang: "is living lightning beast!"

"Live the lightning beast? What the hell Chen Yang said.

Meng Qingchen couldn't help saying, "you are so stupid. I found out later that the reason why Kong Lingzi built his chariot was that the living lightning beast killed his parents. He couldn't catch up with the living lightning beast, so he built the chariot. "

"This It's not in the sky record! " Chen Yang said.

Meng Qingchen said: "it is said that the living lightning beast has been killed to extinction by Kong Lingzi. Moreover, the speed of living lightning beast is so fast that few people have seen living lightning beast. That's why there are no records in the pavilion. And, no one knows. However, I told you, I read a lot of books in shanhaige, combined with some clues, and finally found the living lightning beast. Do you know, we've been looking for chariots But konglingzi's chariot couldn't catch up with the living lightning beast

"Really?" Chen Yang is ecstatic. He felt that he had found a huge treasure!

"No, since Kong Lingzi can't catch up with the living lightning beast, how can he kill the living lightning beast soon?" Chen Yang doubts.

Dream light dust said: "then I don't know, probably can find someone to help intercept it. People are always smarter than animals! I didn't expect to meet the living lightning beast here... "

"I'm not sure yet." Chen Yang said.

Meng Qingchen said: "it's almost certain, because thunder clouds can be produced between the breath of the living lightning beast. That is to say, it can create countless auras. "

Chen Yang is very happy.

"Well, it's not too late!" Chen Yang said, "let's catch the living lightning beast before it wakes up."

Dream light dust said: "this is really a good plan. It is said that the living lightning beast is very fierce and fast. Maybe we can't even eat ash behind his ass

Chen Yang said: "in this way, you guard the wellhead, I go in."

"But are you sure there is no outlet in the well?" Dream light dust said.

"I'm not sure!" Chen Yang said. He paused and said, "what's your opinion?"

Meng Qingchen said, "don't you have your theory of superiority? Our biggest advantage is that two people work together, and you have immortality. In this way, I hide in the depth of your black hole crystal. When you go in, trap it with a space maze. If it's really strong, if you dare to offend it, I guess I'll kill you. When it's almost finished beating you, I'll take it by surprise. If it's not strong, the two will work together to catch it. "

Chen Yang touched his nose and said, "this is really a good plan. Let me be beaten!"

Mengqingchen said with a smile: "do you want me to be beaten? Are you willing? "

She said this with a smile and anger, which really made Chen Yang's heart shake. She is really a cold, proud and noble woman. But it only shows the little woman's side in front of Chen Yang.

How can Chen Yang refuse his proposal!

Chen Yang gave a dry cough and said, "I'd better be beaten. Anyway, my skin is rough and my meat is rough."

Dream light dust a smile.

The two of them agreed in an instant.

And Shang even Xingsheng and Jin Shengyuan are waiting for each other, but they don't dare to ask each other.Later, mengqingchen said to Shanglian Xingsheng and Jin Shengyuan, "I have roughly found out the origin of the monster in the supreme god well by combining the documents here with the data of Zhongshan Haige in the descending temple."

Jin Shengyuan was overjoyed and said, "that's great."

Meng Qingchen said: "this is an ancient god beast. It's called Mo Qiong god beast. It's fierce. It's hard for the ancient gods to kill it. Very difficult to deal with

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